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The GoldFryer lies at the heart of a completely integrated system offering an optimal frying environment as well as oil management, filtration, and storage. It produces uniformly fried products with the perfect color, texture, taste, and exceptional coating adhesion.
Positive Pneumatic System
Waste removal is a major challenge in all food processing environments however it is seldom more of an issue than in the fresh-cut fruit and vegetable industry. Reyco Positive Pneumatic conveying system provides a simple, cost-effective solution to these problems.
Potato Memphis is a new promising crop variety. It is characterized by good yield and drought resistance, which greatly simplifies care.
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Middle maturing export variety with a good crisping quality. It is a high-yielding variety, strong against scab, heath, and drought.
This tasty Russet Skin variety with medium maturity is the first russet-skinned variety from HZPC.
Marel RevoBreader is a multi-purpose breader with drum and flatbed modes in one enclosure, creating the highest quality home style and standard coated products.
The TuberLog is a powerful tool to identify sources of damage and bruising in all types of potato handling machinery. TuberLog mimics the size, shape and density of a typical ware potato and is suited to testing all potato handling situations.
Lady Rosetta
Lady Rosetta is an middle maturing exporting variety with a good crisping quality. Produces very uniform and round tubers. Little sensitive to heat and drought. Is popular in Europe in the Mediterranean area and in the Middle East. Resistant against PCN AF and wart disease 1.
Taurus is an early maincrop variety, suitable for crisping. In trials it demonstrated resistance to PCN Ro1, skin spot, black dot, dry rot (F. coeruleum), silver scurf and powdery scab.
Potato Dry matter Field Kit
This portable unit is specifically designed for use in the field and provides information on dry matter distribution
EcoMiser® Elite
Reyco Systems® EcoMiser® Elite Oil Removal System incorporates a revolutionary oil removal design with several evolutionary developments to provide a much cleaner oil removal system with minimal crumb build-up and vastly reduced potential for process fires.
Spudnik 2050 (50' Semi Trailer Chain Bottom with Tarp)
The Spudnik 2050 is a 50-foot semi-trailer with a chain bottom and retractable tarp, designed for efficient transport and unloading of agricultural products.
The RevoCrumb produces perfectly coated potato specialty products with uniform distribution of crumb and the highest quality appearance. The RevoCrumb separates the coarse from the fine crumb and then lets you precisely control their flow onto the product.