
Local seed potato research promising in Zimbabwe.
十一月 24, 2022

Local seed potato research promising in Zimbabwe

The Zimbabwe Potato Micro-propagation Association (ZPMA) has spearheaded the resuscitation of seed potato production since this stalled around 2008. The current mandate is to substitute imported seed potato.
Centers of Excellence for Rooted Apical Cuttings: Plugging the gap in quality seed production to boost rural livelihoods and food security in Asia and Africa
十一月 13, 2022

Rooted Apical Cuttings: Plugging the gap in quality seed potato production to boost food security in Asia and Africa

A capacity-building initiative that started in Kenya to fill gaps in the supply of high-quality early generation seed (EGS) is now spreading across Asia and many African countries
Solynta and Regenz partner to bring hybrid potatoes to South Africa
十一月 01, 2022

Solynta and Regenz partner to bring hybrid potato seed to South Africa

South African seed potato producer RegenZ and European hybrid potato seed innovator Solynta announced a partnership to bring hybrid true potatoes to the South African farming community.
Productores de papa en Kenia
十月 31, 2022

University Outreach Project in Kenya Teaching Tissue Culture to Potato Farmers

Richard Mbaria makes a point at his potato in Kapsita village of Nakuru County, Kenya. The farmer has increased his production per acre thanks to training by a CARP+ project implemented in the area by Egerton University.
Tissue Culture Tech Boosts Potato Yield in Kenya
十月 04, 2022

Tissue Culture Tech Boosts Potato Yield in Kenya

A community project that provides farmers with healthy seed potato, cultivated using innovative laboratory techniques is significantly increasing yields in Kenya, an agricultural expert says.
Kenya: about USD 1 million program set to benefit potato farmers.
九月 17, 2022

Kenya: USD 1 million program set to benefit potato farmers

More than 3,000 small-holder potatoes farmers from Nakuru are set to benefit from a KES 127 million (USD 1 million) program aimed at enhancing potato production in the County.
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Farmers upbeat about new potato variety
七月 26, 2022

Potato farmers in Rwanda upbeat about new variety

Potato farmers have welcomed the government’s on-going trials on the use of agricultural biotechnology in producing a new Irish potato variety resistant to the devastating late blight disease.
Special Report: Facing high wheat prices, Nigerian bakers turn to potato puree.
七月 14, 2022

Facing high wheat prices, Nigerian bakers turn to (sweet) potato puree

In the midst of a sunlit room in Nnewi, south-east Nigeria, a woman measures out four parts of sweet potato puree – the colour of apricot – into a large basin containing six parts wheat flour.
New platform deemed a boon for potato farmers in East Africa.
六月 29, 2022

New platform deemed a boon for potato farmers in East Africa

Commercialisation of potato, a common food crop largely consumed in East Africa, will receive a boost following the launching of a value-chain platform dedicated to it.
50,000 Kenyan potato farmers are partnering with Agrico PSA!
五月 19, 2022

50,000 Kenyan potato farmers are partnering with Agrico PSA!

Agrico PSA is proud to communicate another impressive milestone reached: now over 50,000 Kenyan potato farmers are digitally partnering via their Facebook page! PSA’s Facebook page has evolved into a platform where potato knowledge is shared.
New Opportunities for Potato Farmers in Uganda, as Factory Opens in Kabale.
四月 25, 2022

New Opportunities for Potato Farmers in Uganda, as Factory Opens in Kabale

Potato farmers in Kabale District, Uganda are elated following the commissioning of Muhingi Products Factory which is hoped to create added value addition for both sweet potato and Irish potato produce.
Egypt imported 131 thousand tons of seed potato and 25 thousand tons of frozen french fries and potato chips
一月 18, 2022

Egypt imported 131 thousand tons of seed potato and 25 thousand tons of potato products (French Fries and Chips)

Sources revealed to Al-Mal that 131 thousand tons of potato seeds arrived from European facilities approved for import from last October until early January, for 76 approved varieties.
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Using drones to select drought-tolerant Sweet potatoes.
一月 12, 2022

Using drones to select drought-tolerant Sweet potatoes

Droughts have long posed a threat to farmers in southern Africa, and models predict they will become more frequent, unpredictable, and intense as global warming continues.
CSIR-SARI introduces new varieties of Frafra potato to farmers in Talensi and Nabdam
十二月 18, 2021

CSIR-SARI introduces new varieties of Frafra potato to farmers in Northern Ghana

The Savannah Agriculture Research Institute of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research [CSIR – SARI] has introduced new varieties of the ‘Frafra’ potato crop to farmers in the Talensi and Nabdam districts of the Upper East Region.
Nigeria wants to be among the top three potato producers in the world by 2025
十一月 23, 2021

Nigeria wants to be among the top three potato producers in the world by 2025

Mustapha Baba Shehuri, minister of state for agriculture and rural development, says Nigeria will be among the world’s top three potato producing countries by 2025.
Rwandan farmers help validate and disseminate new potato varieties
八月 02, 2021

Potato Farmers in Rwanda help validate and disseminate new varieties

The triadic comparisons of technologies – or tricot – approach is being used in a citizen-science project funded by the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB) to identify and scale up best cassava and potato varieties in Rwanda.
Sudan: Two Projects Promoting Potato Production to Be Implemented
六月 22, 2021

Sudan: Two Projects Promoting Potato Production to Be Implemented

Potato cultivation has seen tremendous success in Sudan when productivity in some areas reached 28 tons an acre, like in the Alarqam Project of Western Omdurman here. The Meroe Dam Project (in Northern Sudan) has produced 20 tons per acre.
Catalyzing a greater supply of seed potato in Kenya
六月 21, 2021

Catalyzing a greater supply of seed potato in Kenya

As a food security crop and cash crop, potato is a source of income for farmers, traders and sellers. In Kenya alone, potato creates employment for 2.5 million people along the value chain amounting to an estimated annual worth of USD 480 million.


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