
五月 20, 2012

Producción de papa en Perú genera 32 millones de jornales y más de 110 mil puestos de trabajo al año

Durante la última campaña agrícola 2010 – 2011, la superficie sembrada de papa alcanzó las 303,282 hectáreas que produjeron cuatro millones de toneladas en 19 regiones, generando aproximadamente 110 mil puestos de trabajo permanentes y 32 millones de j...
五月 19, 2012

Brasil frena el ingreso de papas desde Argentina

La decisión de Brasil de suspender las licencias automáticas de importación para una decena de productos perecederos, –entre ellos, manzanas, trigo, uvas pasas y papas– encendió una luz de alerta en las principales empresas productoras de papas congela...
五月 18, 2012

El 92% de la papa producida en Perú se consume en el mercado nacional y el resto se exporta

El Ministerio de Agricultura (Minag) señaló hoy que casi el 92 por ciento de la papa peruana se consume en el mercado nacional, y el resto se exporta, dado que la demanda del tubérculo se ha fortalecido en los últimos años. “El mercado nacional es fue...
 European Union
五月 17, 2012

EC approves list of permitted health claims for food

The European Commission has approved a list of 222 health claims for food products. Health claims on food labelling and in advertising, for example on the role of calcium and bone health or vitamin C and the immune system, have become vital marketing tools.
五月 17, 2012

Workshop on Agriculture Supply Chain Study on Jute and Potato held in Bangladesh

Institute of Informatics and Development (IID) organized two dissemination workshops titled “Increasing efficiency and inclusiveness in Agriculture: Findings of the Jute and Potato supply chain study”.
 Fingerling potatoes
五月 17, 2012

Specialty Potato Alliance extends range of fingerling potatoes

The Specialty Potato Alliance promises US consumers this season a wide choice of potato varieties: “This season we have everything,” noted the elated Richard Leibowitz commenting on Alliances’ spring harvest in Bakersfield. “We are going to have the...
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五月 17, 2012

Papa a 40 grados centígrados en el desierto guajiro

En pleno desierto del municipio de Uribia, en la Alta Guajira, donde se alcanzan temperaturas que llegan hasta los 40 grados centígrados y los suelos son áridos, se recogió la primera cosecha de papa, un alimento que en nuestro país, solo se produce en climas fríos.
五月 17, 2012

Encuentro regional de sistemas no convencionales de semilla (Memorias)

Estan disponibles las memorias del Encuentro Regional de Sistemas No Convencionales de Semilla, celebrado entre el 26-27 de abril de 2012 en Santa Catalina, Ecuador.Los siguientes objetivos orientaron el encuentro: Documentar y compartir experiencias...
 Potandon Johnny be good road tour
五月 17, 2012

Potandon Produce & Johnny's Fine Foods Kick Off Their 2012 Midwest Johnny's Be Good Road Tour

Potandon Produce L.L.C. is proud to announce its participation with Johnny’s Fine Foods for the 2012 Johnny’s Be Good Road Tour. Potandon Produce and Johnny’s Fine Foods have teamed up to sample each company’s unique products and seasonings to thousand...
BioFach China
五月 16, 2012

Organic Food in China: Opportunities and Challenges

BioFach China 2012 will be held in Shanghai International Exhibition Center from May 24th to 26th. China is a very promising market for organic produce and is about to reach a phase of rapid growth, with an estimated value of 59.4 billion yuan by 2015,...
五月 16, 2012

Wagenings onderzoek met GM-aardappel bij Raad van State aangevochten

De organisatie Gentechvrije Burgers uit Lelystad heeft een zaak bij de Raad van State aangespannen waarin wordt geëist dat de vergunning die door het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu is verleend aan de Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek van Wageningen Universiteit voor proeven met genetisch gemodificeerde aardappelplanten wordt vernietigd.
五月 16, 2012

British Farmers struggle with wet weather

British farmers are warning of possible price rises and even food shortages after admitting they are struggling to cope with some of the wettest Springs in history.
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五月 15, 2012

Potato company boss faces jail over Sainsbury's scam

A former potato firm director has been told he faces a significant jail term for his role in a bribery scam with a buyer at Sainsbury's.
五月 15, 2012

'The Weight of the Nation' draws fire from US potato industry

National potato industry leaders have taken exception with the four-part HBO documentary 'The Weight of the Nation'because of data it includes describing the role of spuds in the mounting U.S. obesity crisis.
 NRA Show 2012
五月 15, 2012

The Great Big Idaho® Potato Truck 'Big' Hit at NRA Show

All eyes were peeled on the Idaho Potato Commission’s (IPC) Great Big Idaho® Potato Truck when it blew into the Windy City (Chicago) for the annual National Restaurant Association (NRA) Show.
五月 15, 2012

China's agri commodities bourse to launch potato futures

The Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange (ZCE), one of China's two agricultural commodities exchanges, is considering introducing potato futures trading among a raft of new agricultural contracts set to launch later this year.
 NRA Show 2012
五月 15, 2012

NRA Show 2012 tops 61.000 visitors

The 93rd National Restaurant Association Restaurant, Hotel Motel Show and 5th annual International Wine, Spirits & Beer Event posted strong growth in both attendee and exhibitor numbers. This year's event attracted 61,000+ registrants.
五月 15, 2012

Potato prices increase by nearly 50% in India

The government may be pressing the panic buttons due to spiralling food prices, but it failed to read the writing on the wall five months ago when thousands of farmers across Haryana, Punjab and UP set ablaze hundreds of tonnes of potatoes on the streets to protest low prices and mounting losses due to a glut.


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