News on The Potato Supply Chain

Farmer's Keepers potatoes a take on delicious imperfection
February 19, 2016

Farmer's Keepers potatoes a take on delicious imperfection

BCfresh, a British Columbia-based provider of locally-grown vegetables, announced the introduction of Farmer’s Keepers™ Potatoes. Farmer’s Keepers™ Potatoes come in a variety of non-uniform shapes and sizes with minor blemishes or minor mechanical damage.
España promueve la innovación de la cadena de la papa en África
February 18, 2016

España promueve la innovación de la cadena de la papa en África

NEIKER-Tecnalia, la empresa INKOA SISTEMAS S.L y un consorcio de cuatro países africanos participan actualmente en un proyecto para promover la innovación a lo largo de la cadena de valor de la papa (o patata) en África del Este.
Idaho Potato Processing Contracts will make a minimum three-year rotation mandatory
February 18, 2016

Idaho Potato Processing Contracts will make a minimum three-year crop rotation mandatory

Sources say the 2016 Southern Idaho Potato Cooperative contract will include new langcode mandating a minimum of two years of alternate crops between potatoes.
World Potato Congress Welcomes New Directors and International Advisor
February 18, 2016

World Potato Congress Welcomes New Directors and International Advisor

World Potato Congress Inc. announced today appointments to the WPC Board of Directors and International Advisory Committee.
Study: Best Hope for Potassium and Fiber Missing in Children's Diets is the One Vegetable They're Least Likely to Ignore: Potatoes
February 17, 2016

Best Hope for Potassium & Fiber Missing in Kids Diets is the Vegetable They're Least Likely to Ignore: Potato

U.S. children are not consuming enough vegetables, resulting in an inadequate intake of key nutrients, including potassium and dietary fiber, which are important for growth, development and overall health.
Searching a Scottish Potato Farm for Research an Demonstration
February 17, 2016

Searching a Scottish Potato Farm for Research and Demonstration

In the United Kingdom, AHDB Potatoes has announced that it is searching for the first farmer host for its new Scottish Strategic Potato (SPot) Farm.
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Australian potatoes temporarily back on the menu in drought-stricken Papua New Guinea
February 15, 2016

Australian potatoes temporarily back on the menu in drought-stricken Papua New Guinea

Australian vegetable grower body AUSVEG has applauded the decision of the Papua New Guinean Government to temporarily lift the ban on the import of selected Australian fruits and vegetables - including potatoes - for three months.
Detectan en España la pulguilla de la papa (Epitrix similaris)
February 14, 2016

Detectan en España la pulguilla de la papa (Epitrix similaris)

La Consejería de Agua, Agricultura y Medio Ambiente alerta a los productores que se ha detectado en zonas de Galicia, Asturias y Andalucía la presencia de una plaga de cuarentena denominada 'epitrix similaris', conocida como pulguilla de la patata (o papa).
Páramos colombianos afectados por cultivos y cría de ganado
February 12, 2016

Páramos colombianos afectados por cultivos y cría de ganado

Los cultivos de papa, cebolla larga, arveja y la cría de ganado son los que más afectan los páramos de Colombia. De 2.9 millones de hectáreas, 20% del territorio ha sido intervenido por actividades agropecuarias.
Violetta Heritage Potatoes a hit with chefs in Ireland
February 12, 2016

Purple Violetta Potatoes a hit with chefs in Ireland

Irish housewife and mother Maria Flynn successfully started her own business Ballymakenny Farm Heritage Potatoes, growing the specialty potato Violetta.
Pass the Potassium, with Idaho Potatoes
February 11, 2016

Pass the Potassium, with Idaho Potatoes

Idaho® potatoes are a significant source of potassium - an essential nutrient that many Americans do not get enough of on a daily basis.
Prince Edward Island Potatoes Celebrates Potato Lovers Month with Spudtastic Sweepstakes!
February 11, 2016

Prince Edward Island Potatoes Celebrates Potato Lovers Month with Spudtastic Sweepstakes!

February is Potato Lovers Month in Canada, and Prince Edward Island potato growers are celebrating by offering consumers a chance to win a potato-packed trip to Prince Edward Island!
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Ron Offutt highlights the contribution of strong partnerships to his international success
February 11, 2016

Ron Offutt highlights the contribution of strong partnerships to his international success

Ron Offutt, founder and Chairman Emeritus of the R. D. Offutt Company, the United States’ largest producer of potatoes, spoke about his business success on the final day of Manitoba Potato Production Days in Brandon on January 28.
Okray Farms receives NPC's 2015 Environmental Stewardship Award
February 10, 2016

Okray Farms receives NPC's 2015 Environmental Stewardship Award

Okray Family Farms in Plover, Wisconsin, were named the recipients of the prestigious 2015 Environmental Stewardship Award during the National Potato Council’s (NPC) 2016 Annual Meeting, held January 14 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Cuban Potato crops troubled by rains
February 10, 2016

Cuban Potato crops troubled by rains

The rainfall in November, December, and January in the western and central parts of Cuba made it impossible for Cuban farmers to achieve a crop yield similar to the one they got last year, when they harvested 120,000 tons of potatoes.
GMOs are the Future to Combat Ills in Africa, according to Bill Gates
February 07, 2016

Bill Gates: GMOs Will End Starvation in Africa

Bill Gates, who is a major backer of food biotechnology, has spoken passionately how food biotechnology can help the people of Africa fight the numerous challenges they face.
Bangladeshi scientists seek regulatory approval for a GMO potato resistant to late blight
February 07, 2016

Bangladeshi scientists seek regulatory approval for a GMO potato resistant to late blight

Scientists in Bangladesh (BARI) have successfully field-tested a genetically modified (GMO) potato resistant to late blight, one of the most devastating potato diseases. Once the regulatory trial is over in February, they will apply for release of the variety.
Drought in South Africa pushes potato prices to the highest level ever
February 07, 2016

Drought in South Africa pushes potato prices to the highest level ever

Drought and hot conditions since September 2015 have a negative impact on yields in almost all the potato production regions in South Africa. Currently market prices are at the highest levels ever, while potato stock levels are at record low levels.


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