
Idaho Potato Crop of 2017 valued at $1.2 billion, a 22.7% increase!
三月 06, 2018

USDA estimates the 2017 Idaho Potato Crop Value at $1.2 billion, up 22.7 percent

The USDA reported the preliminary estimated value for the Idaho® Potato crop of 2017 at USD 1.2 billion, a 22.7% leap from the previous year.
Idaho Potato Breeders aim to develop PCN Resistant Russets
十月 05, 2017

Idaho Potato Breeders aim to develop PCN Resistant Russets

A project underway in Aberdeen, Idaho, aims to develop russet potatoes with resistance to pale cyst nematode, while identifying new molecular markers associated with resistance.
Las papas geneticamente modificadas de Simplot siguen aprobandose en el mercado extranjero
十月 03, 2017

Las papas geneticamente modificadas de Simplot siguen aprobandose en el mercado extranjero

La compañía norteamericana Simplot ha obtenido la aprobación para su papa marca Innate en algunos mercados clave, como Japón. Y tiene pendientes otras solicitudes de acceso a mercados extranjeros.
九月 21, 2017

Idaho Potato Commission appoints first female to represent potato growers

The Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) announced the appointment of Mary Hasenoehrl of Gross Farms, the first female to represent potato growers in the Idaho Potato Commission.
Potato Production United States 2016: USDA-NASS publishes 'Potatoes 2016 (Summary)'
九月 19, 2017

Potato Production United States: USDA-NASS publishes 'Potatoes 2016 (Summary)'

Potato Production United States 2016: the USDA-NASS has just published its most extensive report on last year's potato production: 'Potatoes 2016 (Summary)'
Japan to resume potato Imports from Idaho after 11 years
九月 13, 2017

Japan to resume potato Imports from Idaho after 11 years

The Japanese government lifted on Tuesday an import ban on potatoes grown in Idaho, the largest U.S. potato producer, for the first time in 11 years after confirming a lowered risk of pest invasion, sources familiar with the matter said.
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Idaho Potato Commission updates industry on its marketing plans
九月 02, 2017

Idaho Potato Commission updates industry on its marketing plans

At the annual Idaho Grower Shipper Association convention, Frank Muir, President of the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) revealed the marketing plans for the upcoming year.
Potato growers host farm tour for EPA staffers
八月 31, 2017

Potato growers host farm tour for EPA staffers

The National Potato Council (NPC) led a delegation of 6 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) staff on a tour of Idaho potato fields during the week of August 14.
Idaho Potato Growers report lower yield in early Norkotah Harvest
八月 27, 2017

Idaho Potato Growers report lower yield in early Norkotah Harvest

Idaho Potato industry officials report yields are down significantly as Western Idaho growers have started with their early harvest of Russet Norkotahs for the fresh market.
Boise Researchers plan to develop an 'extremely low cost' sensor to detect rot in potato storage
七月 07, 2017

Boise researchers to develop an 'extremely low cost' sensor to detect rot in potato storage

Research of Boise State University plan to develop a wireless sensor network that would be able to detect temperature, humidity levels, carbon dioxide and ammonia levels in real time, to help with early detection of rot in stored potatoes.
University of Idaho reports light potato psyllid pressure
七月 03, 2017

University of Idaho reports light potato psyllid pressure

Pressure from the tiny, winged insects that spread zebra chip disease in potatoes has been light in Idaho this season, emboldening some Idaho farmers to scale back on their pesticide programs.
Matthew Brigotti joins Idaho Potato Commission as Foodservice Promotion Director North-East / Midwest
六月 29, 2017

Matthew Brigotti joins Idaho Potato Commission as Foodservice Promotion Director North-East / Midwest

On June 15, 2017, Matt Brigotti joined the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) foodservice marketing team as Foodservice Promotions Director for the Northeast and Midwest, based in Richfield, Ohio
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New Russet varieties - Castle Russet and Echo Russet will help US potato industry meet more stringent regulation
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New Russet varieties - Castle Russet and Echo Russet will help US potato industry meet more stringent regulation

Two recently released new Russet varieties - Castle Russet and Echo Russet - should help the potato industry in the Pacific Northwest cope with more stringent regulations on soil fumigants
Northwest Potato Research Consortium has awarded grants for 37 regional potato projects
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Northwest Potato Research Consortium has awarded grants for 37 regional potato projects

The Northwest Potato Research Consortium recently approved a combined $1.5 million in grant funding to 37 research projects.
Idaho Universities receive Grant to investigate Humigator in Potato Storage
五月 07, 2017

Idaho Universities receive Grant to investigate Humigator in Potato Storage

A partnership between Idaho State University and Boise State University has been awarded an Idaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission (IGEM) grant to research the application of the Humigator in potato storage.
McCain Foods USA plans USD 200 million expansion of Burley Idaho French Fry plant
五月 04, 2017

McCain Foods USA plans USD 200 million expansion of Burley Idaho French Fry plant

McCain Foods USA has announced it will invest more than USD 200 million into expanding its Burley, Idaho potato processing plant, creating 180 jobs and increasing potato production throughout the state.
Efforts to eradicate damaging nematodes in infected Idaho potato fields progressing
四月 22, 2017

Efforts to eradicate damaging nematodes in 27 infected Idaho potato fields progressing well

Progress is being made eradicating the microscopic potato cyst nematodes that have been threatening Idaho’s $900 million potato industry the last decade, according to the latest update by USDA-APHIS.
The Big Idaho® Potato Truck is back on the road for its 6th national tour
三月 21, 2017

The Big Idaho® Potato Truck is back on the road for its 6th national tour

The Big Idaho® Potato Truck is back on America's highways promoting Idaho's most famous agricultural product, the Idaho® potato.


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