
Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO)

The Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO; Dutch Potato Organisation) represents the interests of the Dutch potato sector, including the seed potato industry, the table potato industry and the sector producing potatoes for processing. 

Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond

The Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond is an organization representing the interest of dutch farmers.

Norsk Landbruksrådgiving (NLR; Norwegian Agricultural Extension Service)

Norsk Landbruksrådgiving (NLR), the Norwegian Agricultural Extension Service, is an organization providing advice to Norwegian farmers

North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG)

Association of potato growers in Belgium, The Netherlands, France and Germany.

Norwegian Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers Association (NFGF)

The Norwegian Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers' Association (NFGF) aims to be an effective collaborative initiative for Norwegian fruit and vegetable wholesalers, to promote common interests.

Organic Farmers & Growers

OF&G was formed in 1973 as a marketing cooperative for organic produce but are now a dedicated organic control body and certifier for a number of other sustainable land use schemes.
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Payr – Perunan asialla

PAYR is the Finnish potato grower association. Its mission is to centrally improve the potential, sales and marketing of potatoes and potato products, and ensure the development of industry research, advice and training.

Polish Potato Association (Stowarzyszenie Polski Ziemniak, SPZ)

The Polish Potato Association (Stowarzyszenie Polski Ziemniak,or abbreviated SPZ) is a national organization of producers, processors, scientists and breeders of potato varieties, as well as service and consulting companies operating in the Polish potato industry.

Polish Potato Federation

The Polish Potato Federation was established to integrate the Polish potato industry, as well as represent it both locally and globally.

Polish Seed Trade Association – PIN

Polish Seed Trade Association – PIN – , the only chamber of commerce in the seed industry in Poland. The origins of the formation date back to the 90s of the twentieth century, and currently there are 95 national and foreign affiliates.

Porbatata (Portugese Potato Association)

Porbatata, the Potato Association of Portugal, is to represent the interests of the whole potato sector in Portugal and to be a unique and active voice of the sector, uniting production, marketing and industry.

Potato Market

Potato Market is a trader platform that is in charge of putting producers and buyers in contact of the potato market, from anywhere in Europe. The first online potato market for producers and buyers.
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Potato Processors Association (PPA)

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PPMA (Processing and Packaging Machinery Association)

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Producers and Exporters Andalusian Early Potatoes

The association of Producers and Exporters Andalusian Early Potatoes belongs to Asociafruit, a non-profit association representing the producers and exporters of fruits and vegetables in Andalusia and Extremadura.

Russian Potato Union

The Russian Potato Union is an association of organisations active in the vegetable and potato industry to coordinate activities and to protect the interest of this industry.

Slovak Agriculture and Food Chamber (SPPK)

SPPK realizes its activities through the Head office in Bratislava, the net of the regional agricultural and food chambers (RPPK) in the whole territory of Slovakia and the regional chambers „with the statute“ (i.e. based on the other than the territory principle).


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