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Web Conveyors & Elevators
Wyma Web Conveyor & Elevator belts are made with rubber-coated steel bars. Gaps between the bars allow debris or water to fall through the belt, separating it from produce flow.

Potato Processing Line 450 series
Potato Processing line with a washing area, polisher, shake grader. The washing area contains a Destoner when there is a lot of dirt coming along with the produce, destoners are the ideal machines.

Octal Conveyors & Elevators
Wyma’s Octal Conveyors & Elevators transport produce efficiently to different parts of your line.

Gooseneck Bin Filler
Wyma’s Gooseneck Bin Filler gently fills bins with minimal produce drop. The gooseneck outfeed means the distance between the end of the elevator and the bottom of the bin is minimal to avoid produce damage.

Troughed Conveyors & Elevators
Wyma's Troughed Conveyor & Elevator range is suitable for very dirty produce or situations where many stones are mixed with the produce. This range can also be used for high-load applications.

Flo-Pump Transfer System
Flo Mech Pumping systems is designed to gently transfer product from A to B
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Inspection-Trim Conveyor
The Heat and Control Inspection-Trim Conveyor streamlines manual inspection, defect removal, and trimming of potatoes and other vegetables. Featuring an easy-to-clean roller system, it allows inspectors to quickly view all sides of the product, ensuring efficient trimming or discarding of unwanted material with ease.

Box Fillers
Allround box fillers are designed to fill boxes of various sizes in the most product-friendly way possible. The machines are designed in such a way that the fall height is reduced as much as possible.

Medium Potato Line
Medium Potato line is a 25-ton line which has two receiving options. Produce may be received directly from a field harvest truck or via storage bins using an Electric Bin Tipper.

Duo Telescopic Belt
The Allround duo telescopic belt is designed to facilitate the loading and unloading of products in storage facilities. The belts are usually placed behind a space finder or pick-up scooter

roflo® HM 3
The tna roflo® HM 3 is a high-performance food conveyor system that handles products gently, yet efficiently, using a slow, forward horizontal motion, followed by a fast return horizontal motion.

Space Finder
The Allround Space Finder is designed in such a way that bulk stores are filled in the most effective manner. The Space Finder makes sure every inch of the storage facility is used.

Activated Roller Belt
Activated Roller Belt™ (ARB™) technology is a patented, automated conveyance solution that creates new possibilities for system or line layouts. Proven in thousands of installations worldwide, ARB equipment enables efficient, gentle

Roller Conveyors
Wyma’s Roller Conveyors transport boxes, bins or crates so they can be stacked onto pallets.

Box Transport Unit
Allround box transport units are designed to speed up the process of box transport and can be easily added to existing lines. This process provides a logistic advantage by reducing forklift movements.

Series 1750 Flush Grid Belt
The new Intralox® Series 1750 Flush Grid belt takes abrasion resistance to a new level. It is a superior solution for use in the harsh conditions wet (potato) receiving lines.

Vertical Screw Elevator
The Vertical Screw Elevator features a large-diameter, variable-speed auger that efficiently elevates products to peelers or other equipment while simultaneously separating them from rocks and debris.

Creep Feed Hopper
Wyma's Creep Feed Hopper receives, stores, and conveys dirty produce that has a high level of dirt and clods. Wyma's Creep Feed Hopper is a dry hopper. It receives wet or dry produce with a high level of dirt and clods, allows for fast unloading and changeover time without starving your line of produce, and provides produce buffering.