News on Potato Defects and Diseases from the Americas

WSU Researchers looking at nature itself for help to defend potatoes against threats
July 23, 2019

Looking for help in nature itself to defend potatoes against nematodes and scab

WSU plant pathologists Kiwamu Tanaka and Cynthia Gleason are exploring novel approaches to protect the potato crops against nematodes and scab - mobilizing nature itself.
Ongoing research in Idaho targets PVY in search of solutions
July 06, 2019

Ongoing research in Idaho targets PVY in search of solutions

Ongoing studies at the University of Idaho’s Aberdeen Research & Extension Center seek to help seed potato growers avoid a chronically troublesome disease spread by aphids, called potato virus Y, writes John O’Connell in the Idaho State Journal.
Scientists discover key plant virus-insect virus interaction
June 19, 2019

Scientists discover key plant virus-insect virus interaction

Aphids and the plant viruses they transmit cause billions of dollars in crop damage around the world every year.
Cornell University improves global access to potato breeding material
June 11, 2019

Cornell University improves global access to potato breeding material

Plant breeders and geneticists of Cornell University have released more than 50 potato varieties since 1908. Now they are expanding their efforts to make more wild potato seeds available to potato breeders around the world.
Dr. Chad Hutchinson Director of Research at TriEst Ag Group, Inc. Exposition in Potato Expo 2018 (Courtesy: Plant Management Network)
April 30, 2019

Chloropicrin Soil Fumigation in Potato Production Systems

In his presentation at the the 2018 Potato Expo, Dr. Chad Hutchinson discusses the benefits of using Chloropicrin in potato production. Chloropicrin increases production efficiency, profit potential for potato growers, and it also improves soil health.
New type of zebra chip disease discovered in potato fields of Oregon
April 20, 2019

New type of zebra chip disease discovered in potato fields of Oregon

ARS Researchers studied potato tubers from the Klamath Basin in Oregon infected with the causal bacteria of zebra chip disease. They confirmed the presence of the pathogen but did not identify the sample as one of the six known varieties (haplotypes).
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East Idaho Potato growers barely break even, according to University of Idaho report.
January 29, 2019

East Idaho Potato growers barely break even, according to University of Idaho report.

Idaho potato farmers are getting paid about the same amount for their spuds as they're investing in raising them, according to a University of Idaho Extension agricultural economist's report, presented during the Idaho Potato Conference.
Desarrollan tratamiento efectivo contra la polilla de la papa
January 19, 2019

Desarrollan tratamiento efectivo contra la polilla de la papa

Los productores colombianos tendrán una nueva opción para combatir la enfermedad más importante que afecta a este cultivo: la polilla guatemalteca (Tecia solanivora)
Argentina: La papa resistente al PVY lista para salir al mercado
January 10, 2019

Argentina: La papa resistente al PVY lista para salir al mercado

El evento transgénico, desarrollado por investigadores del CONICET y la empresa Tecnoplant, ya obtuvo todos permisos necesarios para su comercialización en el pais.
Cómo evita Colombia el ingreso de la punta morada de la papa
January 10, 2019

Cómo evita Colombia el ingreso de la punta morada de la papa

A finales del año pasado, Ecuador reportó la presencia de la enfermedad, por lo cual el Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA) emitió una alerta temprana fitosanitaria y está tomando medidas de prevención.
Argentina: First PVY resistant potato will go on sale next year
December 21, 2018

Argentina: First Genetically Modified, PVY resistant potato goes on sale next year

After 20 years of biotechnological research, the first GM potato that is resistant to the PVY virus will go on sale next year in Argentina
Bolivia: Reaparece plaga que acaba un cultivo de papa en 2 días
December 18, 2018

Bolivia: Reaparece plaga que acaba un cultivo de papa en 2 días

La enfermedad se viene detectando en Cochabamba, donde hay ya 50 hectáreas de plantaciones afectadas. Al menos 39.000 toneladas de papa están en peligro. El daño es, especialmente, en las hojas y raíces.
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Argentina lanza la primera papa resistente al virus PVY
December 11, 2018

Argentina lanza la primera papa resistente al virus PVY

Después de 20 años de investigaciones, esta variedad saldrá a la venta el año que viene, con beneficios productivos y económicos estimados en 45 millones de dólares por año, sólo en el mercado argentino.
Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) infested area in Idaho expanded by 87 acres
October 29, 2018

Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) infested area in Idaho expanded by 87 acres

Effective October 10, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) added an 87-acre field to the pale cyst nematode (PCN) infested area in Bingham County, Idaho.
Plan emergente frente a nueva plaga de la papa en Ecuador
October 26, 2018

Plan emergente frente a nueva plaga de la papa en Ecuador

La punta morada se transmite a la plantas por medio de un insecto. Es una enfermedad de difícil control y detección y causa pérdidas significativas de rendimiento y calidad a nivel mundial.
Investigadores analizan la situación de la marchitez bacteriana
October 12, 2018

Investigadores analizan situación de la marchitez bacteriana

Ocurrió en la ciudad chilena de Paillaco, durante un seminario organizado por el Ministerio de Agricultura y el INIA. El objetivo fue el de estudiar la situación actual de la enfermedad, su riesgo y el manejo preventivo.
Fate North Carolina Sweet Potato Crop after Florence still a question mark
September 23, 2018

Fate North Carolina Sweet Potato Crop after Hurricane Florence still uncertain

The problem for North Carolina’s sweet potato farmers is knowing whether the drenching rains unleashed by hurricane Florence will have the same effect as being inundated by a flooded pond or creek. Some sweet potato fields received as much as 30 inches.
New Mexican potato variety Citlali shows resistance to late blight and zebra chip disease
September 19, 2018

New Mexican potato variety Citlali shows resistance to late blight and zebra chip disease

In Mexico, researchers of the National Forestry, Agriculture, and Livestock Research Institute (INIFAP), part of the Mexican Ministry of agriculture (SAGARPA), have developed a new potato variety, Citlali, with improved tolerance to diseases.


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