
Chile: Buscan controlar plaga cuarentenaria en papa con plantas nativas
五月 28, 2014

Chile: Buscan controlar plaga cuarentenaria en papa con plantas nativas

Se trata de una innovación que desarrollará un equipo de trabajo liderado por la Prof. Laura Böhm del Instituto de Producción y Sanidad Vegetal del UACh.
Hairy Nightshade, a weed that has the potential to be problematic in potato cultivation
五月 28, 2014

New 'Focus on Potato' Webcasts Tackle Hairy Nightshade, Potato Tuber Moth

Hairy nightshade and potato tuberworm (or potato tuber moth) are two economically important inhibitors to potato production. Two of the latest ‘Focus on Potato’ webcasts focus on these economically important potato pests.
五月 27, 2014

Biosecurity protection a primary focus of Queensland potato forum

Potato growers attending today’s potato research and development (R&D) workshop in the Lockyer Valley in south east Queensland will hear about exotic and endemic biosecurity risks facing their businesses, and the practical steps they can take to protect themselves.
Canadian and American potato growers benefit from new testing requirements for potato cyst nematode (PCN)
五月 21, 2014

Canadian and American potato growers benefit from new testing requirements for potato cyst nematode (PCN)

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) have adopted revised guidelines to manage potato cyst nematode (PCN) that will support potato growers, help facilitate international trade, and maintain protection against the pest.
UK: Potatoes emerge to perfect storm of blight pressure
五月 15, 2014

UK: Potatoes emerge to perfect storm of blight pressure

In the United Kingdom, many potato crops are now emerging well - straight into conditions that pose a high risk of blight.
Bangladesh to introduce late blight resistant potato variety
五月 14, 2014

Bangladesh to introduce late blight resistant potato variety

The Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (Bari) and Peru-based International Potato Centre (CIP) will introduce a late blight resistant potato for use in next season: Bari Potato - 46
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Azerbaijan, FAO to improve seed potato production
五月 07, 2014

Azerbaijan, FAO sign agreement to improve seed potato production

Azerbaijan and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) sign an agreement to develop the production of virus-free seed potatoes
zebrachip symptoms in fried potatoes
五月 01, 2014

ARS: Potato Psyllids dissected for clues to better controlling it

Researchers at USDA's Agricultural Research Service are leaving no stone unturned when it comes to finding new ways of managing zebra chip disease and the insect that can spread it to potato crops.
Científicos uruguayos presentaron 20 investigaciones; una de ellas sobre papa
四月 29, 2014

Científicos uruguayos presentaron 20 investigaciones; una de ellas sobre papa

Abarcaron distintas áreas como ciencias sociales, naturales y exactas, humanidades, agro, ingeniería, energía y medicina
El cambio climático no aumentaría el riesgo de diseminación del tizón tardío
四月 19, 2014

El cambio climático no aumentaría el riesgo de diseminación del tizón tardío

Según una reciente investigación de las Universidades de Kansas y California-Davis, el Centro Internacional de la Papa y el Instituto Internacional de Investigación del Arroz.
Simplified life cycle of Phytophthora Infestans (Schumann et. al.)
四月 17, 2014

Neiker-Tecnalia scientists warn of new resistant late blight variants

Scientists at the Basque agricultural research Institute Neiker-Tecnalia have for the first time identified the existence in Álava-Araba of the two sexual types A1 and A2 of the fungus Phytophthora infestans and warn the crossing between both types could lead to the appearance of new, more aggressive strains resistant to routine phytosanitary teatments
World trade in fresh potatoes, Ulrich Kleinwechter, Perspectives and Foresight
四月 17, 2014

Europatat welcomes European Parliament plenary vote on plant health

Europatat welcomes the European Parliament plenary vote on plant health that results in more responsibilities for operators and a common sense on trade
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Alberta potato growers prepare for late blight
四月 15, 2014

Alberta potato growers prepare for late blight

Times have changed for Alberta potato growers. Up until four years ago, the province was virtually late blight-free. Lately, wet springs and high humidity — uncharacteristic for this region — have nurtured the growth and spread of the disease.
Neiker constata la presencia en España de dos tipos de reproducción A1 y A2 del hongo causante del tizón tardío de la papa
四月 14, 2014

Neiker constata la presencia en España de dos tipos de reproducción A1 y A2 del hongo causante del tizón tardío de la papa

El cruzamiento entre ambos tipos producen variantes más resistentes a fungicidas convencionales y puede sobrevivir en condiciones adversas.
Nu al Phytophthora gevonden in Belgie
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Nu al Phytophthora gevonden in Belgie

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Cómo controlar el nematodo dorado de la papa mediante la biofumigación de crucíferas
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Cómo controlar el nematodo dorado de la papa mediante la biofumigación de crucíferas

Agrocabildo, el servicio masivo de difusión de tecnología agraria de Tenerife, acaba de publicar los resultados de un estudio realizado para determinar cuál crucífera es la más efectiva en el control del nematodo dorado de la papa.
Zebra Chip disease symptoms (Source: TAMU)
四月 03, 2014

AUSVEG: Downplaying Zebra chip risk is a dangerous game

Claims New Zealand potatoes do not pose a “substantive risk” to the Australian industry have been slammed as irresponsible and reckless by AUSVEG.
Plagas agrícolas son ‘muy subestimadas’, dice estudio
三月 18, 2014

Plagas agrícolas son ‘muy subestimadas’, dice estudio

El número de diferentes tipos de plagas que destruyen las cosechas en el mundo en desarrollo podría ser muy superior a lo que se conoce, lo que estaría contribuyendo aún más a mermar las cosechas en países que son grandes productores de alimentos, dicen investigadores.


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