
六月 08, 2012

Fábrica de Pepsico en Portugal transforma aguas residuales en biogás para el consumo interno

PepsiCo Iberia apuesta por la recuperación energética de sus aguas residuales mediante un proyecto pionero que las convierte en biogás, permitiendo reducir hasta un 5% el consumo energético de la planta. El proyecto, recientemente implantado en la plan...
四月 16, 2012

UK: Fenmarc powered by renewable energy

Fresh produce supplier Fenmarc in the UK is set to source all its electricity from renewable energy following the successful commissioning of a local Anaerobic Digestion plant.
 signing AVEBE green deal
三月 22, 2012

AVEBE ontvangt €3 miljoen voor productie biogas

AVEBE ontvangt drie miljoen euro voor het opschalen van het vergistingsproces om biogas te kunnen produceren in Gasselternijveen.
 signing AVEBE green deal
三月 22, 2012

Potato starch manufacturer AVEBE receives funding to upgrade biogas project

Dutch Potato Starch manufacturer AVEBE is receiving a subsidy of three million euros to upgrade the biogas project in Gasselternijveen. With current production levels it will ultimately be possible to produce 18 million cubic metres of gas, enough to s...
 United Biscuits
二月 29, 2012

United Biscuits achieves zero waste to landfill in the UK

United Biscuits (UB) has become the first major food manufacturer in the UK to achieve zero waste to landfill across all of its 16 UK sites including its UK factories, distribution centre and administrative offices. The company, which produces much lo...
六月 06, 2008

Aardappelschillen maken stroom

De groep Machiels is vrijdag gestart met de recyclage van aardappelresten van Farm Frites. 120.000 ton aardappelschillen zullen jaarlijks omgezet worden in groene stroom, biomeststof en zuiver water. Het energieproject BioEnergy heeft 15 miljoen euro g...
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