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One-In-All-Out extraction plant for starch, protein and fibres
With their unique technology concept, One-In-All-Out, you can manufacture high-quality food ingredients tailored for specific markets.
577 (5G) Stainless Steel Reflectance Colorimeter
Photovolt's American-made model 577 (5G) stainless steel unit is the newest addition to our line of colorimeters. The 5G stainless steel unit is designed to simplify the determination of appearance characteristics.
Distribution Shaker
Most vibratory conveyors are indirectly driven by two out of balance motors based on natural frequency. These shakers shake far more intensely than directly driven shakers, furthermore they use less energy and give less unwanted vibrations that hinder the surroundings.
Potato Storage Concept based on Mechanical Ventilation Only
ENGIE Refrigeration has developed a storage system entirely based on mechanical refrigeration, which allows maintaining the same storage conditions throughout the year.
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Metal Detection Belt Conveyor
The belt conveyor is equipped with a metal detection system that prevents that harmful metal parts enter the food chain.
Subscription to Potato World Magazine
Published four times per year, this is the #1 magazine for potato industry professionals worldwide. With a special offer for PotatoPro readers!
Robustness Index
Meijer Potato is now launching a digital robustness index with 7 items, made up of different variety characteristics, to objectively compare the robustness of varieties
Sprout and peep control, pressure bruising and shrink are quality issues that storage managers face every year. Incorporating 1,4SIGHT® into the storage treatment plan can provide unprecedented success in managing these common storage challenges.
Manitou - Steering ministick MSM
The Manitou Steering Ministick is a unique innovation that replaces the traditional steering wheel with an intelligent ministick system, allowing the operator to steer the telehandler with their thumb.
Hygienic design vertical packaging machine (VFFS) with easy change of forming tube. Designed for continuous packing at high production speeds.
EMPRO® E86 F30
The EMPRO® range of Emsland Group stands for high nutritional, non-allergenic & non-GMO pea protein isolates as valuable ingredient for the food industry.
The ULTRAVENT® M is the modular system of the proven ULTRAVENT® product line. The functional modules of the universal filter system for exhaust air filtration and heat recovery can be combined as required and used in a wide range of industries and processes.
The Volumax is a system designed to optimize the filling of bulk and piece goods. This system provides a solution to more efficiently fill containers with loose products, such as frozen products.