
Ecuador: Buscan alternativas para promover el consumo de papa
六月 18, 2018

Ecuador: Buscan alternativas para promover el consumo de papa

Con el fin de fomentar el consumo de papa en el país, el 29 junio, Día Nacional de la Papa, el Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería iniciará en Ambato una serie de campañas de comunicación sostenidas en el tiempo.
Mexico Puts Tariffs on US Frozen Potato Products in Response to Trump's Steel and Aluminum Tariffs
六月 13, 2018

Mexico Puts Tariffs on US Frozen Potato Products in Response to Trump's Steel and Aluminum Tariffs

Effective immediately frozen potato products entering Mexico from the United States under Harmonized code 2004.1 will be assessed a 20% tariff.
Congreso mundial de la papa resalta avances científicos
六月 12, 2018

Congreso mundial de la papa resalta avances científicos

Los tubérculos fueron el tema de conversación en Cusco, Perú, durante la semana del 27 de mayo, cuando por primera vez se celebraron juntos el Congreso Mundial de la Papa y el Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP).
Do some potato-growing soils suppress powdery scab?
六月 11, 2018

Do some potato-growing soils suppress powdery scab?

A research project in New Zealand is determining if different field soils affect development of powdery scab on potatoes, and whether soil physical, chemical and/or biological characteristics influence this important potato disease.
Feria de la Papa Rellena en Bujalance fue un éxito
六月 10, 2018

Feria de la Papa Rellena en Bujalance fue un éxito

La feria se realizó entre el 9 y 10 de junio en la ciudad española de Bujalance, provincia de Andalucia. En su segunda edición, recibió nuevamente la visita de bujalanceños y foráneos para degustar este manjar tan sencillo y exquisito.
Los fosfitos, un condimento que entusiasma a los agricultores
六月 10, 2018

Los fosfitos, un condimento que entusiasma a los agricultores

En el cultivo papa se ha comprobado su eficiencia para controlar enfermedades causadas por Oomycetes y hongos verdaderos, como Phytophthora infestans, Streptomyces scabies, Rhizoctonia solani y Fusarium solani.
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World Potato Congress highlights scientific advances
六月 10, 2018

World Potato Congress highlights scientific advances

Tubers were the talk of the town in Cusco, Peru during the week of May 27, when the 10th World Potato Congress (WPC) and the 28th Congress of the Latin American Potato Association (ALAP) were held together for the first time.
Late blight look-alike spotted in potatoes in the Southern United States
六月 10, 2018

Late blight look-alike spotted in potatoes in the Southern United States

Jean Ristaino, a professor at North Carolina State University with emphasis in research on Phytophthora infestans, reported on a late blight look-alike from tomato and potato in North Carolina.
Colombia: Lanzan política pública de agricultura campesina
六月 09, 2018

Colombia: Lanzan política pública de agricultura campesina

El Ministerio de Agricultura lanzó la Política Pública de Agricultura Campesina, Familiar y Comunitaria (ACFC), con la que se espera mejorar las condiciones sociales y económicas de esta población en el país.
AHDB Potatoes explores Cuba as export destination
六月 07, 2018

AHDB Potatoes explores Cuba as export destination

AHDB Potatoes is encouraging seed potato producers to consider Cuba as an export destination after recent meetings with Government officials in the country.
Russia partially lifts ban on potato exports from Egypt
六月 06, 2018

Russia partially lifts ban on potato exports from Egypt

Russia has agreed to ease a ban on potato exports from eight farming areas in Egypt, allowing shipments to resume from June 6.
Bayer plans closing of Monsanto Acquisition on June 7
六月 06, 2018

Bayer plans closing of Monsanto Acquisition on June 7

Bayer plans to complete the acquisition of Monsanto on June, 7, following the receipt of all required approvals from regulatory authorities.
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World Potato Congress awards Anton Haverkort, Alberto Salas Lopeza and Gary Secor
六月 05, 2018

World Potato Congress awards Anton Haverkort, Alberto Salas Lopez and Gary Secor

During the 10th World Potato Congress in Cusco, Peru, an Industry Award Ceremony was held to recognize three remarkable individuals who have devoted their life’s work to the potato industry: Dr. Anton J. Haverkort, ING. Alberto Salas Lopez and Dr. Gary Secor.
Northern Plains Potato Growers Association Hires New President
六月 05, 2018

Northern Plains Potato Growers Association appoints Donavon Johnson as New President

The Northern Plains Potato Growers Association (NPPGA) has appointed Donavon Johnson to replace Chuck Gunnerson as its new President.
Idaho Growers Benefit from Improved Spore Sampling
五月 31, 2018

Spore Sampling may alert Idaho Potato Growers faster of Late Blight threat

Potato growers in Idaho will now have the opportunity to learn about the presence of damaging fungal pathogens much earlier, thanks to the efforts of research staff at the University of Idaho. The research team, led by James Woodhall, has placed 14 spore samplers in potato fields across the Snake River Valley.
Guatemala Lifts U.S. State Origin Restrictions
五月 31, 2018

Guatemala Lifts US State Origin Restrictions for Potato Imports

Fresh and seed potatoes from all US states are now permitted entry into Guatemala, a welcome expansion of market access from only one state (Idaho) four years ago.
Nedato appoints Carel van Buchem as Managing Director
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Nedato appoints Carel van Buchem as Managing Director

Potato packer Nedato has appointed Carel van Buchem as Managing Director effective May 28, 2018
KWS renews offer for Bayer AG’s vegetable seed business
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KWS renews offer for Bayer AG vegetable seed business

KWS has offered to buy Bayer’s Dutch vegetable seed company Nunhems.


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