
二月 21, 2012

Honduras fortalece controles para mantener el país libre de plagas

Personal del Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (Senasa) fortaleció los controles para prevenir el ingreso de la temida chinche kudzu bug, que afecta las leguminosas, considerando que Honduras está libre de esa plaga. La chinche ataca legumino...
二月 20, 2012

Kenya: Row over government plan to import potato seed from the Netherlands

A major controversy has broken out over government plan to import seed potato favoured for the production of high quality crisps and chips.
二月 16, 2012

Nematode restrictions New York State Potato Farms lifted for 300.000 acres.

New York State Agriculture Commissioner Darrel J. Aubertine today announced that the Department, in conjunction with USDA, is removing more than 300,000 acres from regulation for golden nematode.
二月 16, 2012

Colombia: Polilla guatemalteca, la principal plaga que afecta la papa

Bogota La polilla guatemalteca de la papa es una de las principales plagas de este cultivo en Colombia, y otros paises de America. Laura Villamizar, directora del laboratorio de control biologico de Corpoica, expreso que este insecto causa perdidas que...
 Luna Tranquility
二月 15, 2012

Bayer CropScience newest fungicide Luna now available in the US

Bayer CropScience today announced that Luna, the company's newest fungicide innovation, has received registration from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and is now available for sale, although Luna is not available in all States.
Biobased approaches examined in fight against zebra chip
二月 15, 2012

Biobased approaches examined in fight against zebra chip

Thanks to investigations by scientists-turned-detectives with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and other agencies, potato growers in the western United States and abroad now know the identities of the pathogen-insect duo responsible for outbre...
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一月 31, 2012

US researchers keep eyes on potato virus Y

A worrisome tuber necrotic strain of Potato virus Y, called NTN, is now present in Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Montana, according to results of the 2011 Washington Commercial Seed Lot Trial.
一月 31, 2012

Scottish growers provided with practical solutions for powdery scab control

Scottish potato growers had a difficult year in 2011 for several reasons, but one of the most significant was the cool, wet conditions, which were ideal for powdery scab to spread.
Lanzan en Colombia dos variedades de papa resistentes al tizón tardío
一月 26, 2012

Lanzan en Colombia dos variedades de papa resistentes al tizón tardío

Con la v de victoria, presentaron el lunes las nuevas variedades de papas para Antioquia, con la ventaja de que vienen a prueba del tizón tardío o gota, que produce la destrucción o quemazón del follaje y la pudrición seca de la papa.
 Zebrachip disease
一月 26, 2012

University of Idaho potato scientists tackle Zebra chip disease threat

In October, the University of Idaho College of Agricultural and Life Sciences confirmed that Idaho’s potato growers faced a new challenge to the state’s most famous crop with the arrival of Zebra chip.
一月 18, 2012

Researcher says zebra chip not likely to spread through seed

A potato disease that arrived late this summer in the Pacific Northwest called zebra chip likely can't be spread by planting infected seed, new research suggests.
一月 16, 2012

Research into use of bioinsecticides for control of potato tuber moth in Costa Rica

Yannery Gómez Bonilla, a graduate in Biology from the University of Costa Rica, has done research for her PhD into the application of granulovirus against two species of potato tuber moth.
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一月 09, 2012

Nuevo sitio web dedicado al manejo del virus Y de la papa (PVY) en la producción de semilla

El Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA, por sus siglas en inglés), en colaboración con tres universidades más, ha lanzado recientemente un sitio web para difundir información relacionada con el virus Y (PVY) de la papa. Este sitio s...
一月 09, 2012

New website provide information on Potato Virus Y

The USDA, in cooperation with three major universities, recently launched a web site to disseminate information related to Potato Virus Y. This information will prove useful to all groups of people who need information about PVY, from potato growers, to scientists, to people working within the potato industry, to consumers of potatoes and potato products.
一月 04, 2012

Researchers come to terms with late blight disease effectors

Phytophthora infestans, the causal agent of late blight, has evolved to overcome fungicides and major resistance genes that have been bred into commercial potato cultivars.
 Potato psyllid
十二月 21, 2011

Zebra chip nearly destroys US potato business

Zebra chip disease nearly destroyed a large USA potato growing business, its owner and chief executive told the Cambridge University Potato Growers Research Association conference earlier this month.
 bacterial ring rot
十二月 20, 2011

Scottish potato growers urged to source safe and healthy seed

Scottish potato growers were yesterday reminded to exercise particular care in sourcing safe and healthy seed potatoes following the discovery of three cases of ring rot in the Netherlands.
十二月 13, 2011

Potato farmer Tepper out of jail if Canada asks Lebanon, suggests lawyer

The lawyer for a New Brunswick potato farmer who has been jailed in Lebanon for the past nine months says that a letter from Ottawa (Canadian Government) is all that's needed to free his client. Henk Tepper, 44, has been held in a Beirut prison since ...


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