
九月 21, 2011

Avebe slams Chinese restrictions on EU potato starch suppliers

Dutch potato starch supplier Avebe said it is investigating whether legal steps can be taken in response to China’s decision last week to stick countervailing duties on top of existing anti-dumping duties on potato starch imports from the EU. Johan Ru...
九月 20, 2011

China aspira a convertirse en el mayor productor mundial de envases

China aspira a convertirse en el mayor productor mundial de envases para fines de 2012, según un nuevo estudio de la firma de asesoramiento financiero Catalyst Corporate Finance . La nueva investigación sugiere que las ambiciones chinas modificaran el...
九月 20, 2011

'Cook your own potatoes' new classroom project Potato Council

Potato Council is introducing a wide range of potato related resources into secondary schools as part of the national curriculum after successfully piloting a new classroom project;‘Cook Your Own Potatoes’.  Following on from the increasingly popular ...
九月 20, 2011

WHO to target trans fats and salt to curb ‘tide of non-communicable diseases’

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has identified trans fats and salt intake amongst its list of low-cost interventions to counter the rise of diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes and lung disease. Non-communicable diseases like heart attack...
 NPD Group
九月 20, 2011

NPD: US Restaurant Traffic Stalls in Spring After Three Quarters of Gain

Just as the U.S. economy stalled in the second quarter of the year, so did restaurant industry traffic, according to The NPD Group, a leading market research company. NPD's foodservice market research shows that visits to U.S. restaurants slipped by 0....
 Potato Council stand at Potato Europe
九月 20, 2011

Potato Council successful at Potato Europe 2011

International seed breeders and exporters sharing the Potato Council stand enjoyed a very busy time at this year’s Potato Europe (Tournai, Belgium, September 7-8). “The record-breaking 2011 seed potato export season reflects our success in this secto...
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九月 20, 2011

'To Bintje or Not to Bintje'

French fries aren't French—they're Belgian. And in a country without a single common langcode, the humble snack is a potent national symbol. That's why farmers, fryers and foodies are battling over the future of the potato which made Belgium great: th...
 United States Potato Board International Seed Symposium
九月 19, 2011

USPB Conducts Largest Ever International Seed Symposium

The United States Potato Board (USPB) held its largest ever International Seed Potato Symposium in Denver, CO, August 1, 2011. This year’s seed symposium included buyers from Brazil, Burkina Faso, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Nicaragua, Egypt, Uruguay, Hondur...
九月 19, 2011

US Agricultural research supported by tax-exempt donations?

Legislation has been introduced in the U.S. Senate to allow tax-exempt donations to support agricultural research as a means to help keep American agriculture on the forefront of food production breakthroughs. The Charitable Agriculture Research Act (...
 New Brunswick
九月 19, 2011

Potato Industry New Brunswick concerned about storability 2011 crop

In New Brunswick, the brighter/dryer weather experienced the last ten days has been a welcome change for potato growers as they prepare for harvest. All of the seed lots have now been topkilled. A small number of growers have already commenced the m...
九月 18, 2011

Last Potato Break in Carleton County New Brunswick

In an area of New Brunswick rooted in agriculture, life in most of northern Carleton County revolved around the growth cycle of the potato – even the school year. Every August, weeks before the rest of Canada, school buses would be back on the roads f...
九月 16, 2011

Sri Lanka takes measures to increase potato cultivation

In Sri Lanka, the Seetha Eliya Agriculture Research Station has taken measures to increase the local potato seed production to increase the local potato crop, said research officer in charge M.M. Nugaliyadda. She said that most farmers refuse to culti...
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 North-west European Potato growers
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NEPG verwacht een record aardappeloogst: 25,5 millioen ton

De NEPG verwacht onder invloed van een hoge hectareopbrengst en een groter areaal een recordopbrengst bij de aardappeloogst. Dat maakt de organisatie in een persbericht bekend. Pas 20 procent is geoogst. Wat opvallend is doordat de aardappelen dit seiz...


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