
十月 31, 2007

Tate & Lyle reports weak H1 results

Tate &Lyle, a manufacturer of food and industrial ingredients, has reported a 19% fall in profit before tax to GBP120 million for the first six months of 2007, compared with GBP149 million for the same period in 2006.
十月 30, 2007

UK moves one step closer to ban on trans fats

The UK government has taken a significant step towards the possible banning of trans fatty acids by asking the Food Standards Agency (FSA) for its urgent advice.board meeting was held yesterday to seek the views of members of the food industry, consume...
十月 29, 2007

Study hails organic food benefits

Organic food has a higher nutritional value than ordinary produce, a study by Newcastle University has found. A team grew fruit, vegetables and reared cattle on adjacent organic and non-organic sites across Europe. They found up to 40% more antioxida...
十月 29, 2007

Is ‘Umami’ the secret of the perfect potato flavour?

New varieties of potatoes bred at SCRI, including Mayan Gold and Inca Sun, have better flavour than their more common relatives, thanks to their umami. Although perhaps not widely known, umami, from the Japanese word for delicious, is one of the five...
十月 26, 2007

UK Food and drink manufacturers (FDF) pledge to cut packaging and food waste

Food and drink manufacturers pledged to considerably cut packaging and food waste by 2010, in a five point plan initiated by their trade body, the Food and Drink Federation (FDF).The industry want to reduce the 4.6 million tonnes of food packaging tha...
十月 23, 2007

Pinguin richt visier op Oost-Europa

De West-Vlaamse producent van diepvriesgroenten Pinguin sluit één van zijn vijf fabrieken in Groot-Brittannië en richt zijn blik nu vooral op Oost-Europa. Dat zegt ceo Herwig Dejonghe. Pinguin sluit een fabriek in North Thoresby, één van de drie sites ...
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十月 19, 2007

Climate change provide new opportunities for the potato industry

At the last British Potato event in 2005, you probably did not give climate change a second thought. Since then your crop has borne floods, heavy rain events and temperature extremes rarely experienced in the UK. Climate change has now climbed to the ...
十月 06, 2007

Farm Frites en Machiels laten het proces van friet tot stroom zien op Openbedrijvendag

Op de Openbedrijvendag op 7 oktober, demonstreert BioEnergy in Lommel het proces van friet tot stroom, een project van de Group Machiels en Farm Frites. Van de 500.000 ton aardappelen die Farm Frites verwerkt tot frieten blijft jaarlijks zo'n 150.000...
十月 04, 2007

Hifri wint de Food Valley Award

HiFri  is de gedoodverfde winnaar van de Food Valley Award. Tijdens de publieksstemming stemden de bezoekers aan de Food Valley Conferentie massaal op het bedrijf door een balletje in de HiFri-zuil te stoppen. In de door HiFri ontwikkelde technologie...
BPC launches the Great Potato Challenge 2008
十月 02, 2007

BPC launches the Great Potato Challenge 2008

The British Potato Council starts a new search to find the UK’s best potato dish. As part of the Great Potato Challenge 2008, they are looking for pub and restaurant chefs that can cook up an innovative and tasty potato-based main course dish It can b...
十月 01, 2007

Pinguin rondt overname Lutosa af

De West-Vlaamse beursgenoteerde diepvriesgroentespecialist Pinguin heeft de overname van aardappelverwerker Lutosa afgerond. Het bedrijf betaalde 175 miljoen euro voor de overname. Dankzij de overname verdubbelt Pinguin nagenoeg in omvang en wordt het ...
十月 01, 2007

Netherlands to launch carbon-based packaging tax

A decision by the Netherlands to put a carbon-based tax on packaging could have far reaching consequences across the EU for processors.The tax, thought to be the first in Europe, will not only mean higher costs for processors, but could be the start o...
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Una empresa española envasará patatas para cocinar al microondas

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Neiker: “buscamos una patata que sirva para consumo en fresco y para el proceso industrial”

El Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo, Neiker, tiene como objetivo conseguir una o más variedades de patata que reúnan las características óptimas tanto para el consumo en fresco como para el proceso industrial.
九月 11, 2007

VION acquires Oerlemans Foods

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Vion koopt Oerlemans

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Promote positive image of frozen foods, urges Leatherhead

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