News on Potato Varieties and Seed

Egypt imported 131 thousand tons of seed potato and 25 thousand tons of frozen french fries and potato chips
January 18, 2022

Egypt imported 131 thousand tons of seed potato and 25 thousand tons of potato products (French Fries and Chips)

Sources revealed to Al-Mal that 131 thousand tons of potato seeds arrived from European facilities approved for import from last October until early January, for 76 approved varieties.
Potato company Quebec Parmentier continues its expansion with the acquisition of Ferme G.G. and A. Montminy
January 17, 2022

Potato company Quebec Parmentier continues its expansion with the acquisition of Ferme G.G. and A. Montminy

Canadian potato company Québec Parmentier announces the acquisition of Ferme G. G. & A. Montminy, a renowned and large-scale seed potato producer located in the Péribonka region of Quebec.
La patata Princesa Amandine recibe el galardón del Sabor del Año 2022.
January 12, 2022

La patata Princesa Amandine recibe el galardón del Sabor del Año 2022

Los consumidores españoles han tardado solo dos años en
valorar y reconocer el sabor cremoso y sabroso de la patata Princesa Amandine, que ha sido
recientemente premiada con el sello Sabor del Año 2022 para productos de retail.
SENASA: ‘Zebra chip’, plaga de la papa, no está presente en el Perú.
January 12, 2022

SENASA: ‘Zebra chip’, plaga de la papa, no está presente en el Perú

El Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria (SENASA) descartó la presencia de la plaga ‘Zebra Chip’ en el Perú, luego de haber analizado 169 muestras de plantas e insectos procedentes de zonas productoras de papa, en la provincia de Huancabamba, región Piura.
España: Menor superficie de Patata en Sevilla.
January 12, 2022

España: Menor superficie de Patata en Sevilla, aunque con buena Campaña de Siembra

Ya ha comenzado la siembra de patatas en Sevilla, principal provincia productora de Andalucía. Se prevé una caída productiva de aquellas variedades destinadas a la industria.
Using drones to select drought-tolerant Sweet potatoes.
January 12, 2022

Using drones to select drought-tolerant Sweet potatoes

Droughts have long posed a threat to farmers in southern Africa, and models predict they will become more frequent, unpredictable, and intense as global warming continues.
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New Federal Ministerial Coordinating Committee on PEI Potatoes brings whole-of-government approach to help farmers affected by U.S. trade disruption
January 11, 2022

Government Canada establishes committee to restore market access for PEI fresh potatoes to the United States

The Government of Canada is committed to restoring market access for PEI fresh potatoes to the United States and supporting PEI farmers impacted by trade disruptions.
Minituber specialist Technico is now certified as a Great Place to Work
January 11, 2022

Minituber specialist Technico is now certified as a Great Place to Work

Technico Agri Sciences Ltd. a wholly-owned subsidiary of ITC Limited is now a Great Place to Work-Certified™ organization by the Great Place to Work Institute.
Intersur adquiere una nueva sede en Castilla y León.
January 05, 2022

Intersur adquiere una nueva sede en Castilla y León

Intersur ha adquirido para su nueva sede en Castilla y León, las instalaciones en Tordesillas (Valladolid) de la extinta Agroinnova S.L. – Las Patatas del Abuelo. Esta importante inversión permitirá a la empresa desarrollar un importante plan de cultivo para Castilla y León.
Europlant presents 'low input' potato varieties
December 29, 2021

Europlant presents 'low input' potato varieties

Europlant presents potato varieties with high nutrient efficiency. The high-yielding and high-quality special varieties for low input production protect the environment and save costs.
INIA Butalcura organizó taller y día de campo.
December 22, 2021

INIA Butalcura organizó taller y día de campo

INIA Butalcura organizó taller y día de campo para GTT de semilleristas de papa de Chiloé.
Jóvenes buscan combatir la hambruna en Colombia.
December 22, 2021

Con papas resistentes a altas temperaturas, jóvenes buscan combatir la hambruna en Colombia

Doce estudiantes de Biotecnología lograron adaptar el cultivo de la papa a temperaturas altas, para que las comunidades de esas regiones de alto calor puedan sembrar el tubérculo bajo los inclementes rayos del sol.
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CSIR-SARI introduces new varieties of Frafra potato to farmers in Talensi and Nabdam
December 18, 2021

CSIR-SARI introduces new varieties of Frafra potato to farmers in Northern Ghana

The Savannah Agriculture Research Institute of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research [CSIR – SARI] has introduced new varieties of the ‘Frafra’ potato crop to farmers in the Talensi and Nabdam districts of the Upper East Region.
Almost one year after Brexit: still no agreement on trade in seed potatoes.
December 17, 2021

Almost one year after Brexit: still no agreement on trade in seed potatoes

On 9 December, the European Parliament will hold a public hearing on 'the impact of Brexit on European agricultural markets'. Europatat would like to use this opportunity to highlight the impact of no agreement on their sector.
South Korean Agritech E Green Global Secures Investment from ADB Ventures to Enhance Asia-Pacific Food Security
December 13, 2021

South Korean 'Microtuber' company E Green Global (EGG) Secures USD 15 million Investment from ADB Ventures

Advanced crop technology company E Green Global Co. Ltd. (EGG) announced that it has raised additional equity funding from ADB Ventures, the venture capital arm of the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
New Red Fox potato a first for P.E.I. Potato Board.
December 12, 2021

New Red Fox potato variety a first for the Prince Edward Island Potato Board

The new Red Fox potato variety has a very P.E.I. name, and is also a first in the history of the Prince Edward Island Potato Board.
Big victory for farmers: India revokes patent for PepsiCo's Lay's potatoes.
December 09, 2021

Big victory for farmers: India revokes patent for PepsiCo's Lay's potatoes

India has revoked a patent for a potato variety grown exclusively for PepsiCo Inc's popular Lay's potato chips, according to an order issued on Friday by the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights (PPVFR) Authority.
Investigadores argentinos desarrollan plantas de papa que resisten la sequía.
December 08, 2021

Investigadores argentinos desarrollan plantas de papa que resisten la sequía

Investigadores argentinos desarrollaron a través de modificaciones genéticas plantas de papa tolerantes a condiciones de sequía y con hasta 17% más de rendimiento que las de la variedad que actualmente se siembra en Argentina.


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