News on Potato Defects and Diseases

 bacterial ring rot
December 20, 2011

Scottish potato growers urged to source safe and healthy seed

Scottish potato growers were yesterday reminded to exercise particular care in sourcing safe and healthy seed potatoes following the discovery of three cases of ring rot in the Netherlands.
December 13, 2011

Potato farmer Tepper out of jail if Canada asks Lebanon, suggests lawyer

The lawyer for a New Brunswick potato farmer who has been jailed in Lebanon for the past nine months says that a letter from Ottawa (Canadian Government) is all that's needed to free his client. Henk Tepper, 44, has been held in a Beirut prison since ...
December 09, 2011

Wratziekte in aardappelen in Bergeijk

In de regio Bergeijk heeft de nVWA wratziekte gevonden in een aardappelperceel. Dat kan gevolgen hebben voor de aardappelteelt in een straal van 10 kilometer rond de vindplaats. De ZLTO-vakgroep Akkerbouw houdt daarom op dinsdag 13 december om 20.00 ...
December 05, 2011

NAO schorst handelsbedrijf in illegaal pootgoed

De Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO) heeft aardappelhandelsbedrijf W.J. Westhoeve en Zonen in het Zuid-Hollandse Ouddorp geschorst als lid. De NAO vindt dat het handelsbedrijf het belang van de vereniging in ernstige mate heeft geschaad doordat ...
 Phil Nolte
December 01, 2011

Nolte: Idaho should consider lower PVY limit in seed potatoes

Idaho should consider a more stringent cap on the percentage of seed potatoes infected with potato virus Y that may be replanted for more seeds, an industry expert advised. The current cap is 2 percent. PVY is an aphid-spread disease that reduces both...
November 28, 2011

New Brunswick protesters rally to bring detained Canadian farmer home from Lebanon

Chanting “Free Henk now” and “Mr. Harper, make the call,” about 100 protesters joined family and friends in a small New Brunswick community Sunday to support ongoing efforts to bring imprisoned potato farmer Henk Tepper home in time for the holidays. ...
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November 26, 2011

Aardappelsector erg boos over illegaal pootgoed

De aardappelsector maakt zich grote zorgen over de handel in illegaal pootgoed. De NVWA legt een link met ringrot. ”Onze buitenlandse concurrenten gebruiken dit om Nederlandse pootgoed zwart te maken.” De verontwaardiging in de aardappelsector is groo...
November 24, 2011

Canadian researchers looking for new ways to combat wireworm

Researchers on P.E.I. and in Alberta are looking for new ways to kill wireworms before the larvae destroy farmer's crops. Christine Norohna from Agriculture Canada has already done some research using buckwheat and brown mustard as rotation crops. She...
 Nieuwe Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit (NVWA)
November 23, 2011

Ringrot bij drie aardappelbedrijven in Zuid-Holland

De Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit (NVWA) heeft bij drie bedrijven op Goeree-Overflakkee ringrot aangetroffen in consumptie-aardappelen. De partijen aardappelen zijn opgespoord en uit de handel gehaald. Ringrot is een besmettelijke aardappelz...
November 18, 2011

Breeders Trust legt illegale productie en handel aardappelteelt op Goeree Overflakkee bloot

Het in Brussel gevestigde Breeders Trust is illegale productie van en de handel in Agria’s over de afgelopen jaren op het spoor gekomen. Het op Goeree Overflakkee gevestigde aardappel-handelshuis W.J. Westhoeve te Ouddorp heeft bij monde van haar adv...
November 11, 2011

Aardappelrot treft individuele boeren op grote schaal

Telers van aardappelen zijn al zwaar getroffen door extreem lage kiloprijzen. Nu krijgen individuele boeren ook nog op grote schaal te maken met aardappelrot, waardoor hun oogst verloren gaat. ,,Sinds 1998 hebben we dit niet meer meegemaakt", ver...
November 10, 2011

Idaho growers eye BASF's new GM potato

More than a decade has passed since Jim Tiede was among the growers caught up in a debacle over the first U.S. genetically modified potato variety. Even today, the American Falls, Idaho, farmer copes with the fallout of planting Monsanto's GM potato N...
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 Andean potato weevil
November 01, 2011

Simple plastic barriers combat major potato pest

A simple barrier technology has tested effective to prevent the spread and infestation of Andean potato weevils, while also protecting the biodiversity of insects, including natural enemies of pests. An ordinary sheet of plastic is proving to be a sim...
 Zebra Chip SCRI
November 01, 2011

Zebra chip research gains importance as disease spreads

Zebra chip, a disease that affects potatoes, was recently found in the potato-growing regions of Washington, Oregon and Idaho. The discovery brings to focus the growing need for scientific answers – something that will be discussed at the SCRI Zebra Ch...
 Gary Secor
November 01, 2011

Zebra Chip Management Webcast Re-launched for Potato Growers in Idaho, Pacific Northwest

In light of the recent confirmation of zebra chip in Idaho, Focus on Potato, a nonprofit potato crop management resource, has made open access its presentation on Zebra Chip Disease of Potatoes by Gary Secor of North Dakota State University. This pres...
 Fortuna (BASF)
October 31, 2011

BASF expects market introduction of GM table potato Fortuna in 2014/15

BASF Plant Science applied today for EU approval for Fortuna, a genetically optimized table potato.Fortuna has a wild potato’s natural protection to late blight, a disease causing severe problems in agriculture.
 Thomas Zitter
October 30, 2011

Common scab of potatoes: Best management practices

'Focus on Potato' of the Plant Management Network has published a new webcast: Common Scab of Potatoes By Thomas A. Zitter Ph.D., Professor, Dept of Plant Pathology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Finnish Food Safety Authority (EVIRA)
October 25, 2011

Colorado beetles could be in Finland to stay

The feared Colorado potato beetle could spend this winter inside potato fields, warns the Finnish Food Safety Authority (EVIRA). This would be unusual. EVIRA official Raija Valtonen says that the risk is higher than before.


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