
AVEBE pays out full result to its starch potato growers and increases advance
九月 23, 2018

AVEBE pays out full result to its starch potato growers and increases advance

Dutch potato starch manufacterer Avebe has announced that the advance payment for potatoes delivered is being increased to 67 euros a tonne and that the full result of the cooperative will go to the members.
Desarrollan papas resistentes a sequías y suelos salinos
九月 21, 2018

Desarrollan papas resistentes a sequías y suelos salinos

Científicos del CONICET y de la UBA transfirieron un gen clave en las plantas y lograron mejorar el rendimiento en invernaderos. El próximo paso será probarlo en el campo.
New Mexican potato variety Citlali shows resistance to late blight and zebra chip disease
九月 19, 2018

New Mexican potato variety Citlali shows resistance to late blight and zebra chip disease

In Mexico, researchers of the National Forestry, Agriculture, and Livestock Research Institute (INIFAP), part of the Mexican Ministry of agriculture (SAGARPA), have developed a new potato variety, Citlali, with improved tolerance to diseases.
Potatoes Annual Summary: 2017 US Potato Production Up Slightly
九月 18, 2018

Potatoes Annual Summary: 2017 US Potato Production Up Slightly

Earlier this month, USDA-NASS published its annual report 'Potatoes 2017 Summary; September 2018'. The 2017 data indicate a slight increase of the total potato production in the United States compared to the previous year.
Peru expects potato production to increase this year
九月 18, 2018

Peru expects potato production to increase this year

Peru expects to produce 4.77 million tons of potatoes in the 2018/2019 campaign, more than the 4.45 million tons it produced In the previous season
Desarrollan bioplaguicida que ataca la polilla guatemalteca
九月 16, 2018

Desarrollan bioplaguicida que ataca la polilla guatemalteca

Es un virus que las larvas de la polilla adquieren al alimentarse de la papa tratada. Para conocer mas sobre el bioplaguicida, escuche la entrevista que Caracol Radio de Colombia realizó a la ingeniera Paola Cuartas de Agrosavia.
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United Potato Growers of Canada releases latest crop update
九月 16, 2018

United Potato Growers of Canada releases latest crop update

United Potato Growers of Canada has released an update on the potato crop in the various provinces of Canada.
Inauguran laboratorio de tejidos de semilla de papa en Bolivia
九月 13, 2018

Inauguran laboratorio de tejidos de semilla de papa en Bolivia

El laboratorio producirá plantas in vitro para la producción de semilla prebásica de alta categoría. En su construcción se invirtieron $US 80.000, en parte pagados por la cooperación coreana KOPIA.
North Carolina Sweet Potato Growers scramble to harvest their crop before hurricane Florence hits
九月 13, 2018

North Carolina Sweet Potato Growers scramble to harvest their crop before hurricane Florence hits

Hurricane Florence, is making landfall in North Carolina, where 55 percent of the US sweet potatoes are grown (acreage) this year.
Macarena - a red skin table potato with excellent heat tolerance will be presented at PotatoEurope
九月 11, 2018

Macarena - a red skin table potato with excellent heat tolerance will be presented at PotatoEurope

At Potato Europe, breeding company Dr. K.-H. Niehoff will present a new table potato, the Macarena, a variety with a number of traits that are expected to generate particular interest given the weather conditions this year in Germany.
McCain Foods Recognizes Les Fermes FC Daigle As Champion Grower; a 42 year partnership
九月 10, 2018

McCain Foods recognizes Les Fermes FC Daigle as Top Potato Grower for its Grand Falls Plant

Les Fermes FC Daigle Inc. of Drummond was named the 2017-2018 McCain Champion Potato Grower for Grand Falls, New Brunswick. The Daigle family has been contracting with McCain Foods for 42 years
Grimme presents two new self-propelled potato harvesters at Potato Europe 2018
九月 10, 2018

Grimme presents two new self-propelled potato harvesters at Potato Europe 2018

At this years PotatoEurope, which takes place from 12th to 13th September in Bockerode (near to Hanover, Germany) GRIMME will present two new self-propelled harvesters for the first time at an international trade show.
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Desarrollan papa resistente a tizón tardío y punta morada
九月 08, 2018

Desarrollan papa resistente a tizón tardío y punta morada

La selección estuvo a cargo del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP) de México. Además de presentar resistencia a dichas enfermedades, la variedad cumple con los estándares de comercialización.
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Kenyan county receives 1 million Euro from the European Union to boost potato farming
九月 06, 2018

Kenyan county receives 1 million Euro from the European Union to boost potato farming

The county Nyandarua in Kenya has received a Sh116 million (€1 million; USD 1.16 million) grant from the European Union to boost potato farming.
Azerbaijan doubles import duty on potatoes
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Azerbaijan doubles import duty on potatoes

Starting 5 September Azerbaijan has doubled customs duty on imported potatoes. Until October 31, the import duties on imported potatoes will be 30%
A Shortage of Potatoes for Chips? Time to re-evaluate your cutting solutions, says FAM
九月 05, 2018

A Shortage of Potatoes for Chips? Time to re-evaluate your cutting solutions, says FAM

Brent Bucks of knife manufacturer FAM explains how potato chips processors can increase revenues despite the low quality crop
Computer models provide new insights for sustainable control of potato late blight
九月 05, 2018

Computer models provide new insights for sustainable control of potato late blight

Wageningen University & Research uses computer models to develop sustainable management strategies in the control of potato late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans.


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