
十月 20, 2011

PootgoedScan geintroduceerd door Hilbrands laboratorium

Aardappeltelers weten als geen ander dat kwalitatief goed en gezond pootgoed de basis is voor een rendabele aardappelteelt. De praktijk is echter grillig en ervaring leert dat de kwaliteit van het uitgangsmateriaal nogal uiteen loopt. Door verbeterde...
 European Union Common Agricultural Policy (CAP 2020)
十月 20, 2011

European Starch Industry comments on new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP 2020)

Last week, the Commission presented its proposals for the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP 2020) to the European Parliament. That triggered a number of reactions from stakeholders. The European starch industry association (AAF), as a major user o...
十月 20, 2011

When did potatoes become unpopular?

Potatoes have gone from nation-building superfoods to national pariahs. Why?
 American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI)
十月 19, 2011

AFFI applauds senate approval of Collins-Udall Amendment to block limit on Starchy vegetables in Schools

AFFI President and CEO Kraig R. Naasz issued the following statement today in support of an amendment to a Senate agriculture appropriations bill that blocks the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) from limiting the amount of potatoes, corn, peas, li...
 School meals
十月 18, 2011

Senate votes for unlimited potatoes in schools

The Senate threw its support behind the potato Tuesday, voting to block an Obama administration proposal to limit the vegetable on school lunch lines. Agriculture Department rules proposed earlier this year aimed to reduce the amount of french fries i...
 School meals
十月 18, 2011

Senator Collins scores key victory to keep healthy vegetables in school meal program

In a major victory, the United States Senate tonight unanimously approved a bipartisan amendment, authored by Senator Susan Collins, to the Fiscal Year 2012 Senate Agriculture Appropriations bill that would protect the flexibility of schools to serve h...
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十月 17, 2011

Beurse aardappelen kost Britse aardappelteler 26 miljoen pond per jaar

Met het droog weer, dat de kans op beurse plekken verhoogt, op komst roept de Potato Council in Engeland telers op om een actieve houding aan te nemen en gedurende het seizoen alle stappen van de oogst goed te letten op de kwaliteit van het product.  “...
 University of Wisconsin-Madison
十月 17, 2011

University of Wisconsin to lead research effort to reduce acrylamide in potato products

University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers have been selected to lead a national, multi-institution effort to improve the quality and safety of processed potatoes, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) ...
十月 17, 2011

US Potato politics: The potato wars

Sen. Susan Collins is a more gentle soul than your typical Republican Steering Committee regular, but there she was in the Capitol last week: Ms. Maine Moderate lunching with the “Sons of Jesse Helms” — all in the name of the potato. It was a jaw-drop...
十月 17, 2011

Are the Common Agricultural Policy 2013 proposals an opportunity or threat for the Belgian potato sector?

The European Union Common Agricultural Policy has never been a priority for the member companies of Belgapom, the representative body of the Belgian potato trade and processing industry, because the potato sector was kept completely outside the scope o...
十月 16, 2011

Idaho Potato Commission's Foodservice Ad Campaign Receives Produce Marketing Excellence Award

Project Reinvent, the Idaho Potato Commission’s (IPC) popular foodservice advertising campaign, was the recipient of Produce Business’ 23rd Annual Marketing Excellence Award. It was one of 20 campaigns recognized by the magazine. Project Reinvent was ...
十月 15, 2011

Swiss farmers see bumper potato crop, but may not make any money

Despite a bumper potato harvest this year, growers’ joy is being spoiled by big retailers squeezing them on price and rejecting bigger-than-average spuds. Charlotte shouldn’t be bigger than size 60-120. Nothing to do with a farmers lonely hearts colum...
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 Belgapom notering Bintje
十月 14, 2011

Belgapom notering Bintje naar € 25,00/ton

De Belgapomprijs is de meest gehanteerde prijs, waargenomen op de vorige werkdag voor Bintje, voor verwerking tot diepgevroren aardappelproducten , veldgewas 35 mm+, frietgeschikt, af producent, los op wagen, voor onmiddellijke levering/ophaling. Vo...
 European Union
十月 14, 2011

Is het Europese landbouwbeleid een kans of bedreiging voor de Belgische aardappelsector?

Voor de bedrijven lid van Belgapom, de Belgische aardappelhandel en verwerking, is het Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid nooit een prioriteit geweest, immers de aardappelsector werd volledig buiten de scope van dit beleid gehouden. De recente activeri...
十月 14, 2011

Manitoba Potato Harvest wrapping up

Potato harvest in Manitoba is virtually complete. "There may be a few people still picking their last spots, but for all intents and purposes it's done,"says Gary Sloik of Keystone Potato Producers. "Things went quite well. The southern...
十月 13, 2011

US Congress approves trade deals with South Korea, Colombia and Panama

Ending a long stalemate, US Congress approved three new trade agreements Wednesday evening, signing off on deals with South Korea, Colombia and Panama in an attempt to increase U.S. exports and create thousands of jobs. Among the potential winners are...
 European Union
十月 12, 2011

NAV: voorstellen gemeenschappelijk landbouwbeleid teleurstellend

De voorstellen van de Europese Commissie voor het Gemeenschappelijk Landbouw Beleid (GLB) 2014-2020 zijn teleurstellend omdat ze geen inhoud geven aan voedselzekerheid en ook niet leiden tot het stabiliseren van markten, stabiele voedselprijzen, en een...
十月 12, 2011

Miljoenengift voor Wagenings Phytophthora onderzoek

Het Wageningen Universiteits Fonds (WUF) heeft een toezegging voor een donatie van 2,5 miljoen euro ontvangen van een particulier persoon. De gever, die anoniem wil blijven, schenkt de middelen voor fundamenteel onderzoek naar de aardappelziekte en naa...


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