News on Potato Defects and Diseases

Understanding the threat of late blight under climate change, from Ecuador to Nepal
January 27, 2014

Understanding the threat of late blight under climate change, from Ecuador to Nepal

Shankar Kaji Shakya, a graduate student and research fellow from the University of Florida (UF), recently visited the office of the International Potato Center (CIP) in Quito, Ecuador to discuss the characteristics of late blight in the Andes with CIP scientists.
Potato affected by late blight (ARS)
January 21, 2014

Alberta takes up fight against late blight

A concerted effort has begun in Alberta Canada to raise awareness about the nastiness of late blight in tomatoes and potatoes.
Professor Jenifer Huang McBeath is pictured in a rice field in China.
January 13, 2014

UAF scientist veers toward potato research when life brings a detour

Jenifer Huang McBeath of the University of Alaska Fairbanks has been researching biological controls and developing environmentally friendly methods for farmers to combat plant diseases since 1985. She never intended to switch her focus to potatoes...
Bayer CropScience survey at Potato Expo digs up Potato Industry needs for 2014
January 13, 2014

Bayer CropScience survey at Potato Expo digs up Potato Industry needs for 2014

According to United States Department of Agriculture’s crop production predictions, average potato yield per acre increased during the 2013 season.

In an effort to propel this upward trend into the New Year, Bayer CropScience launched its Potato Perspectives Survey during Potato Expo in San Antonio, Texas, Jan. 8-10, 2014.
Principales insectos, devoradores de la papa (en Colombia)
December 01, 2013

Principales insectos, devoradores de la papa (en Colombia)

Según Fedepapa, gremio que agrupa a la mayor parte de los productores de papa en Colombia, los insectos plaga de mayor importancia económica que atacan al tubérculo son la Polilla Guatemalteca, la Palomilla y el Gusano Blanco.
 potato psyllid
October 18, 2013

New Zealand: new Government funding to fight potato psyllids

New research has been funded through the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, to help the potato industry reduce issues caused by an insect intruder – the tomato-potato psyllid.
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 Potato Cyst Nematode
September 11, 2013

State government removes red tape for Victorian potato growers

Victorian potato growers will face fewer quarantine restrictions when selling their potatoes interstate.
August 25, 2013

Avoid bruising at potato harvest by managing moisture levels

Avoid bruising at potato harvest by managing moisture levels pre-desiccation is the advice from Hutchinsons Root Crop Technical manager, Darryl Shailes.
Potato Psyllid Trapping and Management - Focus on Potato webcast
August 21, 2013

Potato Psyllid Trapping and Management - Focus on Potato webcast

This webcast by the Plant Management Network on Potato Psyllids, responsible for the transfer of the Zebra chip disease consists of two parts:
 Late blight on a potato leaf
August 21, 2013

Wisconsin potato growers stay ahead of blight

Although late blight has been confirmed in 12% of Wisconsin’s counties, growers took aggressive action to control the disease and are predicting full yields and high quality potatoes of all varieties this season.
Potato late blight
August 13, 2013

Alberta: watch out for late blight

Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development warns Alberta growers and gardeners for the risk of late blight.
 Potato Psyllid
August 07, 2013

Potato psyllids in Pacific North West show far less zebra chip disease this year

About the same number of potato psyllids have been caught on sticky traps in Idaho fields this season as by this time last summer, but far fewer of the tiny, winged insects have tested positive for the Liberibacter bacterium, which causes the crop dise...
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 Potatoes growing on prince edward island
August 02, 2013

Prince Edward Island Potato crop blight free

There has not been a single case of late blight reported on Prince Edward Island's potato crop this year, a situation agriculture officials are calling unusual.
 potato fields in the andes
July 31, 2013

Virus successful bio-insecticide against Guatemalan Potato Moth

The Guatemalan potato moth is wreaking havoc in potato crops in Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador. Control measures exist, but are toxic or financially out of reach. Now there's a promising alternative: a biopesticide based on a virus that infects the moth.
 Late blight
July 28, 2013

Ugandan scientists to start trials on GM potato for resistance against blight

Scientists in Uganda will soon start confined trials of genetically modified strains of Irish potato designed to be resistant to Phytophthora infestans, the fungus that causes potato blight, now devastating the crop in the west of the country.
 Fernando Bravo Almonacid
July 28, 2013

Argentinian scientists develop GM potato resistant to PVY

A team of Argentinian scientists led by Fernando Bravo Almonacid, independent researcher of CONICET at the Institute for Research on Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biology (INGEBI, CONICET-UBA), developed potato plants resistant to Potato Virus Y (P...
 Developing China Peru relations
July 27, 2013

Using the Potato to Develop China-Peru Relations

For over 30 years, the International Potato Center (CIP) has played a significant role in developing Sino-Peruvian relations through the introduction and promotion of various varieties of drought and disease resistant potato and sweet potato to China.
Key Technology - Insort License Agreement
July 25, 2013

Insort Gmbh signed a strategic partnership with market leader Key Technology

Insort and EVK have signed a worldwide license agreement with Key Technology for use of Chemical Imaging Technology in proven Key solutions provided to the potato industry.


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