News on Potato Varieties and Seed

September 14, 2010

HZPC neemt nieuw energiezuinig kassencomplex in gebruik

De burgemeester van Dongeradeel, mevrouw M. Waanders, heeft onder belangstelling van alle HZPC-medewerkers het nieuwe kassencomplex van HZPC in Metslawier formeel in gebruik gesteld.
September 10, 2010

BASF Plant Science identifies case of low level comingling in Amflora fields in Sweden

BASF Plant Science identified extremely small quantities of Amadea potatoes in Amflora fields planted in Northern Sweden during the course of the regular in-house quality controls.
September 06, 2010

La CE confirma el cultivo ilegal de una patata transgénica en Suecia

La Comisión Europea (CE) ha confirmado hoy el cultivo de una variedad de patata genéticamente modificada no permitida por la UE en campos de Suecia y ha pedido explicaciones a la compañía responsable, la alemana BASF. El portavoz comunitario de Sanida...
 Amflora GMO starch potatoes
September 02, 2010

Amadea submission announced at harvest first Amflora starch potatoes

The German Federal Minister of Economics and Technology, Rainer Brüderle, today helped to start the harvesting of the Amflora potatoes in Zepkow in the German state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Together with BASF’s Chairman Dr. Jürgen Hambrecht an...
 Papa Amflora genéticamente modificada
August 31, 2010

BASF ha solicitado a la CE autorización para una segunda patata transgénica

El grupo químico alemán BASF ha solicitado a la Comisión Europea (CE) autorización para una segunda patata manipulada genéticamente "Amadea", cinco meses después de haberla logrado para "Amflora"tras años de espera. Con motivo del...
August 23, 2010

Científicos indios desarrollan papa rica en proteínas

Una variedad de papa enriquecida con proteína mediante ingeniería genética se está probando actualmente en la India con propósitos comerciales. Desarrollado por Asis Datta en el Centro Nacional para Investigación en el Genoma Vegetal de la Universidad...
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August 23, 2010

Gourmet Potato Purple Heart now on New Zealand market

It has been bred by Plant & Food Research and it has a smooth deep purple skin with purple and white flesh.
August 23, 2010

Indian Scientists develop protein rich potato

A genetically engineered, protein-enriched potato is being readied for commercial field-testing in India, scientists said.
August 20, 2010

CPRI tells Indian Potato farmers to switch to heat tolerant potato varieties

With the mercury level steadily rising across India, potato growers need to switch to new varieties of heat-tolerant seeds for saving their crops, agriculture scientists have suggested.
 Amflora Starch Potato
August 14, 2010

GMO - Tempting traits waiting in the wings

The latest genetically modified crops being trialled in Europe are open to public at the Uplingen Plant Science Garden in east Germany. Potatoes that fend off blight without the aid of pesticides, sugar beet capable of withstanding a dose of glyphosate...
Lays Andinas
August 05, 2010

Pepsico supports development of new potato varieties with agricultural development Center in Peru (CEDAP)

Indra K. Nooyi, chairman and CEO of PepsiCo, Inc. (NYSE: PEP), visited Peru this week to announce that the company is investing USD $3 million over the next three years to create the Agricultural Development Center of Peru (CEDAP).  The Center, which i...
Lay's Andians
August 03, 2010

PepsiCo construirá en Perú un centro de investigación en tubérculos y raíces con una inversión de 3 millones de dólares

La multinacional PepsiCo, fabricante de refrescos y de otros productos alimentarios, invertirá en Perú más de 200 millones de dólares en los próximos cinco años, anunció hoy su presidenta ejecutiva, Indra Nooyi, tras reunirse con el gobernante de este ...
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Bolivia exporta a Brasil semilla de papa y prevé ampliar mercado a otros países suramericanos

La Unidad de Producción de Semilla de Papa (CEPA) exporta tres variedades de semilla de papa a Brasil y prevé llegar a otros países sudamericanos, según datos de esa organización de productores. Las semillas de ágata, cupido y asterix son las tres var...
New Potato Varieties get extra push in Oregon, Washington
July 28, 2010

New Potato Varieties get extra push in Oregon, Washington

The Oregon Potato Commission has committed an extra $60,000 this year in funding for the potato variety development program at Oregon State University, said Bill Brewer, the commission’s executive director.Among those new varieties Brewer is most excit...
New varieties for potato chips (crisps) impress in trials at Seabrook Crisps
July 23, 2010

New varieties for potato chips (crisps) impress in trials at Seabrook Crisps

A new potato processing variety has yielded well in trials in a difficult growing season.The new variety from Potato Innovations (PI), known only as YP0243, has yielded nearly 35t/ha of marketable ware in the trials.YP0243 is due to receive registratio...
July 22, 2010

Sri Lankan potato producers pleased with US cultivars

The United States Potato Board (USPB) Team Seed conducted a market visit to farms and growing regions in Sri Lanka during May 2010. Sri Lankan producers growing US varieties are unanimous in their approval of cultivars and selections sourced from the U...
July 06, 2010

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Aviko Potato betaalde EUR 102,09 per ton voor Agria, EUR 104,42 voor Innovator
July 01, 2010

Aviko Potato betaalde EUR 102,09 per ton voor Agria, EUR 104,42 voor Innovator

Aviko Potato uit Steenderen betaalt over het seizoen 2009/10 voor Agria in de pool zonder voorverkoop gemiddeld 97,52 euro per ton uit. Dit is 2,75 procent meer dan het seizoen ervoor. Ook voor Innovator en Victoria en Leonardo rekent de inkooporganisa...


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