News on Brexit

Con la apertura del mercado británico, el precio de la papa cae 40% en las Islas Canarias.
October 08, 2023

Tras la apertura del mercado britanico, el precio de la papa baja un 40% en las islas canarias (españa).

La restricción que afectaba la importación de papas desde el Reino Unido a las Islas Canarias ha llegado a su fin, y según informó Narvay Quintero—consejero de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de Canarias—los efectos ya se sienten entre los consumidores.
How Agristo have kept Brexit impact to a minimum
June 30, 2023

Frozen Potato manufacturer Agristo explains how they have kept Brexit impact to a minimum

Agristo is now a good 2 years into the finalization of Brexit. The French Fry company can look back up to this day and safely say Agristo has done everything to uphold one of its core values, which is to service and unburden their clients in any way possible.
Minister McConalogue announces approvals under Seed Potato Sector and Chipping Potato Sector Investment Aid
June 07, 2023

Government of Ireland supports investments in the Seed Potato and Chipping Potato Sector

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, announced the commencement of the issuing of grant approvals under the 2023 Scheme of Investment Aid for the Seed Potato Sector and Chipping Potato Sector.
MP renews call for deal to get Scottish seed potato exports back.
July 27, 2022

MP renews call for deal to get Scottish seed potato exports back

Gordon MP Richard Thomson has again called on the UK Government to get a deal in place that would see the resumption of exports of Scottish seed potatoes to the EU and Northern Ireland.
United Kingdom may no longer receive potatoes from Mallorca
June 12, 2022

United Kingdom may no longer receive potatoes from Mallorca

The future of exports of Mallorcan potatoes to the United Kingdom is in doubt thanks to Brexit and the long queues truckers have to endure at British ports.
Seed potatoes ready for planting
June 04, 2022

Potato growers in Ireland urged to order seed now for 2023 - or take a huge risk

Brexit could lead to a significant shortage of potatoes for Irish consumers by 2023, experts have warned. It makes sense for potato growers to contact seed producers now to organise fresh seed for the 2023 season.
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Ministers McConalogue and Hackett announce EUR 3 million investment scheme for the Seed Potato Sector
May 26, 2022

EUR 3 million government support for the Irish Seed Potato Sector

Irish Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, following a meeting of cabinet, announced his intention to launch EUR 3 million (about USD 3,2) scheme of investment aid for the seed potato sector in Ireland.
Grote Company Announces New Facility in The Netherlands
March 18, 2022

Grote Company Announces New Facility in The Netherlands

Grote Company, a manufacturer of reliable, top-quality food slicing and assembly equipment, announced that it has opened a new facility in The Netherlands to better serve EU (European Union) customers. The facility features a parts warehouse and service center.
Europatat calls on the European Parliament for an urgent solution in restoring normal EU-GB trade in seed potatoes
March 17, 2022

Europatat calls on the European Parliament for an urgent solution in restoring normal EU-GB trade in seed potatoes

The European Parliament’s Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development held an "Exchange of views on the disruption in the EU-GB trade in seed potatoes" to which Europatat was invited to speak.
Growers of potatoes for consumption in England and Wales may be able to import Dutch seed potatoes.
January 28, 2022

Growers in England and Wales may be able to import Dutch seed potatoes directly

At the request of the Dutch Potato Organisation (NAO), the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) has investigated the possibilities for exporting Dutch seed potatoes to the United Kingdom (UK).
Almost one year after Brexit: still no agreement on trade in seed potatoes.
December 17, 2021

Almost one year after Brexit: still no agreement on trade in seed potatoes

On 9 December, the European Parliament will hold a public hearing on 'the impact of Brexit on European agricultural markets'. Europatat would like to use this opportunity to highlight the impact of no agreement on their sector.
Ban on seed potato imports will have 'devastating consequences'
November 04, 2021

Ban on seed potato imports will have 'devastating consequences' for Potato growers in Northern Ireland

Potato growers in Northern Ireland face a severe shortage of seed potatoes in 2022, according to Traditional Unionist Voice (TUV) political party leader, Jim Allister.
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Seeking a solution to the seed potato stand-off between Europe and the United Kingdom and
August 26, 2021

Seeking a solution to the seed potato stand-off between Europe and the United Kingdom and

NFU Scotland vice president Andrew Connon has described the post-Brexit cessation of seed exports to Europe as 'purely political and totally unacceptable'.
España: Fin de la campaña de la patata en .
July 27, 2021

España: Fin de la campaña de la patata en Mallorca

Sa Pobla cuenta todavía con 45 payeses profesionales en activo. Sin duda, la patata es el cultivo mayoritario y el motor de la economía local, especialmente debido a la exportación de este tubérculo a lugares como Gran Bretaña, receptor por excelencia del tubérculo mallorquín.
Brexit fightback: UK bans EU seed potato imports in snub at Brussels
July 12, 2021

Brexit fightback: UK bans EU seed potato imports in snub at Brussels

A trade row between Brussels and London threatened to erupt tonight after UK ministers banned the import of seed potatoes from EU countries in a victory for Scottish farmers.
Brexit: Seed potatoes at EU crossroads
February 08, 2021

Brexit: Seed potatoes at EU crossroads

AHDB Head of Export Trade Development for Potatoes, Patrick Hughes spoke of the importance of the EU market to seed potato growers and how he was hoping for a rapid resolution to the prohibition on UK exports to the Continent.
Brexit to revitalise Ireland’s seed potato sector
January 29, 2021

Brexit to revitalise Ireland’s seed potato sector

Ireland’s seed potato sector looks set to get a Brexit shot in the arm. This was one of the key messages delivered courtesy of the second Spring Tillage Webinar, hosted by Teagasc this week.
Brexit: Scottish minister pledges to fight for seed potato exporters
January 04, 2021

Brexit: Scottish minister pledges to fight for seed potato exporters

The Scottish Government has said the seed potato industry is facing disaster through the Brexit deal. Exports of seed potatoes - a vital Scottish export - will not be part of a trade deal between the UK and EU


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