
Spray Dynamics



Brand Description

Spray Dynamics –裹涂和调味应用领域的领导者,精准的帮您以极少的浪费生产高质量和口味好的产品。



Spray Dynamics是专门致力于提供裹涂系统解决方案的第一个美国品牌。公司于1952年由南加州的一位面包师创立,其不断扩大的裹涂和调味系统贡献了令人难以置信的工业增长和一些世界上令人难忘的食品。

作为适应新细分行业领域的领导者,Spray Dynamics为休闲食品调味制定了标准,也为肉类、禽类和乳制品行业提供可替代裹涂方法的最早的品牌之一,并将其创新性的扩展性引入到薯条、宠物砂和农业行业。

这种对创新和设计的承诺,为所有类型的调味和裹涂应用提供了全套和单一来源的解决方案。随着不断地研发和产品性能的增强,以及数十年地经验,Spray Dynamics正在改变未来的味道。


  • 连续调味
  • 固态调味和裹涂
  • 液态裹涂和烘干
  • 批量裹涂
  • 单级和两级裹涂系统


  • 烘焙食品
  • 糖果和甜食
  • 谷物
  • 奶酪
  • 咖啡和茶
  • 休闲食品
  • 坚果
  • 宠物食品

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News for this Brand

Heat and Control Celebrates 70th Anniversary
六月 25, 2020

Heat and Control Celebrates 70th Anniversary

Founded in 1950, Heat and Control, Inc.®, a world-leading equipment manufacturer and food processing industry
supplier, celebrates their 70th anniversary on June 27, 2020. Heat and Control will celebrate this platinum occasion
with a 12-month long celebration.
Heat and Control at PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2019
八月 27, 2019

Heat and Control at PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2019

Heat and Control®, a world-leading equipment manufacturer and supplier, will showcase the latest technologies from FastBack®, Spray Dynamics®, Ishida, and CEIA® at PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2019.
Heat and Control shows latest equipment at Pack Expo in Chicago
九月 02, 2018

Heat and Control shows latest equipment at Pack Expo in Chicago

Heat and Control has announced they will be exhibiting at PACK EXPO International 2018, where the processing & packaging equipment manufacturer will be demonstrating its next generation of seasoning, conveying, weighing, packaging, and inspection systems
Heat and Control at SNAXPO 2018
三月 09, 2018

Heat and Control at SNAXPO 2018

At SNAXPO 2018, Equipment Supplier to the Snack Industry Heat and Control will showcase the latest technologies, including Heat and Control's processing systems line-up, FastBack®, Spray Dynamics®, Ishida®, and CEIA®.