News on Zebra Chip disease from Oceania

All Australian markets reopened for WA seed and ware potatoes as surveillance shows potato psyllids not infected
December 21, 2018

All Australian markets reopened for WA seed and ware potatoes as surveillance shows potato psyllids not infected

The government of Western Australia has announced that it has succeeded in regaining market access for Western Australian potatoes in all of Australia, following the detection of tomato potato psyllid in February 2017.
No Liberibacter (zebra chip pathogen) found in potato psyillids in Western Australia
May 08, 2018

No Liberibacter (Zebra Chip pathogen) found in Potato Psyllids in Western Australia

In Western Australia, a surveillance program to assess if the last year detected tomato potato psyllid (TPP) carries the zebrachip disease pathogen (CLso), did not identify a single case of the pest - with over 10.000 psyllids tested.
Psyllid tests could help potato market access
March 08, 2018

Psyllid tests could help potato market access in Western Australia

Potato farmers could see Eastern States markets reopen in the near future which are still closed to WA following the tomato potato psyllid outbreak last year.
Tasmanian potato growers
October 25, 2017

Tasmanian potato growers step up potato psyllid surveillance

In Tasmania, Australia, surveillance programs for the tomato potato psyllid (TPP) are being ramped up as growers try to delay any incursion of the pest for as long as possible.
Only a matter of time before the potato psyllid arrives in East Australia, says researcher
September 05, 2017

Only a matter of time before the potato psyllid arrives in Eastern Australia, says researcher

Raylea Rowbottom, a researcher of the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture says it's inevitable that the potato psyllid, a destructive insect that has threatened tomato and potato crops in Western Australia will make it to the east coast.
CRC develops new DNA methods to detect zebrachip bacteria in potato psyllids
July 06, 2017

CRC develops new DNA methods to detect zebrachip bacteria in potato psyllids

Plant Biosecurity CRC scientists have identified stable regions in the genome of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (CLso), which causes the serious disease Zebra Chip in potato and tomato crops. This research will provide new diagnostics that will significantly reduce uncertainty in biosecurity assessments.
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West Australian potato farmers prepare to leave industry because of psyllid outbreak
May 02, 2017

West Australian potato farmers prepare to leave industry because of psyllid outbreak

Alan Parker looked out onto the farm business he had spent his entire life establishing. The West Australian seed potato grower will know in the next six weeks whether his lifelong career will continue.
West Australia moves from Potato Psyllid Eradication to Control
April 27, 2017

West Australia moves from Potato Psyllid Eradication to Control

Potato Psyllids, a destructive plant pest found for the first time in Australia in February cannot be eradicated, so the industry will seek to manage it, rather than destroy it, according to The Department of Food and Agriculture of West Australia.
Mesh cover highly effective at keeping pests off potatoes, Lincoln University researchers find
March 15, 2017

Mesh cover highly effective at keeping pests off potatoes, Lincoln University researchers find

In New Zealand, a team of Lincoln University researchers is impressed with the results from a trial of a mesh cover that is used to protect potato crops from insect pests.
Discovery of Potato Psyllids in Western Australia a serious blow to the industry
February 14, 2017

Discovery of Potato Psyllids in Western Australia a serious blow to the industry

Potato producers in south-west Western Australia say the detection of the potato psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli) is a "serious blow" to their industry. The detection of the psyllid may put national and international exports in jeopardy.
Potatoes New Zealand joins government biosecurity initiative
December 12, 2016

Potatoes New Zealand joins government biosecurity initiative

Potatoes New Zealand became the 14th partner organisation to join the Government Industry Agreement for Biosecurity Readiness and Response.
Biological control of Potato Psyllids by Parasitic Wasp approved by New Zealand Authority
June 20, 2016

Biological control of Potato Psyllids by Parasitic Wasp approved by New Zealand Authority

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) of New Zealand has approved a type of parasitic wasp as a biological control agent to combat the tomato potato psyllid (a plant louse), which attacks tomatoes, potatoes, capsicums and tamarillos in the country.
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Research to guard natural potato psyllid pathways into Australia
March 01, 2016

Research to guard natural potato psyllid pathways into Australia

Australian Researchers are working closely with the country's potato industry to investigate the potential for the highly destructive Tomato-potato psyllid (TPP) to enter Australia using natural pathways.
Potato Psyllids (Courtesy: Center for Invasive Species Research)
July 23, 2015

Potatoes New Zealand: Potato Psyllid well under control thanks to research

Potatoes New Zealand chief executive Champak Mehta says the industry now has the potato psyllid well under control thanks to the knowledge gained through research.
Dr Andrew Geering (Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation; QAAFI)
April 15, 2015

Zebra Chip disease discovered on island between Australia and New Zealand

During a quarantine survey on Norfolk Island, a small island between New Zealand and Australia, both the tomato-potato psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli) as well as the zebra chip causing bacterium Ca. Liberibacter solanacearum (Lso) have been detected.
New Zealand Potato Production 2014
September 14, 2014

New Zealand Potato Production 2014

New Zealand Potato production in 2013, at 525,000 metric tons, was marginally (5%) ahead of 2012 production. t is likely planted areas in 2014 will be similar to 2013, with production in the range of 500,000 to 550,000MT.
AUSVEG welcomes review of Australia's Biosecurity Import Risk Analysis process
July 14, 2014

AUSVEG welcomes review of Australia's Biosecurity Import Risk Analysis process

Australia’s industry association of vegetable and potato growers, AUSVEG, has welcomed the announcement by the Federal Minister for Agriculture that the Federal Government will review the current process by which biosecurity threats are assessed.
Zebra Chip disease symptoms (Source: TAMU)
April 03, 2014

AUSVEG: Downplaying Zebra chip risk is a dangerous game

Claims New Zealand potatoes do not pose a “substantive risk” to the Australian industry have been slammed as irresponsible and reckless by AUSVEG.


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