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TwenteFlex™ spiral belts
TwenteFlex™ is an innovative designed spiral belt with no welded joints. The links of the TwenteFlex™ are mechanically locked, accomplished by bending the cross rod and its lock into the connection link through 180 degrees.
The AlphaLab is a bench-top leak tester dedicated to flexible packaging testing for the food, pet care and cosmetic Industries. It has been specially designed for laboratories in Factories that have to follow stringent Quality Inspection procedures and processes like ISO 22000 & HACCP.
Soiltech wireless
Soiltech Wireless offers a cool way to keep tabs on your crops from planting to storage.
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Digital Size Measurement on potato harvester
AVR has integrated a digital size measurement system on the Puma 4.0 self-propelled potato harvester. This system utilizes cameras mounted on the bunker filling belt to determine potato size during harvest.
Croptic - Weed Maps for Spot Spraying
Croptic enables farmers to use their conventional field sprayer as a spot-sprayer. We do this through weed maps we create with drones & AI.
Haspargit® is the brand name of a unique assortment of fertilisers produced and sold by Pomagro NV consisting of by-products of the sugar, agriculture, and horticulture industries.