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Multi Product Continuous Fryer Inbuilt
Ecinomode Multi Product Continuous Frying System with Inbuilt Heat Exchanger-300kg/hr- Fired Gas
The Santana potato has a light-yellow skin colour and crème colour of flesh. It is a medium early ripening variety with High Yield.
Spudnik 6640 36″ Offset Hitch (4 row Harvester, with Simple Sep Secondary)
The Spudnik 6640 is a 4-row harvester with a 36" offset hitch and Simple Sep Secondary, designed for efficient and high-quality crop harvesting.
Colomba is high-yielding, easy to grow, to store, and can be the star in several kinds of tasteful dishes. The variety is also known to be grown as a low-calory variety to meet consumer needs.
USDA French Fry Color Card
The standard colour card that is used world wide for the evaluation of french fries is the USDA french fry colour card
Potato Flour
Potato flour undergoes a refined process akin to that of potato flakes, with a few crucial modifications. By incorporating potato flour into products, they elevate the flavor, appearance, and shelf life, setting them apart from the competition.
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Potato Flakes
Potato flakes are the perfect ingredient for a wide range of products, tailored to meet specific needs. Top Tier Ingredients offers a natural potato flake option, free from artificial additives or preservatives.
Downs CropVision 240 (Optical Sorter with Reject Conveyor)
The Downs CropVision 240, marketed by PGS Equipment Ltd., is an advanced optical sorter integrated with a reject conveyor, designed for the efficient sorting of various crops.
EcoMiser® Elite
Reyco Systems® EcoMiser® Elite Oil Removal System incorporates a revolutionary oil removal design with several evolutionary developments to provide a much cleaner oil removal system with minimal crumb build-up and vastly reduced potential for process fires.
Kufri Lauvker
Kufri Lavkar is an early maturing variety (matures in 70 days in plateau and 100 days in the plains) with round white and light creamy firm flesh tubers.
Lady Rosetta
Lady Rosetta (LR) is the potato variety with red skin, round, uniform tuber with relatively shallow for crisp quality production, either fresh or from storage. This variety is majorly used in the potato chips manufacturing around the world.
Taurus is an early maincrop variety, suitable for crisping. In trials it demonstrated resistance to PCN Ro1, skin spot, black dot, dry rot (F. coeruleum), silver scurf and powdery scab.