
十一月 08, 2011

Romania: Carrefour takes local potato producer as direct supplier

About 20 percent – or roughly 2,000 tons – of the potatoes that will be sold this year in the local Carrefour chain will come from Romanian producer Agrico-M, as the French retailer has signed a supply contract with the local company the Carrefour Qual...
十一月 08, 2011

Agrico highlights Polish connection at variety and seedling exhibition

Agrico presents their varieties and seedlings this year in special setting highlighting their Polish connection. The variety and seedling exhibition will be held on 10 and 11 Novemer at Agrico Research. For Agrico's breeding and research business, this...
Irish Potato growers facing retail and cost challenges
十一月 07, 2011

Irish Potato growers facing retail and cost challenges

The Irish Farmers’ Association has today (Mon) launched a comprehensive survey of potato growing in Ireland, Trends &Challenges in Irish Potato Production, which identifies the power of the retail multiples as an increasing threat to the viability ...
十一月 07, 2011

Jamaican Potato farmers get access to special credit line

Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ) has created a J$250-million (about 3 million USD) special line of credit for farmers of onion and Irish potato, accessible through the National People's Co-operative Bank network. Some 450 to 500 farmers are said to b...
 Gary Linkletter
十一月 07, 2011

Private labels, paper bags among packaging trends for potato

Private labels and a switch back to paper bags are among the packaging trends cited by Prince Edward Island potato grower-shippers. In packaging, Gary Linkletter, president and co-owner of Summerside-based Linkletter Farms Ltd., cited a trend toward p...
十一月 06, 2011

Gobierno de la provincia argentina de Córdoba da primeros pasos para concretar la planta procesadora de papa

Se llevó a cabo un interesante contacto entre la primera autoridad de la ciudad y productores paperos de la región, alrededor de veinte, a los efectos de iniciar el proceso de lo que puede ser la futura planta procesadora de papa. El intendente Juan P...
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 Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond (NAV)
十一月 06, 2011

NAV: Bij invoeren flat rate brokken voorkomen

De Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond biedt hun visie over de aanpassingen asl gevolg van het gemeenschappelijke laandbouwbeleid: De Europese Commissie wil dat alle landen voor 2019 volledig overgaan van het historische model naar het regionale model. Oft...
十一月 06, 2011

Geen Nederlandse pootaardappelen naar India en China

Groeimarkten India en China lijken vooralsnog geen afzetgebied te worden voor Nederlands pootgoed. Zo liggen de landen te ver weg, maar ontbreken er ook regels om de inning van kwekersrechten te garanderen. Met name dat laatste telt voor de Nederlandse...
十一月 06, 2011

Seed potato Roadmap setting the course for improved incomes and food security in Eastern Africa

Potato production in Sub-Saharan Africa has more than doubled since 1994. Despite these gains, potato yields of small-scale farmers in the region fall short due to a potent combination of inadequate supply of high-quality seed and limited awareness of ...
十一月 06, 2011

La semilla de papa fija el curso para mejorar los ingresos y la seguridad alimentaria en África oriental

La producción de papa en el África subsahariana se ha duplicado desde 1994. Sin embargo, es una producción inestable debido principalmente a un suministro inadecuado de semillas de alta calidad y al limitado conocimiento de mejores prácticas de gestión...
 Belgapom notering 4 november 2011
十一月 06, 2011

Belgapom notering zakt naar € 20,00 per ton

De Belgapomprijs is de meest gehanteerde prijs, waargenomen op de vorige werkdag voor Bintje, voor verwerking tot diepgevroren aardappelproducten , veldgewas 35 mm+, frietgeschikt, af producent, los op wagen, voor onmiddellijke levering/ophaling. Vo...
十一月 05, 2011

Bhutan potato farmers have trouble transporting their potatoes

In Bhutan, potato farmers have seen the price of potato transport double and have no options but to take it. While the yield is good this year, farmers supplying potatoes from the six eastern dzongkhags to the auction yard in Samdrupjongkhar say tran...
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十一月 05, 2011

Low prices may cut Rabi (winter) potato acreage by 15 to 20 per cent

Potato acreage in India is likely to drop by 15-20% in the new (winter) season. Farmers suffered last year due to a decline in prices following a higher production. According to an initial estimate, the losses could run into few thousand crores with Be...
 DLV Plant
十一月 04, 2011

Hoe aardappels te bewaren bij extreem hoge temperaturen

Vandaag is de warmste 4 november ooit gemeten. De hele week zal de boeken ingaan als een van de warmste novemberweken ooit. Bij een hoge luchtvochtigheid en hoge temperaturen is het drogen van aardappelen een lastige kwestie. Het dauwpunt is voor de ti...
Kees van Arendonk
十一月 03, 2011

Frozen French Fries anyone?

Last week, Kees van Arendonk, chair of the Dutch Potato Association (NAO) spoke about the Dutch and Belgian french Fry industry on the occasion of the opening of the trading year of the Dutch potato markets (Goes).
 potato shopper looking for inspiration
十一月 03, 2011

Potato Shopper Study Highlights Opportunities for Retailers

According to the findings of a new study released by the United States Potato Board (USPB), fresh potatoes are more of a planned purchase than ever. But at the same time, this research paints the picture of a potato shopper as someone who is more prone...
十一月 03, 2011

Eerste settlementprijs fritesaardappelen

De Eurex termijnmarkt te Frankfurt heeft de eerste European Potato Index vastgesteld. De cash settlementprijs waarop contracten fritesgeschikte aardappelen kunnen worden afgerekend kwam uit op €?3,40 per 100 kilo. In de aardappelmarkt is dit een graad...
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