
Convenience Stores Evolve to Become True Food Destinations
一月 31, 2025

Convenience Stores Evolve to Become True Food Destinations

Convenience stores are intensifying their focus on foodservice offerings to drive foot traffic, in-store sales growth and frequency of repeat visits. Strong consumer interest in prepared foods, commissary and beverage options has led convenience stores, often referred to as c-stores, to compete much more aggressively with quick service restaurants and fast-food chains.
Biggest-ever Gulfood Manufacturing 2023 to take global food production in a smarter, more sustainable direction
十月 08, 2023

Biggest-ever Gulfood Manufacturing 2023 to take global food production in a smarter, more sustainable direction

Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC) has announced that Gulfood Manufacturing, the most influential annual food and beverage (F&B) manufacturing event in the world, will take place from 7-9 November 2023.
Bugles have disappeared from Canadian stores
十二月 18, 2022

Bugles have disappeared from Canadian stores

Bugles are still sold in the United States but have been discontinued in Canada for several months — just one of the latest products American food manufacturers are no longer selling in Canada.
Shearer's Foods stops making its branded chips to focus on private label business
二月 20, 2022

Shearer's Foods stops making its branded chips to focus on private label business

Larry Zvara has been a fan of Shearer's potato chips for years, and the Akron resident is pretty bummed about the product disappearing from his grocery store's shelves.
Patatas Meléndez Lanza un Spot en Televisión con Leo Harlem Como Protagonista, y Presenta su Nueva Imagen de Marca
十月 21, 2020

Patatas Meléndez Lanza un Spot en Televisión con Leo Harlem Como Protagonista, y Presenta su Nueva Imagen de Marca

Patatas Meléndez, la empresa vallisoletana líder en el sector de la patata fresca, presenta su nuevo y renovado logotipo y lanza una campaña para televisión y medios digitales
El mapa de los fabricantes de snacks y patatas fritas de Mercadona
十月 19, 2020

El mapa de los fabricantes de snacks y patatas fritas de Mercadona

El supermercado ha revelado que son ocho las empresas que fabrican sus snacks. Tienen sedes en Barcelona, Valencia o Ciudad Real, entre otras.
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C. Meijer BV cambió su marca a Meijer Potato
八月 20, 2020

C. Meijer BV rebranded Meijer Potato

On 17 Augustus 2020, potato breeder, Meijer Potato, has presented its new corporate identity and company story. Meijer Potato's new corporate identity will be visible on all communication materials and locations.
Side Delights Gourmet Petite Potatoes Receives US Packaging Design Award
四月 22, 2020

Side Delights Gourmet Petite Potatoes Receives US Packaging Design Award

Side Delights® recently announced its third packaging design award in five years. Graphic Design USA announced its 57th American Packaging Design Awards online today, including The Side DelightsÒ Gourmet Petite fresh potato package.
Launch of the New Nedato Product Line at Fruit Logistica
二月 26, 2020

Launch of the New Nedato Product Line at Fruit Logistica

In the past year, Nedato has worked hard on the new strategic direction where growth is paramount in all segments. For example, Nedato is launching a new product line under its own name during Fruit Logistica.
Francia: 'Nuestras tres variedades de patatas Lady Anna, Celtiane y Gwenniw ya cuentan con la etiqueta Demain la Terre'
十二月 19, 2019

Francia: 'Nuestras tres variedades de patatas Lady Anna, Celtiane y Gwenniw ya cuentan con la etiqueta Demain la Terre'

A principios de este mes de diciembre, ya es posible consumir patatas con la certificación Demain la Terre. Pomliberty se unió a la asociación Demain la Terre como miembro en 2017.
Private-Brand Sales Growing
十一月 26, 2019

US Private-Brand Sales Growing twice the rate of national brands

Private-brand dollar sales grew 3.8% in 2019, twice the growth of national brands, according to an IRI Consumer Connect Survey.
Store brands outpace national brands, growing more than 40% over 5 years
四月 25, 2019

Store brands outpace national brands, growing more than 40% over 5 years

An analysis of the latest Nielsen data provided by the Private Label Manufacturing Association reveals that private label dollar volume in the mass retail channel surged +41% over the last five years, compared to a gain of only +7.4% for national brands.
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European retailers Tesco and Carrefour to create strategic alliance to deal with global suppliers

The two largest European Supermarket groups, Tesco and Carrefour are announcing their intention to enter into a long-term, strategic alliance.
Amazon and Whole Foods Market announce immediate changes as acquisition closes this Monday
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Amazon and Whole Foods Market announce immediate changes as acquisition closes this Monday

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Kolak and Europe Snacks merge to form leading European manufacturer of private label snacks
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Kolak and Europe Snacks merge to form leading European manufacturer of private label snacks

Europe Snacks and Kolak Food Snacks Ltd. announced that they have joined forces.
Wal-Mart to phase out Organic Food brand Wild Oats
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Wal-Mart to phase out Organic Food brand Wild Oats

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is phasing out its Wild Oats organic food brand, according to people familiar with the matter, dropping a line of products introduced two years ago to bring inexpensive organics to the masses.
Made to Matter – Handpicked by Target
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US Retailer Target introduces 17 Better-for-you brands

Target Corp. is now introducing “Made to Matter – Handpicked by Target.” The first-of-its-kind collection brings together 17 leading natural, organic and sustainable brands to introduce new products and make them more accessible.
 Lamine Lahouasnia
六月 05, 2013

Euromonitor to present at SNACKEX 2013

At Snackex, Lamine Lahouasnia, Head of Packaged Food Research at Euromonitor International, will provide a strategic insight and analysis on how retailer own brands are developing and what manufacturers are doing to keep one step ahead of private labels.


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