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April 09, 2010
Trials with GM Potatoes resistant to PCN in United Kingdom approved
April 06, 2010
What the approval of GM potato Amflora in Europe means to growers
March 11, 2010
Haverkort: 'Nog paar jaar voor Modena teelttoelating krijgt'
March 10, 2010
The History and Future of GM Potatoes
In North America, currently no genetically modified potatoes are commercially grown. But the GM potato has already a colorful history in the US and Canada
March 03, 2010
Starch manufacturer Emsland Group welcomes approval of Amflora
March 03, 2010
Amflora approval is a hot potato in GM debate
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March 02, 2010
Amflora starch potatoes first EU approved GM crop in 12 years
March 02, 2010
European Commission approves Amflora starch potato
March 02, 2010
Europa aprueba cultivo de papa transgénica
February 19, 2010
Avebe schort aanvraag voor veldproef genaardappel op
February 11, 2010
Blight resistant GM potato testing planned in the UK
February 09, 2010
Beijing's potato research, hope and concern
December 08, 2009
Emsland Stärke processed 100 tonnes amylopectin potatoes this fall
December 02, 2009
Cibus Global & NEU Seed to Develop Potato Crop Protection & Performance Enhancement Traits for North America
November 27, 2009
Attitudes to GM Foods explored in new Food Standards Agency report
November 02, 2009
German government endorses growing of GM starch potato Amflora
October 20, 2009
South African Government rejects genetically modified potato
July 09, 2009