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Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata)
La Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata es una institución académica pública situada en la ciudad de Balcarce, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. En esta institución se dictan varias carreras de grado y de posgrado.
Instituto Nacional Autonomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INIAP
INIAP generates and provides appropriate technologies, products, services and specialized training to contribute to sustainable development of the agricultural, agro-forestry and agro-industry. One of its programs, Programa Nacional de Raíces y Tubérculos, works with potato crop.
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National Institute of Seeds (INASE)
National Institute of Seeds (INASE) objective is to promote an efficient activity of production and commercialization of seeds, to ensure to the agrarian producer the identity and quality of the seed that they acquire and to protect the property of the phytogenetic creations.