
 potato cyst nematode
三月 22, 2013

Trickery and Other Methods Explored To Vanquish Potato Cyst Nematodes

The pale cyst nematode, Globodera pallida, is one bad roundworm. Unchecked, it invades the roots of potato and other host crops to feed, obstructing the free flow of nutrients and causing stunted growth, wilted leaves, and other symptoms that can event...
 Potato Psyllid
三月 15, 2013

Potato Psyllids shown to survive harsh Idaho winter, heightening zebra chip concerns

It appears that potato psyllids, the tiny winged insects that can spread zebra chip disease in potato fields, will overwinter in Boise, Idaho, this season, despite the city experiencing one of its coldest Januaries on record.
Prince Edward Island potato farmers fight rot in storage due to sugar ends
三月 14, 2013

Prince Edward Island potato farmers fight rot in storage due to sugar ends

Some farmers on P.E.I. are dealing with the problem of potatoes rotting in storage this winter and growers in the western part of the province are especially hard hit.
 Anne Njoroge
三月 13, 2013

Phytophthora infestans KE-1 is spreading rapidly across East Africa

Njoroge is studying a new lineage of Phytophthora infestans called KE-1 that is spreading rapidly across East Africa.
Southern Ladybird
三月 11, 2013

Potato Psyllid control with the Southern ladybird advances to field tests

Research conducted by the Bio-Protection Research Centre at Lincoln University, using the southern ladybird as a biological control agent, has shown the predator to be voracious and effective at reducing tomato-potato psyllid (TPP) numbers.
 Idaho Potatoes Areas
三月 05, 2013

Idaho Potato growers approve contracts with Simplot, McCain

Idaho potato growers at a Monday meeting in Burley approved processing contracts with J.R. Simplot and McCain Foods that both include payment increases averaging 1.6 percent.
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 Idaho Potato growing areas
二月 27, 2013

Idaho Potato Growers to vote on McCain, Simplot contracts

Idaho potato growers will vote Monday in Burley on contracts with McCain Foods and J.R. Simplot Co. paying a 1.6 percent average increase, according to sources involved in negotiations.
 Sarpo Mira
二月 27, 2013

'Sarpo Mira' potato variety 'plant of the week' in The Guardian

This week , the potato variety Sarpo Mira was named Plant of the week in the British Newspaper "The Guardian"
Potato infested by Potato Cyst Nematodes (PCN)
二月 27, 2013

DuPont nematicide update: Polish & French potato growers welcome help to improve crop yield & quality

With the threat posed to potato crops by nematodes, Polish growers are expected to welcome the announcement that Vydate®, a nematicide from DuPont that is already used to help maintain the quality and marketable yield of crops in the UK and the Netherlands.
二月 26, 2013

Victorian Potato Growers to enjoy Field Day showcasing industry R&D

Cutting edge DNA testing technology, novel approaches to pest and disease management, and exciting new plant nutrition applications – these are amongst the latest Research and Development (R&D) activities that will be presented at the Field Day on ...
Late blight (Phytophthora Infestans) on potato leaf
二月 19, 2013

University of Maine looking for blight-resistant potatoes

Potato breeding developments being researched by graduate students in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences of the University of Maine look to save the future of Maine’s iconic crop.
 Wenbo Ma
二月 08, 2013

Late blight pathogen blocks RNA silencing pathways of potato plants

When a pathogen attacks a plant, infection usually follows after the plant’s immune system is compromised.  A team of researchers at the University of California, Riverside focused on Phytophthora and deciphered how it succeeded in crippling the potato...
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二月 01, 2013

‘All-star’ team to grow awareness of Australian potato industry research at upcoming Victorian Field Day

Leading industry researchers will team-up with local Victorian agronomists at a Field Day event next month, to help raise awareness amongst potato growers and processors about key research and development (R&D) activities currently being undertaken...
十二月 17, 2012

AUSVEG Potato R&D Program well received

Members of the Australian potato industry have shown strong support for the AUSVEG Potato Industry Extension Program over its first 12 months, with research and development (R&D) workshops held as part of the program proving a hit with both potato ...
Insort GmbH we catch them all
十一月 11, 2012

Insort highlights its Chemical Imaging Technology at the Interpom | Primeur 2012

The Austrian optical sorting equipment manufacturer Insort GmbH will highlight its Chemical Imaging Technology applied in their Sherlock Separator for the potato industry at the Interpom | Primeurs.
十月 24, 2012

AUSVEG reports on Senate Inquiry into import concerns New Zealand potatoes

AUSVEG CEO Richard Mulcahy today said that an Inquiry held this morning by the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee is validation of concerns raised by AUSVEG about the biosecurity risks to the Australian potato industry of fresh p...
 Tubérculo afectado por la mancha rayada
十月 24, 2012

La mancha rayada, una nueva amenaza para la papa

Los paperos de Costa Rica temen la entrada de esta enfermedad a su territorio. No es para menos. En Honduras ha ocasionado grandes pérdidas económicas y en Nicaragua ya fue detectada. Se trata de la mancha rayada o zebra chip. La mancha rayada está pr...
十月 18, 2012

Western Australian seed potato growers to reap benefits from research event in the field

Western Australian seed potato growers will today participate in a Field Walk event at the Vasse Research Station, located in the south west agricultural region of WA, to hear about current research into potato pests, diseases and viruses, and to take ...


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