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July 26, 2021
World Potato Congress calls for nominations for the Industry Award ceremony at their next conference in Dublin, Ireland

July 25, 2021
RNA breakthrough creates crops that can yield 50% more potatoes, rice

July 15, 2021
ADAPT project: farmer’s survey’s points out climate change as the biggest threat to potato production in Europe

July 13, 2021
The National Potato Council welcomes Ethan Keller as Program Coordinator
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July 05, 2021
España: 'Vamos a proteger la patata para que sea reconocida'

July 04, 2021
Wageningen scientists discover how the potato blight pathogen penetrates the plant

July 01, 2021
Mathijs Peters New President of The European Snacks Association

June 29, 2021
Chile presenta características morfológicas, productivas y alimenticias de 4 variedades nativas de papa Chilota

June 23, 2021
Re-educating Nigerian Potato growers: from farming as a culture to farming as a business

June 22, 2021
Research: Resilience and innovation in the agricultural sector in Europe

June 22, 2021
Estudio de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL) revela que la Papa resiste más la sequía con suplemento de calcio

June 19, 2021
Reading Bakery Systems Promotes Steve Moya to Manager of the RBS Science and Innovation Center

June 11, 2021