Potato Blight Trends in Europe: EuroBlight 2017 Results
April 14, 2018

Potato Blight Trends in Europe: EuroBlight 2017 Results

The EuroBlight project is examining the ongoing evolution of the potato late blight pathogen (Phytophthora infestans). In 2017, almost 1500 samples from 16 countries in Europe were genotyped. The results indicate that new clones continue to spread.
McCain Foods Limited makes strategic investment in Vertical Farming
April 12, 2018

McCain Foods Limited makes strategic investment in Vertical Farming

McCain Foods Limited has completed a strategic investment in TruLeaf Sustainable Agriculture, an innovative Canadian agricultural technology company that has developed proprietary indoor vertical farming technology to grow fresh and nutritious leafy greens.
Potato Cooperative Agrico inaugurates its expanded greenhouse facilities
April 11, 2018

Potato Cooperative Agrico inaugurates its expanded greenhouse facilities

Potato Cooperative Agrico inaugurated its new greenhouse complex at the Agrico Research breeding station last Friday. This was followed by an Open Day on Saturday April 7 at the research station.
Unleashing AI and Big Data on Potatoes - from Mud to French Fries
March 28, 2018

Unleashing AI and Big Data on Potatoes - from Mud to French Fries

By analysing potato production data, information systems specialist Professor Wolfgang Maaß and his team want to help farmers and food companies identify potential benefits and optimize their processes.
New tna On-Machine Seasoning System suitable for wider range of food products
March 21, 2018

New tna On-Machine Seasoning System suitable for wider range of food products

Packaging and Processing equipment manufacturer tna has unveiled a brand new version of its flagship on-machine seasoning application system, the tna intelli-flav® OMS 5.1 at the Anuga FoodTec
Last chance to visit Anuga FoodTec 2018
March 21, 2018

Last chance to visit Anuga FoodTec 2018!

Anuga FoodTec 2018 is well on its way. Don't miss out on this important event, that will last till the end of this week!
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Zasso High Voltage Electrical Haulm Killing to be demonstrated at Potato Europe 2018
March 18, 2018

Zasso High Voltage Electrical Haulm Killing to be demonstrated at Potato Europe 2018

As a result of the uncertainty regarding the reapproval of the active ingredient Diquat the potato industry made an effort to identify alternative solutions for haulm desiccation. Haulm killing with high-voltage electrical current showed the greatest chances of success.
FAM Centris centrifugal slicing technology for potato chips delivers on promises
March 08, 2018

FAM Centris centrifugal slicing technology for potato chips delivers on promises

Cutting specialist FAM will showcase its latest slicing technology for potato chips on the innovation stage at Snaxpo (Wednesday March 14th at 11am), during the Snaxpo in Atlanta in booth 327 and at the Anuga FoodTec in Germany in Hall 10.1, booth E060.
Potato Cooperative Agrico celebrates the start of the construction of its 'Quality Centre'
February 17, 2018

Potato Cooperative Agrico celebrates the start of the construction of its 'Quality Centre'

Potato cooperative Agrico has celebrated the start of the construction work of its 'Quality Centre' to monitor the quality and vitality of its potato varieties.
Digital standards urgently needed in the Food Supply Chain
February 11, 2018

Digital standards urgently needed in the Food Supply Chain

Mike Riley, Head of TOMRA Food is making the case for digital standards during the Fruit Logistica. TOMRA Food is initiating cross-industry working groups to accelerate development.
Agrico presents ‘the next generation of potatoes’ at Fruit Logistica in Berlin
February 11, 2018

Agrico presents ‘the next generation of potatoes’ at Fruit Logistica in Berlin

Agrico presented its new generation potato varieties with high resistance to late blight (Phytophthora Infestans) at Fruit Logistica. On the first day of the fair, General Manager Jan van Hoogen explained the meaning of these new varieties.
Genome of the Colorado Potato Beetle studied as a model species for agricultural pest
February 01, 2018

Genome of the Colorado Potato Beetle studied as a model species for agricultural pest

The Colorado potato beetle is notorious for its role in starting the pesticide industry - and for its ability to resist the insecticides developed to stop it. Now scientists have sequenced the beetle’s genome, probing its genes for clues to its surprising adaptability.
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AHDB PCN Calculator to be improved with new scenarios and more data on the resistance and tolerance of potato varieties
January 28, 2018

AHDB PCN Calculator to be improved with new scenarios and more data on resistance and tolerance of potato varieties

A research project aims to improve the accuracy of the ‘AHDB Potatoes potato cyst nematode (PCN) pallida calculator’ which is currently used as an educational forecasting tool for potato growers in the United Kingdom.
Proyecto chileno busca eliminar los pesticidas en la agricultura
January 25, 2018

Proyecto chileno busca eliminar los pesticidas en la agricultura

Por primera vez se busca utilizar microorganismos presentes en diversos cultivos para generar bíoproductos naturales que tengan relaciones beneficiosas con el cultivo.
Avebe Innovation Centre leads to New Partnership
January 18, 2018

Avebe Innovation Centre leads to New Partnership

Avebe's Innovation Centre reached its highest point early December. The new premises will be housing the Innovations, Sales and Marketing departments. Space will also be made for start-ups in the agrofood sector under the name: Innolab Biobased Economy.
When pests graze certain potatoes, yields double
January 13, 2018

When pests graze certain potatoes, yields double

When some Colombian potato varieties are lightly grazed by a pest, the plants respond by growing larger tubers, at times doubling their yields. Researchers see an opportunity and want to know more...
Lunchtime is over for the Colorado potato beetle
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Lunchtime is over for the Colorado potato beetle

Chemicals in the leaves of potato plants, produced naturally by the plant, may hold the key to a new way to control Colorado potato beetles - a major pest for potato growers.
Honduras comparte resultados de investigaciones sobre raíces y tubérculos
January 10, 2018

Honduras comparte resultados de investigaciones sobre raíces y tubérculos

La Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería (SAG) colocó a disposición de los usuarios, una colección de resultados de estudios realizados sobre varios cultivos, entre ellos, algunas raíces y tubérculos.


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