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Polynet Packaging
Polynet packaging from Nedato is available in standard volumes of 5 and 25 kg in either red or yellow.
EC Axial 1000 Fan
Mooij Agro developed a new and larger axial flow EC fan in cooperation with Klima, especially suitable for onion and potato storage projects where low energy use is a priority.
Line for washed potatoes
In 2014 we helped develop a concept for Valensija.The first stage enabled receiving, soil extraction, sorting, washing, polishing, storing, weighing & packaging of potatoes, onions & beetroot. The second stage includes the processing of carrots.
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Spirit 7200
The AVR Spirit 7200 is a completely new machine in the trailed, two-row harvester category. Its unique feature is an extra haulm roller to be able to remove even more haulm, making it the only one on the market. Control is done by an ISOBUS system.
Reverse Osmosis
Reverse Osmosis is the smallest of membrane pore sizes and is typically designed using polymeric membranes. RO technology applications involve pure concentration and volume reduction processes.
Damaco Group, in collaboration with Ghent University, has developed a new amino acid biostimulant based on poultry by-products, called Aphasol
10mm Straight Cut Fries
The 10mm Straight Cut Fries are one of their popular fries to date. It’s not too thin and not too thick, which is very easy to fry with a nice amount of potato inside. Perfect for Charcoal Chicken and Kebab Shops.
The MagGrow technique ensures better coverage and distribution on the plant by means of drop optimization (less large and fewer small drops).
AmaTron 4
Amazone has introduced the AmaTron 4, an innovative and completely new, in-house developed tablet style ISOBUS terminal.
Even Flow Bins
Southern Fabrication Works offers a range of even flow bins with a wide range of capacities an with multiple filling and discharge options, designed to create a smooth and consistent product flow
Emden® ET 50
Emden® ET 50 is an excellent gelling and texturizing starch developed by Emsland Group, mainly used in the confectionery industry. In comparison with 'traditional' starches, Emden® ET 50 is not just a gelling starch, it also yields elasticity.
TwenteFlex™ spiral belts
TwenteFlex™ is an innovative designed spiral belt with no welded joints. The links of the TwenteFlex™ are mechanically locked, accomplished by bending the cross rod and its lock into the connection link through 180 degrees.