News on Potato Defects and Diseases

March 17, 2009

Potato blights develop fungicide resistance

Leaf samples taken last summer by provincial potato specialists and ag chem firm Bayer CropScience throughout Canada show "widespread"presence of fungi that have mutated to resist the fungicides used most often to control them.The sampling pr...
September 19, 2008

'Aantal aardappeltelers heeft te veel geld uitgegeven aan bestrijding phytophthora'

Een aantal aardappeltelers heeft teveel geld uitgegeven aan de bestrijding van de schimmelziekten phytophthora en alternaria. De telers deden dit vooral uit angst voor de schimmelziekten of door onwetendheid, aldus Huub Schepers, onderzoeker bij Wageni...
September 11, 2008

Tuber Moth resistant GM potato of no use for South Africa

A pest-resistant strain of genetically modified potato, earmarked for possible commercial release in South Africa, will be of no use to local spud farmers, said the African Centre for Biosafety (ACB) this week. It will also increase risk to the farmer ...
July 16, 2008

Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research developed a potato that is resistant to common scab

The humble spud has few natural enemies (beside humans), but common scab disease is one that threatens the whole potato industry. Common scab is one of the most prevalent and costly diseases for the potato industry worldwide. The vegetable research t...
Late blight affected potato plant
January 17, 2008

Papua New Guinea Potato Industry On Rebound

Papua New Guinea’s K50 million (US$17 million) potato industry is expected to bounce back this year after it was hit by the potato late blight disease (PLB).
Phytophthora resistente aardappel "Toluca" van Agrico op de rassenlijst
November 08, 2007

Phytophthora resistente aardappel "Toluca" van Agrico op de rassenlijst

De phytophthoraresistente consumptieaardappel Toluca van handelshuis Agrico komt een dezer dagen op de Europese rassenlijst. Dat betekent dat het ras mag worden verhandeld. Agrico zet het ras in de schijnwerpers op haar rassententoonstelling die van...
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October 16, 2007

PEI testing potatoes for wart

A virus that crippled Prince Edward Island's potato industry for six months in 2000 may have returned. A single spud from a quarantined processing field near Kensington is being tested for potato wart, a disease that poses no threat to humans but leave...


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