News on The Potato Supply Chain

Descubren un marcador molecular del calcio en la papa
April 01, 2016

Descubren un marcador molecular del calcio en la papa

Investigadores estadounidenses de la USDA-ARS y la Universidad de Winsconsin-Madison encontraron una papa silvestre con siete veces más calcio que las papas que acostumbramos a ver en los supermercados.
Agrico wins Ambassadors’ Prize 2016 for potato project in Kenya
April 01, 2016

Agrico wins Ambassadors’ Prize 2016 for its potato project in Kenya

Dutch Potato Company Agrico was awarded the Ambassadors’ Prize 2016 for its project in Kenya that aims to establish a profitable potato chain for all stakeholders, including 12,500 small-scale farms.
Congreso español de papa tratará fraude de etiquetado en grandes superficies
March 30, 2016

Congreso español de papa tratará fraude de etiquetado en grandes superficies

Expertos, científicos e investigadores analizarán temas de especial importancia para el sector de la patata en el IV Congreso de Patata Nueva de España, que se desarrollará el 8 de abril en San José de la Rinconada (Sevilla), en los que destaca el fraude o publicidad engañosa en la identificación y etiquetado de la patata nueva en las grandes superficies y cadenas de distribución.
[Video] Así se controla a la polilla guatemalteca en Canarias
March 25, 2016

[Video] Así se controla a la polilla guatemalteca en Canarias

La Universidad de la Laguna en las Islas Canarias (España) adelanta un proyecto con varios agricultores para controlar biológicamente a la polilla guatemalteca.
Blemishes of Table Potatoes: Common Biotic Causes
March 23, 2016

Blemishes of Table Potatoes: Common Biotic Causes

Potato tubers are affected by a number of blemishes, which can cause severe economic losses. This 'Focus on Potato' presentation by Jacquie van der Waals, Professor at the University of Pretoria in South Africa can serve as a guide for growers and others in the potato industry to help with identification of these blemishes.
Colombian farmers association Fedepapa rejects the import of potatoes for the processing industry
March 23, 2016

Colombian farmers association Fedepapa rejects the import of potatoes for the processing industry

Fedepapa, the Federation of potato producers in Colombia rejected the repeated requests that the processing industry has made to import fresh potatoes because, according to Fedepapa, Colombia has enough supply.
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Potato Farmers in Kenya turn to mechanization to meet rapidly increasing demand
March 23, 2016

Potato Farmers in Kenya turn to mechanization to meet rapidly increasing demand

The fast expansion of cities and towns and the popularity of fast foods have created a rapidly increasing demand for potatoes in Kenya.
Victorian Potato Growers Council rebranded Potatoes Victoria
March 23, 2016

Victorian Potato Growers Council rebranded Potatoes Victoria

Potatoes Victoria is being launched today to replace the previous Victorian Potato Growers Council. A division of the Victorian Farmers Federation, Potatoes Victoria has been representing Victorian potato growers for more than 20 years.
Simplot's Innate Potato (First Generation) Receives Canadian Government Clearance
March 22, 2016

Simplot's Innate Potato (First Generation) Receives Canadian Government Clearance

Health Canada and Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) have completed their respective food and feed safety assessments of the J.R. Simplot Company’s first generation of Innate® potatoes.
Canadá venderá papas genéticamente modificadas resistentes al pardeamiento
March 21, 2016

Canadá venderá papas genéticamente modificadas resistentes al pardeamiento

La agencia de salud pública de Canadá, Health Canada, y la Agencia Canadiense de Inspección de Alimentos (CFIA) han aprobado una papa genéticamente modificada (GM) para su comercialización, afirmó este lunes la empresa estadounidense Simplot al anunciar que sus papas GM resistentes al pardeamiento podrían estar en los supermercados canadienses para el Día de Acción de Gracias.
Durably resistant potatoes with wild potato genes offer 80% reduction in chemical control
March 21, 2016

Durably resistant potatoes with wild potato genes offer 80% reduction in chemical control

Research to develop potatoes with sustainable resistance against phytophthora via genetic modification with genes from wild potatoes and good resistance management ended with the publication of the scientific results. The approach resulted in potato plants which require 80% less chemical control.
Fresh Solutions Network announces seasonal in-store promotions
March 21, 2016

Fresh Solutions Network announces seasonal in-store promotions

Fresh Solutions Network announced today its seasonal, in-store promotions, for retailers to celebrate the bright taste of spring and hot summer grilling with free-standing, promotionally themed merchandise displays, and coordinating point-of-purchase signage for Side Delights® Potatoes.
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United States Potato Board has a new name: Potatoes USA
March 21, 2016

United States Potato Board has a new name: Potatoes USA

During the 44th Annual Meeting of the National Potato Promotion Board, Board Members voted to change its dba (doing business as—business name) from the United States Potato Board, U.S. Potato Board, or USPB, to Potatoes USA
Maine potato growers concerned about losing Imidacloprid
March 21, 2016

Maine potato growers concerned about losing Imidacloprid

Potato growers in Maine are cautiously watching the actions of the EPA as it reviews federal regulations for a popular insecticide (Imidacloprid - an effective insecticide against the Colorado potato beetle) that can be harmful to bees.
AAFC invented wireworm trap "could be a major breakthrough"
March 21, 2016

AAFC invented wireworm trap 'could be a major breakthrough'

A wireworm trap invented at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada on PEI 'could be a major breakthrough'
El mundo se rinde ante la papa
March 20, 2016

El mundo se rinde ante la papa

La demanda en la Argentina es el doble que la media mundial; Perú, el líder de la región.
Avebe potato harvest campaign 15/16 in its final stage
March 18, 2016

Avebe potato harvest campaign 15/16 in its final stage

Avebe's potato harvest campaign has entered its final stage. The last potatoes are due to be delivered to the production location in Ter Apelkanaal this week.
Productores colombianos rechazan deseos de la industria de importar papa
March 17, 2016

Productores colombianos rechazan deseos de la industria de importar papa

Fedepapa, en nombre de 90 mil agricultores , rechazó la solicitud de la industria y pide al Gobierno nacional que los respalde. Consideran que ese tipo de acciones lesionan la economía del sector y afectan la relación entre el Estado y el campo.


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