
Growthful is successfully applied for several years on a range of crops, including potato. Shown above the result of application on Russet Burbank in the United States.
Growthful™ is a liquid auxiliary soil substance that can help you as a potato farmer to grow bigger crops faster, which means getting to the market earlier than your competition.
Isagri Meteus capacitive irrigation probe
Meteus capacitive irrigation probe
The Météus capacitive irrigation probe helps irrigators to better manage their irrigation by measuring the humidity in the soil every 10 cm deep as well as the temperature directly near the roots. 60cm is the recommended size for potatoes.
1,4GROUP - 1,4SIGHT®
Sprout and peep control, pressure bruising and shrink are quality issues that storage managers face every year. Incorporating 1,4SIGHT® into the storage treatment plan can provide unprecedented success in managing these common storage challenges.
Biosens Sensor Spear transmits temperature and RH wireless from your potatoes to your phone
Sensor Spears
Biosens Sensor Spears transmit temperature and relative humidity wireless from your potatoes to your phone

BEPPCO Mito French Cheese Potato Chips
French Cheese Potato Chips
Mito is a brand of potato chips from Iraq.
Snackystix Lemon
Snackystix Lemon is potato chips brand of BEPPCO
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Beirut Erbil for Potato Products Company (B.E.P.P CO), Win - Lemon Flavor Potato Chips
Lemon Flavor Potato Chips
Win is a Potato Chips brand of BEPPCO. It provides Lemon Flavored Potato Chips.
FoodeQ Cross Feed Shaker
Cross Feed Shaker
FoodeQ designs and builds professional shakers exactly according to our customers’ requirements and wishes for a wide range of products and purposes.
Close-up view of Mooij Agro's EC Axial 1000 fan, featuring 6 aluminium blades and a motor with a capacity of no less than 5,2 kW.
EC Axial 1000 Fan
Mooij Agro developed a new and larger axial flow EC fan in cooperation with Klima, especially suitable for onion and potato storage projects where low energy use is a priority.
The Spider 200 case packer for Potato Chips and Other Snack Bags
Spider 200
The BluePrint Automation Spider 200 case packs vertically into a secondary container. The system is ideal for fragile products such as bags of chips and other snacks and is now supplied with a virtually hands-free automatic changeover!
AVR Clean & Go-bunker
Clean & Go-bunker
AVR's newest Spirit 7200 recently joined the AVR Spirit family as a trailed, two-row offset potato harvester. New for this machine is that it can now optionally be equipped with the new Clean & Go bunker.
Become a partner in the 'IMAGINE A WORLD WITHOUT POTATOES' campaign
Become a partner in the 'IMAGINE A WORLD WITHOUT POTATOES' campaign
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