
Costa Rica Announces Intention to Reopen Chipping Potato Market to US Chip Stock
一月 26, 2016

Costa Rica Announces Intention to Reopen Chipping Potato Market to US Chip Stock

Costa Rica's Servicio Fitosanitario del Estado (SFE) has informed USDA's Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) that it will begin issuing import permits for US chipping potatoes beginning February 1, 2016.
Make Your Potato Display Pop With Purple Specialty Spuds
一月 25, 2016

Make Your Potato Display Pop With Purple Specialty Spuds

Celebrate Potato Lover’s Month with a purple flare! Attract shoppers with colorful, specialty varieties on your potato display.
Next Generation UK Potato Industry Innovators educate themselves on Westminster and NFU
一月 24, 2016

Next Generation UK Potato Industry Innovators educate themselves on Westminster and NFU

Delegates of AHDB Potatoes’educational programme ‘Next Generation’ spoke on spuds and the needs of the £4.1bn GB potato sector on an informative visit to Westminster (parliament) and NFU London last week.
Branston Potatoes reveals expansion plans
一月 24, 2016

Branston Potatoes reveals expansion plans

Branston (Potatoes) Ltd, based near Lincoln in the United Kingdom, has submitted a planning application with North Kesteven District Council for an expansion which would create 19 new jobs.
Perú: Presentan catálogo con 130 variedades de papa nativa
一月 22, 2016

Perú: Presentan catálogo con 130 variedades de papa nativa

El catálogo puede usarse para vigilar el estado de conservación de las variedades a futuro; como una guía para estudiar nuevos atributos de estas variedades, precisó el INIA.
Honduras: Taiwán entrega 350 mil dólares para producir semilla sana
一月 22, 2016

Honduras: Taiwán entrega 350 mil dólares para producir semilla sana

El embajador e la República de China (Taiwán), Joseph Kuo entregó al secretario de Agricultura y Ganadería, Jacobo Paz 8.3 millones de lempiras, como apoyo al proyecto Reproducción de Semilla de Papa Sana en Honduras.
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AHDB Fellowship to safeguard critical potato nematology expertise in the United Kingdom
一月 21, 2016

AHDB Fellowship to safeguard critical potato nematology expertise in the United Kingdom

Dr Jon Pickup, Head of Virology & Zoology at Science & Advice for Scottish Agriculture (SASA) will lead on one of three AHDB Potatoes Fellowship Awards, specifically seeking to secure critical potato nematology expertise for the future.
The Packer: Neil Gudmestad honored as the 2015 Potato Man for All Seasons
一月 18, 2016

The Packer: Neil Gudmestad honored as the 2015 Potato Man for All Seasons

Neil Gudmestad, a potato pathologist with North Dakota State University, has been awarded the 2015 Potato Man for All Seasons award by produce magazine The Packer.
Colourful Perupas of potato company HZPC nominated for Fruit Logistica Innovation Award 2016
一月 18, 2016

Colourful Perupas of potato company HZPC nominated for Fruit Logistica Innovation Award

HZPC proudly announces the nomination of their potato concept WOW! Colourful Perupas® for the Fruit Logistica Innovation Award 2016.
Australian Potato Farmers reminded to watch out for late blight - but no aggressive strains detected in the country
一月 17, 2016

Australian Potato Farmers reminded to watch out for late blight - but no aggressive strains have been detected

Australian potato growers are being reminded to prepare for late blight, a potato disease that strikes when conditions are humid, stagnant and warm.
Massive potato crop in Pakistan may bring in record foreign exchange
一月 17, 2016

Massive potato crop in Pakistan may bring in record foreign exchange

Pakistan is expected to have a bumper potato crop this season, which can fetch a record foreign exchange, said an official of Ministry of National Food Security and Research (NFSR).
Simplot's Second Generation Innate® Potato Receives FDA Safety Clearance
一月 17, 2016

Simplot's Second Generation Innate® Potato Receives FDA Safety Clearance

The Food and Drug Administration has completed its food and feed safety assessment of the J.R. Simplot Company’s second generation of Innate® potatoes. Simplot will still need to complete its registration with the Environmental Protection Agency for these potatoes before introducing them for sale in the U.S. marketplace.
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GB Potatoes at Fruit Logistica 2016
一月 17, 2016

GB Potatoes at Fruit Logistica 2016

Over three days in February 2016 at Berlin’s Messe, the worldwide fresh produce industry will be able to meet leading potato and horticulture organisations on the large Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) stand.
PEI Potatoes Remain a Cost-Effective Vegetable for Canadian Consumers
一月 16, 2016

PEI Potatoes Remain a Cost-Effective Vegetable for Canadian Consumers

The softening Canadian dollar has in many cases driven up the cost of imported produce and this is being reflected in grocery store prices. However, one staple vegetable that has not experienced the same jump in prices is Prince Edward Island Potatoes.
Yunnan Normal University to set up Potato Research Institute
一月 16, 2016

Yunnan Normal University to set up Potato Research Institute and it is no joke

Yunnan Normal University's plan to set up a Potato Research Institute to strengthen talent development and promote scientific research has sparked a humorous uproar on the Internet.
EEUU aprueba papa genéticamente modificada
一月 13, 2016

EEUU aprueba papa genéticamente modificada

En una carta dirigida el martes a J.R. Simplot Co., con sede en Idaho, la FDA dijo que la papa no es sustancialmente diferente en composición o seguridad a otros productos que ya están en el mercado, y no suscita ningún cuestionamiento por el que la agencia tuviera que realizar exámenes más rigurosos antes de que sea comercializada.
Agricultores venezolanos piden aplazar la Ley de Semillas porque los perjudica
一月 13, 2016

Agricultores venezolanos piden aplazar la Ley de Semillas porque los perjudica

La Federación Nacional de Productores de Hortalizas solicitará formalmente que a la Ley de Semillas se le aplique un período de 'vacatio legis', más allá de la fecha estipulada para su entrada en vigencia, según apunta el texto legal.
APH Group Engineering delivers potato grading, cleaning & packing line in Belarus
一月 10, 2016

APH Group Engineering delivers potato grading, cleaning & packing line in Belarus

APH Group Engineering delivered and installed a processing line for grading, washing, dry cleaning & packing of potatoes to Belarus.


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