
三月 08, 2012

Idaho farmers reject processors' contract offers

Idaho potato growers have rejected processors' contract offers, convinced they were insufficient to cover rising input costs and prevention of the emerging disease zebra chip.
 Potato Industry Leadership Institute
三月 06, 2012

New Leaders Trained at 2012 Potato Industry Leadership Institute

Eighteen potato growers and industry representatives from across the United States joined together to form the 2012 class of the Potato Industry Leadership Institute (PILI), an annual program designed to identify, develop and cultivate new leaders within the potato industry.
 Belgapom notering 2 maart 2012
三月 04, 2012

Belgapom notering daalt verder naar € 35,00/ton

De Belgapomprijs is de meest gehanteerde prijs, waargenomen op de vorige werkdag voor Bintje, voor verwerking tot diepgevroren aardappelproducten , veldgewas 35 mm+, frietgeschikt, af producent, los op wagen, voor onmiddellijke levering/ophaling. Voor...
三月 04, 2012

RUCIP 2012: New rules for potato trade in Europe

On the 1st of March new Rules and Practices of the Inter-European Trade in Potatoes (RUCIP) will start to apply. The RUCIP European Committee, composed of the European associations Europatat (Potato Trade), EUPPA (Potato Processing) and Intercoop Euro...
 idaho potato commission 75th anniversary
三月 03, 2012

Idaho Potato Commission celebrates 75 year anniversary

The Idaho Potato Commission is one of the oldest and longest running commodity groups in the country.In 1937, a group of people from the burgeoning Idaho® potato industry joined together to form the Idaho Fruit and Vegetable Advertising Association, la...
Congreso Mundial de la Papa: Taller de sanidad vegetal en el cultivo de papa
三月 03, 2012

Congreso Mundial de la Papa: Taller de sanidad vegetal en el cultivo de papa

El congreso, que tendrá lugar en mayo, ofrece algo para todos involucrados en el sector de la patata, según el director de Potato Council el Dr. Rob Clayton. El WPC (World Potato Congress) tendrá lugar en el magnífico Centro Internacional de Conferenc...
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Europatat congress
三月 02, 2012

Europatat congress 2012 – The potato is coming home!

Europatat and the Dutch Potato Association (NAO) are pleased to announce the opening for registrations for the annual Europatat Congress, taking place in The Hague (The Netherlands) from 24 to 26 May 2012.
 World potato Congres 2012
三月 01, 2012

Space age agronomy on show at the World Potato Congress

Satellite technology developed during the cold war is set to deliver state-of-the-art crop monitoring systems to help growers improve agronomy and drive up profits. Although the technology dates back several decades, its capabilities for remote sensing...
二月 29, 2012

Intervention in Swiss potato market averts price collapse

The 2011 potato growing season in Switzerland was a special one. "It was summer in the spring, it was fall in the summer and it was summer in the fall"is how the season was described by Ruedi Fischer, president of the Vereinigung der Schweize...
 Adrian Cunnington
二月 29, 2012

Potato Council Storage Forums to take place in East and West of England

Assess store suitability before using CIPC, urges Adrian Cunnington, head of Sutton Bridge Crop Storage Research (SBCSR), who will be offering tips on how to follow best practice at the Potato Council Storage Forum East on March 1 and the Storage F...
 American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI)
二月 28, 2012

American Frozen Food Institute Elects New Board Leadership

The American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI) today announced the election of four officers and nine members to the AFFI Board of Directors. The elections took place on Feb. 20 at the AFFI Annual Meeting in San Diego held in conjunction with the 2012 AFFI...
 Louis Beemsterboer
二月 27, 2012

Aardappelareaal heeft weinig invloed op productie

Het aardappelareaal heeft weinig invloed op de totale productie. De opbrengst per hectare heeft een veel grotere effect. Dat fluctueert meer door de jaren heen dan het areaal, zegt voorzitter Louis Beemsterboer van de Verenigde Telers Akkerbouw (VTA)....
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 Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond (NAV)
二月 27, 2012

‘Ketensamenwerking beter dan vrije handel’

Akkerbouwers zijn meer gebaat bij verticale ketensamenwerking dan bij vrije handel. Dat zei directeur Dick Zelhorst van aardappelverwerker Aviko tijdens een bijeenkomst van de Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond (NAV). Het is voor de industrie belangrijk da...
 Verenigde Telers Akkerbouw
二月 27, 2012

VTA: aardappelvoorraad Februari 2012

De Verenigde Telers Akerboud (VTA) inventariseert jaarlijks in november, februari en april de aardappelvoorraad onder een vaste representatieve groep van haar leden. Onlangs is de tweede voorraadinventarisatie uitgevoerd voor de opgeslagen aardappelen ...
二月 26, 2012

PEI Potato industry worth $1B, says study

The potato industry generates more than $1 billion for the Canadian province of Prince Edward Island (PEI), says an economic impact study released Friday. The study, put out by the P.E.I. Potato Board, also shows the sector creates more than $245 mill...
 NPPGA President Chuck Gunnerson presents the 2012 NPPGA MSA  to Susie Thompson
二月 26, 2012

Susie Thompson Wins NPPGA Meritorious Service Award

Asunta (Susie) Thompson is the winner of the 2012 NPPGA Meritorious Service Award. It was presented to her at NPPGA's annual banquet. This comes on the heals of winning a Meritorious Service Award from the National Potato Council in January. Dr. Thom...
二月 26, 2012

US Potato research threatened by budget cuts

President Obama's budget proposal for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 proposes cutting $700 million in the USDA's spending levels.The amount represents a 3 percent cut from FY 2012 USDA spending levels.
二月 24, 2012

BAI Opbrengst en Voorraadmeting aardappelen, 15 februari 2012

Bureau Aardappelmarkt Informatie (BAI) van het PA heeft een telefonische opbrengst- en voorraadmeting enquête gehouden onder consumptieaardappeltelers. De ondervraagden zijn aselect getrokken uit het bestand van de landbouwtelling: alle relevante aarda...


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