

AuSPICA is the authority responsible for the seed potato certification schemes in Victoria, South Australia and Northern New South Wales (Guyra).

Australian Packaging and Processing Machinery Association (APPMA)

Australia’s only national packaging and processing machinery organisation.


The Australian Vegetable and Potato Growers Federation (AUSVEG) represents the interests of all Australian vegetable growers.

Potato Growers Association of Western Australia

The Potato Growers Association of Western Australia represents the potato growers across Western Australia

Potato Processing Association Of Australia (PPAA)

The Potato Processing Association of Australia (PPAA) is a small and focussed organisation that was formed in 1992 to provide a united voice on issues of common concern in the processing of potatoes.

Potatoes South Australia

Potatoes South Australia was established in 2011 to represent and promote the interests of the South Australian potato industry.
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Potatoes Victoria

Potatoes Victoria, previously Victorian Potato Growers Council (VPGC) is a division of the Victorian Farmers Federation representing the Victorian potato growers.

Tasmanian Farmers & Graziers Association

The Tasmanian Farmers & Graziers Association (TFGA) is Tasmania’s state farmer organisation, representing over 5,000 members who live and work on farm businesses situated across Tasmania.

Western Australian Seed Potato Producers

Western Australian Seed Potato Producers, better known as WASPP, are committed to ensuring that the WA-certified seed potato scheme and the WA-registered seed potato scheme


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