
五月 31, 2012

Demonstrations and discussions at the West Midlands Potato Day in the UK

This year’s packed agenda at the Midlands Potato Day will include practical in-the-field discussions on topics such as soil compaction, fertiliser application and the opportunity to see the George Moat Tillerstar on the land.
 International Potato Processing & Storage Convention 2012
五月 31, 2012

IPPSC 2012 Update

With the 2012 International Potato Processing and Storage Convention just over a month away, more top-class speakers have been added to the programme to ensure the event will offer added value to delegates. Opening proceedings on the speaker programme...
五月 31, 2012

Perú es el mayor productor de papa en Sudamérica

El Perú produce el 26.6 % de toda la papa de Sudamérica, ubicándose como el mayor productor de la región por encima de Brasil (25.1%), Colombia (14.8%) y Argentina (14.0%), informó la Consultora Maximixe. En cambio, en el ámbito mundial la producción ...
 Chris Boerboom
五月 30, 2012

NDSU Names Boerboom Extension Director

Chris Boerboom is the new director of the North Dakota State University Extension Service. "As you know, this is a critical position, not only for Extension, but also for NDSU and the state,"says Ken Grafton, NDSU's vice president for Agric...
五月 29, 2012

Productores de papa piden al consumidor tico comprar la papa producida en Costa Rica

Los productores de papa piden al consumidor tico comprar la papa producida en Costa Rica. La importación de ese producto procesado, les roba mercado, y el gobierno está atado de manos para frenarla. La importación de papa prefrita que viene de Canadá...
五月 29, 2012

Scottish potato seed exports at record high

Scottish seed potato exports are at record high, the Scottish Government’s Rural Affairs secretary Richard Lochhead has told delegates to the World Potato Congress in Edinburgh. Mr Lochhead revealed that with another month of the season still to go, e...
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五月 29, 2012

EU issues import permission for Serbian potato

Serbia can export potato to the EU again because the ban introduced back in 2000 has been lifted, which opens room for an increase in the local production, Branislav Gulan of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce (PKS) told Tanjug. He explained that Serbia ...
五月 29, 2012

Pounds of Fresh Potatoes Sold in Supermarkets Declines for Fifth Consecutive Quarter;Dollars Up

Fresh potatoes recorded its fifth consecutive quarter of declining movement according to a report recently released by the United States Potato Board. In the 12 months ending March 31st, fresh pounds have decreased 6.8%, but the dollar value was actual...
五月 28, 2012

Importación de papa peruana generaría precio equilibrado en Bolivia

Ante la subida del precio de la papa, que sería principalmente por la reciente prohibición a la importación de este tubérculo;el gerente general del Instituto Boliviano de Comercio Exterior (IBCE), Gary Rodríguez afirmó que el ingreso de papa peruana p...
五月 28, 2012

Transitioning the Crop

June often represents a month where farmers can observe the crops they planted emerge from the ground, daily gaining strength on their way to reaching a yield potential that everyone would be pleased with. Although the new crop may be planted and gro...
 World POtato Congress
五月 28, 2012

Potatoes, PROUD not HUMBLE

Potatoes have a massive role to play globally. As well as delicious to eat in all their many forms, they are nutritious and address many of our food security and sustainability challenges, declared Potato Council chairman Allan Stevenson in his opening...
五月 28, 2012

Lay´s relanza sus populares Lay´s Andinas en homenaje al Día Nacional de la Papa

En homenaje al Día Nacional de la Papa y resaltando la importancia que representa dentro de nuestra gastronomía y la dieta de los peruanos, este producto será relanzado con un nuevo diseño, por la popular marca Lay´s bajo el nombre de Lay´s Peruanísima...
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五月 27, 2012

CIP Receives Grand Challenges Explorations Grant for Research in Global Health & Development

Lima, Peru -- The International Potato Center (CIP) announced today that it is a Grand Challenges Explorations winner, an initiative funded by the Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation. Jan Kreuze, Ph.D., principal virologist at CIP, will pursue an innova...
五月 26, 2012

Produzcamos nuestra semilla de papa de buena calidad - Guía para agricultoras y agricultores

La oficina regional del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) en Ecuador, el Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP) y el Consorcio de Pequeños Productores de Papa (CONPAPA), como parte del proyecto Fortalecimiento de los s...
五月 24, 2012

Senators Urge Better Access to Mexican Potato Market

Cite Mexico's Agreement to Purchase Fresh Potatoes Washington, D.C. – Idaho Senators Mike Crapo and Jim Risch have joined a number of their colleagues in an effort to increase sales of U.S. potatoes to Mexico. The Mexican market for potatoes from Ida...
五月 24, 2012

Marks & Spencer launches new potato variety Athlete

Marks &Spencer is launching a brand new, loose skinned new potato variety this summer called Athlete. The first small volumes of the new variety will be harvested in May this year, and will then be exclusively available in M&S stores nationwi...
McCain to Ag Connections Integration
五月 22, 2012

McCain to Ag Connections Integration

McCain Foods USA, Inc. and Ag Connections Inc. of Murray, KY announce the integration of McCain Agriculture Systems, through their internet portal from the Ag Connections Land.db crop record keeping system. This integration allows for the electronic tr...
Production of Belgian potato-processing sector continues to grow in 2011
五月 22, 2012

Production of Belgian potato-processing sector continues to grow in 2011

The Belgian potato-processing industry continued to grow in 2011 for its entire product segment, as shown by the annual production data published by Belgapom, the Belgian federation of the potato trade and processing sector. This growth is above all tr...


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