Industry Associations in Belgium

Algemeen Boerensyndicaat (ABS)

Het Algemeen Boerensyndicaat (ABS) is de tweede grootste landbouworganisatie in Vlaanderen en is in de eerste plaats een syndicaat dat ervoor zorgt dat de belangen van haar leden zo goed mogelijk verdedigd worden.


Belgapom nonprofit association is a recognized association for the Belgian potato trade and processing industry. Its task is to defend the interest of the Belgian seed and consumption potato merchants. is an industry association in Belgium established in 2020, creating a single voice for the potato organisations in Belgium representing different sectors and regions.

Breeders Trust N.V./S.A.

Breeders Trust S.A. is an organisation of seed potato breeding companies in Europe involved in the development of new potato varieties. Breeders Trust supports the implementation and enforcement of their Plant Breeders Rights protection and the prevention of the illegal trade in plant propagation material.

Committee of the European Starch Potato Processors' unions(CESPU )

Representation of the European Starch Processors associations at European level.

EUPPA (European Potato Processors Association)

The EUPPA (European Potato Processors Association) represents the interests of the potato processing industry on a European level.
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Europatat was set up by national organisations to represent the interests of wholesale potato merchants at a European level. 

European Association for Potato Research (EAPR)

The European Association for Potato Research (EAPR) is a scientific platform covering all aspects of the potato chain.

European RUCIP Committee

Through the efforts of the European Union for the Wholesale Trade in Potatoes – now EUROPATAT – professional practices were defined and a simple and efficient procedure for expert assessments and arbitration, known ever since by RUCIP, has been set up.

European Snacks Association (ESA)

The European Snacks Association (ESA) looks after the interests of the European snack food industry.

Fedagrim asbl

FEDAGRIM vzw is the Belgian association of manufacturers and importers active in the domain of agricultural machinery and organizer of Potato Europe in Belgium

Fédération Wallonne de l’Agriculture (FWA)

Fédération Wallonne de l’Agriculture (Walloon Federation of Agriculture) is a farmers organisation representing the interests of the farmers in Wallonia (Belgium) - including the potato farmers.


Fiwap (Filiere wallonne de la pomme de terre) is the potato industry association of the potato growers in Wallonia, Belgium

Interprovinciaal Proefcentrum voor de Aardappelteelt vzw (PCA)

Het Interprovinciaal Proefcentrum voor de Aardappelteelt vzw (PCA) is een vereniging zonder winstoogmerk voor onafhankelijk praktijkonderzoek en voorlichting in de aardappelteelt.

Navefri (Nationaal verbond van frituristen)

The Navefri (Nationaal verbond van Frituristen) or in french Unafri (Union Nationale des Frituristes) is the Belgian association looking after the interest of the traditional Belgian "Frietkoten" or "Frituren". 

Starch Europe

Starch Europe, until October 15, 2014 called AAF (Association des Amidonniers et Féculiers) is the trade association which represents the interests of the European starch industry both at European and international level.

V.V.P. (Vlaams Verbond van Pootgoedtelers)

Association representing the interests of the Flemish growers of seed potatoes

Vlaams Centrum voor Agro- en visserij Marketing (VLAM)

VLAM, Flanders' Agricultural Marketing Board, is a non-profit organisation promoting products and services of the Flemish agriculture, horticulture, fishery and agro-alimentary sector, including potatoes.


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