
Potato Cyst Nematode
九月 17, 2014

Fungi identified to combat potato cyst nematodes

Researchers of the Institute of Ecology (INECOL) in Mexico have identified a fungus capable of feeding on nematodes. Combining this biological control with other methods in an integrated management system reduced the golden nematode population by up to 90 percent in two years.
Región de Magallanes y Antártica Chilena desarrollará programa en papas
九月 16, 2014

Región de Magallanes y Antártica Chilena desarrollará programa en papas

El programa denominado “Recuperación de la producción y Sanidad de la papa en Magallanes” fue recientemente aprobado por el Consejo Regional (Core) y tendrá un plazo de ejecución de 36 meses.
New Zealand Potato Production 2014
九月 14, 2014

New Zealand Potato Production 2014

New Zealand Potato production in 2013, at 525,000 metric tons, was marginally (5%) ahead of 2012 production. t is likely planted areas in 2014 will be similar to 2013, with production in the range of 500,000 to 550,000MT.
This year's Comber Earlies growers
九月 14, 2014

Sales of Comber potatoes double in Tesco outlets

Tesco Northern Ireland’s commercial manager Cliff Kells has confirmed that sales of ‘Comber’ potatoes more than doubled, year-on-year, in local Tesco outlets during the months of July and August.
Private potato breeder Andre Gagnon at work at his research facility in Quebec.
九月 14, 2014

Canadian potato breeders want a bigger say

Canada's private potato breeders are calling for a bigger say in how new varieties are developed in Canada.
NEPG expects Record Potato Harvest in North-western Europe
九月 11, 2014

NEPG expects Record Potato Harvest in North-western Europe

The North-Western European Potato Growers (NEPG) estimates that the upcoming
Potato harvest could set a new record, even higher than 2011 when production reached
26.8 million tons.
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US Potato Exports Hit New Records In Both Value & Volume (expanded)
九月 11, 2014

US Potato Exports Hit New Records In Both Value & Volume (expanded)

The value of all U.S. potato exports reached $1,755,544,515 for the recently completed July 2013 – June 2014 marketing year. This is an expanded version of an earlier publication.
BVS expresses faith in the future of the Starch Potato in Germany
九月 10, 2014

BVS expresses faith in the future of the Starch Potato in Germany

'We still have faith in the future of the starch potato in Germany,' said Gebhard Bakker, Chairman of the Bundesverbandes der Stärkekartoffelerzeuger e.V. (BVS) (producers' association for starch potatoes) on the occasion of a press conference on September 3 at the PotatoEurope 2014
HZPC assigns Rungis as exclusive distributor for Perupas in the Netherlands
九月 10, 2014

HZPC assigns Rungis as exclusive distributor for Perupas in the Netherlands

HZPC has entered into an exclusive distribution agreement with Rungis for its Perupas specialty potatoes.
Rungis exclusief distributeur voor HZPC Perupas in Nederland
九月 10, 2014

Rungis exclusief distributeur voor HZPC Perupas in Nederland

HZPC is een exclusieve distributieovereenkomst aangegaan met horeca-groentenspecialist Rungis voor de Nederlandse markt en betreft de bijzondere productgroep van Perupas gekleurde oer-aardappelen..
PEI Potato Growers Are Rooted In Their Communities This Fall
九月 10, 2014

PEI Potato Growers Are Rooted In Their Communities This Fall

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board, on behalf of all Island potato growers, is proud to be rooted in our community through support of a number of exciting events this September and October.
National Potato Council (US) hires Steve Holton as the Director of Corporate and Public Relations
九月 08, 2014

National Potato Council (US) hires Steve Holton as the Director of Corporate and Public Relations

The National Potato Council is pleased to announce the appointment of Steve Holton as the Director of Corporate and Public Relations.
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Late blight (Phytophthora Infestans) on a potato leaf
九月 07, 2014

Late blight concern for PEI potato farmers

The number of cases of a late blight (Phytophthora infestans) continues to grow on Prince Edward Island.
Late blight confirmed in Alberta
九月 07, 2014

Late blight confirmed in Alberta

In Alberta, late blight occurs infrequently, but can have devastating impacts in the years when it reaches epidemic levels.
Sri Lanka Minister Rajapaksa visiting potato market
九月 07, 2014

Sri Lanka suspends potato import

The Sri Lanka Government has decided to suspend the import of potatoes as of last night, according to the Colombo Gazette
Potato professionals from all over the world visit PotatoEurope 2014
九月 06, 2014

Potato professionals from all over the world visit PotatoEurope 2014

Around 10,000 potato professionsals from more than 60 countries visited PotatoEurope 2014 at the Rittergut Bockerode estate near Hanover.
Yupi, la marca colombiana de pasabocas, mejora la producción de papa con asesor de Israel
九月 04, 2014

Yupi, la marca colombiana de pasabocas, mejora la producción de papa con asesor de Israel

Con agronómos locales, Avi Nachmias ha apoyado a los agricultores para sumar productividad.
México: Empleando hongos investigadores controlan nematodo dorado de la papa
九月 04, 2014

México: Investigadores emplean hongos para controlar nematodo dorado de la papa

Científicos de la Red de Biodiversidad y Sistemática, del Inecol, localizaron y probaron con efectividad un hongo capaz de alimentarse del nematodo. Este avance permitirá controlar biológicamente la plaga, anular el uso de productos químicos y contribuir a disminuir el impacto de la agricultura en la ecología de la región.


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