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October 02, 2009
Piden dejar de promocionar comida rápida entre los niños
July 03, 2009
New obesity data from the US: obesity continues to increase
January 08, 2009
La obesidad se lo pone dificil al marketing
July 09, 2008
New Yorkers altering eating habits in reponse to calorie postings
July 09, 2008
EU Companies Doing More Than US to Prevent Obesity
July 02, 2008
Study: smaller bags of potato chips more readily opened
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July 01, 2008
Snacks players must embrace health and wellness to beat obesity
June 04, 2008
Sedentary Lifestyle Not To Blame For Obesity
March 17, 2008
Global Initiative Launched To End Junk Food Ads
January 22, 2008
Calorie counts on Menu soon mandatory in New York City
January 22, 2008
Nueva York: intentan imponer conteo de calorías en menus
December 08, 2007
McDonald's PR blunder: Advertising on School Report Cards (video)
October 30, 2007
CDC: US Obesity levels have not risen last year
September 20, 2007
Se subestiman las calorías del menú en restaurantes "saludables"
September 12, 2007