
 Gourmandine culinair
十月 18, 2012

Agrico potato Gourmandine 'taste of the year' for third time

This year, Agrico's potato variety Gourmandine was awarded the much coveted French quality award ‘Saveur de l’Année 2013’ (‘Taste of the Year 2013’) for the third time.
九月 13, 2012

Restrain wins Gold Medal Award at Potato Europe for Sustainable Production Techniques

The Restrain Company Ltd. have won the Gold Medal Award for Sustainable Production Techniques at the Potato Europe Fair 2012 in Villers Saint Christophe, France. Restrain offers an Ethylene Generator that produces low levels of ethylene.
八月 21, 2012

Fries from your phone: McDonald's testing mobile payment app

McDonald's customers in Paris can now pay for a Royale with Cheese using their smartphones or tablets - a concept that could spread to the company's 33,500 locations worldwide if the fast-food leader likes the results.
一月 17, 2012

France to step up promotion of export potatoes says CNIPT president

France must be able to keep its position as EU’ largest potatoes exporter. This year the country will have to market over one million tons of potatoes.
 Qualipom Nord
七月 07, 2011

Frankrijk gaat voor duurzame en hogere aardappelproductie

De Franse aardappelsector lijkt een evenwicht te hebben gevonden op economisch en ecologisch niveau. Dit werd duidelijk gemaakt tijdens het even Qualipom'Nord dat in juni plaatsvond in de regio Nord-Pas de Calais. Op dit evenement waren bijna 2000 bezo...
五月 18, 2011

Franse aardappelexport naar record

De Franse aardappelhandel heeft dit seizoen tot eind maart 1.409.800 ton kunnen exporteren.
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十二月 03, 2010

Pepsico could emerge as bidder in Yoplait sale

PepsiCo's growing stress on dairy, highlighted by its acquisition of Russia's Wimm-Bill-Dann, could see it emerge as a bidder for Yoplait
五月 04, 2010

Fast Food in France

Yum Brands Inc.’s KFC brand is plotting a deeper move into France, hoping that the Colonel’s recipe will strike the taste of a broader swath of French consumers.   This week, KFC launched its first round of national television advertisements in France ...
三月 08, 2010

Clextral turnover 45.3 million euro in 2009

Clextral, pet food extrusion and drying specialist, achieved a €45.3 million turnover in 2009 with its subsidiaries: 80% in export sales and 70% in sales in the non-Euro area.   Clextral’s well-balanced global interests (extrusion, drying, couscous an...
十月 04, 2009

McDonald's restaurants to open at the Louvre

Lovers of France's two great symbols of cultural exception – its haute cuisine and fine art – are aghast at plans to open a McDonald's restaurant and McCafé in the Louvre museum next month.   America's fast food temple is celebrating its 30th anniversa...
十月 04, 2009

Polémica ante la apertura de un McDonald's en el Louvre

La decisión de McDonald's de celebrar su aniversario en tierras francesas con la apertura de uno de sus restaurantes de comida rápida en el museo del Louvre ha levantado ampollas entre los amantes del arte, según publica la prensa inglesa. "Esta ...
八月 06, 2008

France to put 'fat tax' on pizzas, crisps and hamburgers

France is considering plans to impose a "fat tax"by more than trebling the VAT on junk food to tackle soaring obesity levels. Ministers are being urged by health experts to raise VAT from 5.5 to 19.6 per cent on all foods considered to be &q...
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三月 14, 2008

Daling Franse aardappelexport

De Franse aardappelsector heeft in de maanden augustus tot en met december vorig jaar 635.900 ton aardappelen uitgevoerd. Dat is 60.000 ton ofwel bijna 9% minder dan een jaar eerder. De grootste afnemer, Spanje, nam met 203.100 ton bijna 20% minder Fr...
一月 30, 2008

French retailers back eco-friendly and organic products

France's leading retailers yesterday pledged to reduce their impact on the environment under an ambitious plan backed by the government. The Fédération des Entreprises du Commerce et de la Distribution (FECD), which represents 93 per cent of the count...
十二月 31, 2007

GAIN report: U.S. Opportunities in France's Ready To Eat and Snacks market

Lifestyle and demographic changes have fueled growth in the ready-to-eat and snack distribution outlets representing over 45,000 points of sale in France, with 2006 sales growth over five percent. Best prospects are chips and crisps, snack foods, bagel...
九月 14, 2007

Calories underestimated in 'healthy' restaurants

People who opt for a meal at a "healthy"restaurant often consume more calories than they would dining at fast food joints that make no health claims, a new study shows. The researchers found that individuals underestimate the calorie content...


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