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三月 17, 2010
Farmhouse Potato Bakers win award for their cheese and smokey bacon filled potato skins
三月 16, 2010
United Kingdom: McCain splashes £1m on sweet potato campaign
三月 11, 2010
McCain zet dippen op de kaart met Fry'n'Dip
三月 05, 2010
Chips (French Fries) still dominant potato serving in UK Foodservice
三月 04, 2010
FSA suggests chip shops to cut thicker chips (fries)
二月 26, 2010
Aardappeltelers McCain richten telersvereniging op
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二月 24, 2010
Aviko overweegt winst te delen met aardappeltelers
二月 24, 2010
Gentse onderzoekers proberen acrylamide in friet te verminderen
一月 29, 2010
Aardappelverwerkende Industrie verwacht moeilijk jaar
一月 28, 2010
Euro Potato: Wintry weather affects european potato markets
一月 22, 2010
Lagere prijzen voor aardappelen in contracten voor teeltjaar 2010
一月 11, 2010
Mintel: UK consumers dig potatoes again
十二月 18, 2009
The history of Britain's Fish and Chips (french fries) shops
十二月 11, 2009
Jan van Hoogen: "Belgie haalt Nederlandse aardappelcapaciteit in"
十二月 08, 2009