News on Potato Cultivation

Potato Days Türkiye new venue in 2023!
May 18, 2023

Potato Days Türkiye moves to a new venue in 2023!

On August 25, 2023 the third edition of DLG’s 'Potato Days Türkiye', the only trade fair in Turkey dedicated to potato cultivation, will take place in Cappadocia, Nevsehir.
Nuevos mercados a los exportadores egipcios
May 17, 2023

Las patatas egipcias obtienen buenos resultados en el mercado español

Este año se ha caracterizado por cambios en el clima mundial que han trastocado las producción de patatas y provocado alteraciones en los canales de aprovisionamiento.
Dutch Potato Farmers Find October 1 Deadline to Harvest the Crop Not Pragmatic
May 16, 2023

Dutch Potato Farmers Find October 1 Harvest Deadline on Sandy Soils Problematic

The government of the Netherlands wants farmers growing potatoes on sandy soil to harvest potatoes by October 1 and grow intermediary plants that catch nitrogen in the soil so nitrates can not leach out and contaminate groundwater.
Potato-LITE: Delivering novel, sustainable cultivation approaches to minimise tillage intensity throughout the UK
May 15, 2023

Potato-LITE: Delivering novel, sustainable cultivation approaches to minimise tillage intensity throughout the UK

Defra and UKRI, as part of the Farming Innovation Programme, recently announced funding for 'Potato-LITE' – a multimillion pound project over four years
Patatas Colombia
May 13, 2023

Colombia: Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Nariño y Antioquia mayores productores de papa

Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Nariño y Antioquia son líderes en este importante cultivo, representando el asombroso 90% de la producción nacional. Estas zonas geográficas han demostrado un compromiso indiscutible con la agricultura y han florecido gracias a su clima propicio y a la dedicación de los agricultores locales.
Royal HZPC Group maintains forecasts
May 11, 2023

Potato breeder Royal HZPC Group maintains forecasts

Potato breeder HZPC expects turnover to grow 11% from last year (then EUR 352 million (USD 386 million)) with a gross margin of EUR 66,5 million (USD 73 million) (last financial year EUR 63.9 million (USD 70 million).
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Early potato harvest
May 10, 2023

Potato planting in Castilla y Leon reaches its final stretch and it's possible yields fall

The sowing campaign, which started on February 20 with the planting of the short-cycle varieties, has reached its final stretch in the later areas of Leon, Burgos, and Segovia.
Patata nueva andaluza
May 10, 2023

La producción de patata nueva andaluza se reduce cerca del 35 porciento

La campaña de recolección de patata nueva temprana de Andalucía, principal comunidad productora y exportadora, comienza en estos días en las provincias de Sevilla, Córdoba y Cádiz con unas previsiones de producción de entre el 25 y 35 por ciento menos respecto a la campaña del año anterior.
Francisco Moya
May 08, 2023

Francisco Moya, presidente de CNIPT: “Las necesidades de patata en el mundo son muy altas”

Hombre de consensos, firme defensor y creyente de las actuaciones a nivel de conjunto, Moya tomó el relevo de la presidencia del CNIPT a finales de 2022.
In Sumatra, potato appetite bites into a UNESCO-listed tiger haven
May 08, 2023

Expanding Potato cultivation on Sumatra, Indonesia cause for environmental concerns

Expanding cultivation of potatoes on Indonesia’s Sumatra Island infringes on Kerinci Seblat National Park, the largest protected area on Sumatra and one of the last refuges of the Sumatran tiger, Sumatran elephant and the Sunda clouded leopard.
May 08, 2023

Santiago Domínguez: one of the largest potato producers in Spain

The farmer Santiago Domínguez from Valladolid, achieves everything he proposes after experiencing it firsthand, he has also been a grape harvester and now has a winery: 'The secret is to suffer it, fight it and learn it'
B-hive Innovations is developing a technology that goes beyond imaging the potato plant:  potato tubers are inspected using ground penetrating radar.
May 07, 2023

Watch your potatoes grow... Not the plants, the tubers!

Ground-Sensing technology TuberScan - developed by Agri-tech business B-hive Innovations and partners - is entering its final phase of testing both overseas and now in the UK following the start of this year’s weather-delayed potato growing season.
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Big savings in reducing insecticide use.
May 04, 2023

Potatoes New Zealand meeting on the benefits of IPM: Big savings by reducing insecticide use.

By adopting integrated pest management (IPM) practices growers are not on their own, Australian entomologist, Dr Paul Horne, told Pukekohe potato growers at a Potatoes New Zealand research update breakfast meeting in late March.
Disminuye la producción de patata valenciana
May 03, 2023

Disminuye la producción de patata valenciana

Ante la situación de subida de costes y disminución de la producción por la sequía, AVA-ASAJA insta a los operadores comerciales –especialmente a las cadenas de la distribución alimentaria– y al conjunto de los consumidores que den prioridad a la compra de la patata valenciana.
Sicilian new potatoes - production deficit due to climate change
May 03, 2023

Sicilian new potatoes - production deficit due to climate change

The Sicilian new potato season started a few weeks ago. Davide Prietto Batturi's company from Syracuse is among the businesses that specialize in this product.
Agrico expects to achieve a considerably higher price
May 03, 2023

Agrico expects to achieve a considerably higher price for its potatoes

Potato cooperative Agrico announced to its members an average price indication of EUR 35.50 (USD 39.20) per 100 kg for all supplied kilos of 28 mm upwards for seed potatoes from the 2022 harvest.
Plantación de patatas en Galicia.
May 02, 2023

Galicia, España: La sequía amenaza con encarecer aún más la patata

La semana 14 del año, la primera de abril, ha dejado una marca histórica en el precio en origen de la patata en España: 0,66 euros el kilo, un 65% más de los 0,4 euros por kilo de la misma referencia en 2022.
Cultivos de papa en Villahermosa
May 01, 2023

Colombia: Emisión de ceniza quema los cultivos de papa y enferma a las familias en Villahermosa

La comunidad en Villahermosa ha reportado a la oficina de agricultura que se encuentran trabajando a pérdidas, teniendo en cuenta que la ceniza del volcán Nevado del Ruiz se encuentran quemando la papa, arveja y cultivos de frijol.


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