Energy and Environment

Schematic illustration of the hybrid network based on CNF and DFNKF, highlighting the residues exploited for functionalization and interaction with CNF. The halogenated derivatives, DF(I)NKF and DF(F5)NKF, were obtained substituting the Phe in the second
January 06, 2025

Sustainable hydrophobic cellulose paper for packaging could soon be a reality!

The aim was to create hydrophobic paper by exploiting the mechanical properties and water resistance of cellulose nanofibres, and so produce a sustainable, high-performance material suitable for packaging and biomedical devices. This involved a supramolecular approach, i.e. combining short chains of proteins (peptide sequences) that do not chemically modify the cellulose nanofibres.
China’s sets out on a mission to protect potatoes from climate change
January 04, 2025

China Sets Out on a Mission to Protect Potatoes from Climate Change

Chinese scientists are working urgently to safeguard potato crops - a critical food source worldwide - against the growing threat of climate change. 
Edimax series- Direct Edible Oil Heater
December 31, 2024

Heating frying oil: Bozzler Energy Achieves Highest Fuel Efficiency with Advanced Wet-Back Technology

With a strong foundation in machine design, industry-best practices, and a commitment to sustainability, Bozzler Energy Pvt. Ltd. has established itself as a leader in manufacturing energy-efficient and durable heating equipment for modern industries.
Roger & Roger Named First SDG Pioneer in Wallonia by UNITAR
December 26, 2024

Potato Chip manufacturer Roger & Roger recognized as sustainability Pioneer in Wallonia by UNITAR

Roger & Roger has been honoured as the first SDG Pioneer in Wallonia by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). This prestigious title recognizes companies that have successfully integrated sustainability and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into their operations.
España: perspectivas para el 2025 en cuanto a patata de siembra
December 26, 2024

España: perspectivas para el 2025 en cuanto a patata de siembra

Todo parece indicar que la disponibilidad y la calidad serán superiores a las del 2024. En cualquier caso, la temporada no está libre de dificultades.
PepsiCo South Africa Expands Potato Chips Production Plant with USD 40 Million Investment Creating More Jobs
December 14, 2024

PepsiCo South Africa Expands Potato Chips Production Plant with USD 40 Million Investment

PepsiCo South Africa has expanded its Isando factory with a new state-of-the-art potato chip production line with ZAR 746 million (USD 40 million) investment.
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Katherine Meacham-Hensold led work looking to improve the photorespiratory bypass of potato as a postdoctoral researcher in Don Ort’s lab at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
December 12, 2024

Climate-ready potato crop: RIPE team shows yield increase under heatwave conditions through photorespiratory bypass

A team from the University of Illinois has engineered potato to be more resilient to global warming, showing 30% increases in tuber mass under heatwave conditions.
Martin Kropff is the former Managing Director for Resilient Agri-food Systems at CGIAR, an international agricultural research organization. He is also an emeritus Rector Magnificus at Wageningen University.
December 12, 2024

A brighter future begins with a resilience revolution

In a world where almost half of potential crop production is lost due to diseases, pests, and extreme weather, addressing the challenges of food security and sustainable agriculture has never been more urgent.
Branston is trialling electric lorries in its fleet
December 08, 2024

Potato Supplier Branston Gains International Validation On Net-Zero Goals

The ambitious net-zero goals of leading potato supplier Branston have been recognised by a pioneering organisation that supports businesses around the world to tackle the climate crisis.
SV Agri's In-House R&D Achieves DSIR Recognition, Unlocking New Possibilities in Agricultural Innovation
December 08, 2024

SV Agri's In-House R&D Achieves DSIR Recognition, Unlocking New Possibilities in Agricultural Innovation

Siddhivinayak Agri Processing Pvt Ltd (SV Agri) is proud to announce that its in-house Research & Development (R&D) unit has been officially recognized by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR).
México: heladas destrozan la producción
December 03, 2024

México: heladas destrozan la producción

Heladas causaron daños en 5,500 hectáreas de cultivos de papa, frijol y maíz, afectando a 3,000 productores con pérdidas cercanas a los 8 millones de pesos.
Perú: falta de lluvias pone en alerta a la región de Puno (Cortesía: Difusión)
November 18, 2024

Perú: falta de lluvias pone en alerta a la región de Puno

Las autoridades están avanzando con un plan de medidas que puedan mitigar el impacto de la sequía para la próxima campaña.
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New Zealand: Regenerative Agriculture Practices
November 13, 2024

Regenerative Agriculture Practices in potato cultivation in New Zealand

The recent study by McCain on potato production in New Zealand, following a regenerative agriculture approach, presents promising results for the future implementation of these practices.
España: perdidas importantes por lluvias y el huracán Kirk
November 12, 2024

España: perdidas importantes por lluvias y el huracán Kirk

El alcalde, Fernando Fernández, ha solicitado al Gobierno de Cantabria una ayuda de 200.000 euros para mitigar las pérdidas y asegurar la continuidad de la producción local.
Paraguay: capacitación para la producción de papa
November 11, 2024

Paraguay: capacitación para la producción de papa

En el "Día de Campo" en Carapeguá, productores aprendieron técnicas para optimizar la producción de papa y cebolla, promoviendo el abastecimiento nacional y la rentabilidad.
Salomé Prat, a researcher from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) at the Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) and Christian Bachem, a researcher at Wageningen University (WUR).
November 11, 2024

Improving nitrogen use efficiency in potatoes on a genetic level

Researchers have identified the StCDF1 gene as a key regulator in potatoes, enhancing nitrogen use efficiency and paving the way for the development of high-yielding, nitrogen-efficient cultivars.
(LR) Richard Baker - CEO and Gerard Backx - Former CEO of Royal HZPC Group
November 10, 2024

HZPC says goodbye to Gerard Backx and calls for resilience revolution

Potato breeding company HZPC says goodbye to Gerard Backx and calls for resilience revolution This year's Potato Days of potato breeder Royal HZPC Group were marked by a farewell and a new beginning.
Avebe and ChainCraft Sign Heads of Agreement to Revolutionize Sustainability with Circular Solutions for Potato Waste in Groningen
November 10, 2024

Royal Avebe and ChainCraft enter strategic collaboration to convert residual potato juice into high value products

ChainCraft, a pioneer in the production of circular chemicals and Royal Avebe, a global leader in potato-based starch and protein innovations, are proud to announce a huge step towards a strategic collaboration by entering into a Heads of Agreement.


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