Suplliers of Peeled Potatoes in Europe

Remo-Frit BVBA Van Remoortel Aardappelverwerking NV

Belgian potato processor specialized in the production of chilled potato products.

Schaap Holland

Schaap Holland has been active in the potato world for over 50 years.The company is involved in the entire potato chain. Through their sorting, packaging and peeling company, they supply a wide range of table potatoes and chilled potato products.

Swancote Foods

Swancote Foods was established in 1995 in the United Kingdom to manufacture cooked potato ingredients. In 2007, the company was acquired by Greenvale AP.

The Real Fresh Chip Co

The Real Fresh Chip Co – supply fresh cut chips and peeled potatoes. They provide hand prepared chips for Chip Shops, Restaurants, Hotels, Cafes, Takeaways, Universities, Colleges and Schools across Scotland.

Theodor Stadtmann GmbH & Co. KG

Theodor Stadtmann GmbH & Co. KG is an importer and trader of agricultural products. They import quality goods from around the world and sell these to the wholesale and retail trade.

Van Colen Potatoes

Van Colen is dedicated to making high-quality fries by carefully peeling and chopping potatoes. Following Belgian tradition, the majority of their goods are made from the renowned Bintje potato, which is known for its soft texture and distinct flavor, making it ideal for fries.
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Van Colen SA

Van Colen is a modern enterprise that specializes in peeling and cutting potatoes into fresh-cut fries for the chip and snack industries. The company guarantees high-quality products for its consumers by focusing on the well-known Bintje type, which is famous in Belgian tradition for its soft flesh and distinct flavor.

Vasilev & Todorov Ltd (KOMPIR)

Vassilev and Todorov OOD and the Kompir trade mark enter the market in 2010 with a range of fresh cut potato products. The company’s registered office and head office is located in the town of Samokov, Bulgaria

Verhelst Fresh

Verhelst Fresh is a family company with more than 30 years of experience in the potato sector. Pieterjan Verhelst founded it in September 2011 in Bikschote and produced fresh fries.

Verse Boerderij Friet

Verse Boerderij Friet is Dutch manufacturer of chilled cut and peeled potato products


ViaFrites offers peeled raw and fresh potato products. ViaFrites based in Belgium.

Warnez NV

The Warnez family business has been packaging fresh potatoes since 1950 and has always been able to ensure growth by bringing together strategic partners and growers in a vertical chain. The potatoes are offered in all possible fresh forms, from basic products to very special types of potatoes in small packaging.
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Wilson's Country

Wilson’s Country is one of the leading potato packers in Ireland. The company is supplying many retailers with own label and branded prepack potatoes and offers peeled potatoes to the food service sector.


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