News on Potato Defects and Diseases

Potato Research Centre Fredericton
August 09, 2012

Canadian government invests in potato research

Canadian Potato producers received a boost from the federal Government, as Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz and Member of Parliament Mike Allen (Tobique–Mactaquac) attended the Centennial celebrations at the Potato Research Centre in Fredericton, NB.
August 02, 2012

'Zebra chip' disease concerns Northwest potato growers

Northwest agriculture researchers in the US say they are finding more cases of a zebra chip disease in the region’s potatoes.
August 01, 2012

Blight-resistant GM spuds to save Irish growers €450/ha, says lead researcher

Potato growers could achieve potential savings of more than €450/ha if they used a blight-resistant genetically modified (GM) potato variety instead of a conventional variety.
August 01, 2012

GM potato trial 'threatens Ireland's image'

Ireland's environmental protection agency has approved the first trial of a genetically modified potato crop.
August 01, 2012

Botrytis blight a problem for Michigan potatoes this year

According to a report from Michigan State University, Botrytis blight is causing problems in potatoes throughout Michigan this season.
Global warming could benefit potato industry
August 01, 2012

Global warming could benefit potato industry

Climate change could result in a positive outcome for the potato industry and possibly lead to potatoes becoming one of the top staple crops in the world
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 Potato Genome
July 30, 2012

En Irlanda se ensayarán papas transgénicas

La Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) dio su visto bueno para las pruebas de una papa genéticamente modificada (GM) que es resistente al tizón de la papa. En los próximos cuatro años se sembrarán en Irlanda dos hectáreas con esta papa genéticament...
July 26, 2012

Green light for growing GM potatoes in Ireland

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today given consent to Teagasc, Oak Park, Co Carlow, to carry out field trials on a genetically modified (GM) potato line with improved resistance to late potato blight.
July 26, 2012

US organic potato growers have no approved zebra chip options

While other potato growers use preventative insecticide applications to protect their crops from a new disease to the Pacific Northwest, called zebra chip, Fred Brossy can only wait and see if it hits him.
July 25, 2012

Rain driving spread of potato blight in Scotland

One of the scourges of the potato crop – blight – has now been found in all the major growing areas of Scotland, with infestation levels running well ahead of average.
July 13, 2012

Brown rot threatens potato exports from Egypt

Russia has discovered brown rot in a shipment of potatoes imported from Egypt, threatening to halt trade of the crop between the two countries, an Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture official said Wednesday
July 12, 2012

Potato growers in Britain face weather-related challenges

Potato growers are facing many weather-related challenges and recent warm, wet weather has led to a massive increase in the number of Smith Periods this year so far, says Potato Council executive and blight specialist Gary Collins.
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July 11, 2012

Steps taken to check potato late blight in the Indian state of Karnataka

The horticulture department and Krishi Vignana Kendra had organised a demonstration of spraying pesticides in Narasipura in the wake of spread of blight disease for potato crop under Salagame hobli in the taluk recently.
July 06, 2012

Australian potato growers fear disease coming in from New Zealand

Australia's national vegetable grower group Ausveg says import controls being recommended by Biosecurity Australia fail to protect Australia's potato industry from the threat of disease.
 Potato Cyst Nematode (Globodera rostochiensis)
July 06, 2012

Detectaron en Chile un foco del nemátodo dorado (Globodera rostochiensis), plaga que afecta al cultivo de la papa

El Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG Región de Los Lagos, detectó en la provincia de Llanquihue un foco del nemátodo dorado (Globodera rostochiensis), plaga cuarentenaria que afecta el cultivo de papas. “Durante acciones de vigilancia sanitaria de rut...
 Late blight (Phytophthora Infestans) on potato leaf
July 05, 2012

New York State growers warned of late blight

Home gardeners and commercial growers are alerted of the potential introduction of late blight this growing season, as it has been confirmed in Suffolk County.
July 04, 2012

Idaho potato growers concerned over zebra chip

Liberibacter, the bacterium responsible for zebra chip, has been found in an Idaho potato field.
July 02, 2012

AgriLife Research zeroes in on potato disease insect

Do potato psyllids migrate from one location to the next, starting in northern Mexico and moving northward as the potato season progresses, or are psyllid populations local?


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